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Everything posted by QTee

  1. I just got off the phone w/ JK & Holly. They would like to thank ya'll for your prayers and thoughts. Arrangements are not 100% finalized, but when they are I will update everyone. Please continue to pray for them.
  2. I have just received word that Holly Rogers mother passed away this morning, after her brave battle with stomach cancer. Holly and JK moved her mother into their home around February of this year when she was diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer. Holly, JK and their two teen aged daughters have been caring for her around the clock. As I am sure most of you know this has been a very hard time for all of them. Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers.
  3. I almost lost my youngest to SIDS in 1996 as well. He was 9 days old, & had falling asleep in my arms while nursing. I was watching the 11pm news, then looked down as a commerical came on at him and he was BLUE! It happens so FAST! My screaming scared him and made him gasp which saved his life! Hubby and I rushed him to Egleston where he spent the next 6 months. All the doctors said we would have lost him to SIDS if I had put him in his crib and not been holding him. Prayers said!
  4. I want to personally Thank you for sharing that. You had me in tears ...sweet tears...cause your father passed knowing and feeling so much Love. That is so truly beautiful!!!! LR, you are such a wonderful spirit! Again Thank You!!! XOXOXO, ~QTee
  5. Just wondering if anyone else it listening to the scanner today? WOW!!! It has been crazy!!! I guess cause it is so pretty outside the nutty ones have even come out to play! Just today in good old Paulding... A guy with a gun pointing it at families, 4 chases,(two with cars, one chase on foot and the dog was brought out, & 1 nit-wit on a four wheeler) kids vandalizing cars in their subdivisions...numerous nit-wits have been taken to jail and the day aint over yet!!!
  6. Very Very Sad. My Prayers are with her family. RIP
  7. I aint got one.....but hubby is off today and has a few of dem! Everything is all good over there... for now...I believe there has been some "house calls" there in the past. With this person "retrieving property" I thinking the problem is solved....ya know?
  8. 46 is standing by while person retrieves property. I heard this go out...I jumped up to look down the street...the Deputy is fine I can see from here.
  9. I did the "*EOW's" here on pcom...for all officers who have died in the line of duty in the U.S. I got a lot of people on here glad that I was doing it....but I got a few emails from people who didnt like the fact that I was doing it and "flooding" pcom with things that did not happen or effect Paulding County. So that I would not be getting any more "Nasty-Grams" I stopped doing them. *EOW= End Of Watch
  10. <----Is a good girl *spit shines her halo* Does 189 know he has a fan club?
  11. My Hubby just called and said there is already about 50 officers from Bibb County, Symrna, Douglas, and Cobb just to name a few,at South Dekalb Mall parking Lot. He also said he thinks this is prolly the safest South DeKalb Mall has ever been.
  12. Friends, family, public officials and police officers from states all over the U.S. are gathering today to honor Eric Barker and Ricky Bryant, the 2 DeKalb County Police Officers who were slain last week. I know that many police agencies are meeting at South DeKalb Mall between 7am and 9 am before driving in a processional down I-20 to New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, near Lithonia. A service for both officers is scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. The church pastor, Bishop Eddie Long, will preside and offer the eulogy; other speakers will include DeKalb Chief Exe
  13. This is what was left of the Chicken Coop. It was taken about 10 minutes into the fire. It went quick!
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