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Couch Recycling

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Everything posted by Couch Recycling

  1. No, I don't work with Mr. Leonard at the recycling center. I started this company myself. Receipts,Junk mail, old papers, and even the boxes that alot of food comes in are recyclable........
  2. No, I cannot accept glass at this time. Sorry........
  3. No, it really doesn't. I do that as I put it in the truck. Let me know if you would like to sign up!
  4. Doug Williams of Deep Green Lighting Solutions,LLC started recycling today! Won't you?
  5. I am proud to announce the new company: Couch Recycling Service! We are a reliable and professional recycling pick-up service. When you sign up for service, you get a FREE green recycling bin! Residential fee for service is $10.00 per month and items are picked up weekly. See our website: CouchRecyclingService.com for more details!
  6. I have seen that same tire also. I need to go pick it up and RECYCLE it! They do have prisoners cleaning up road medians. I saw a group of women prisoners picking up trash just a few days ago. The problem is, they can't get to all of them all the time. This IS a big county...... We as citizens could pitch in and do some of our own picking up,even though we may not have put it there. I call it random acts of kindness towards our own earth. Krystal boxes and beer cans are also RECYCLABLE!
  7. 18 gallons, please visit my profile and/or website for more info. Thank You
  8. All of the information is on our website. That link would be on my profile. Thank you for your interest. Also on the website you may sign up for service by clicking our "contact us" tab. Cristina D
  9. Great, and thank you! Cristina D. It is 18 gallons. All of my contact info is on my profile! Thank you, and have a wonderful day! Cristina D.
  10. I have just joined the Paulding Business Association, and am looking forward to this weeks luncheon on Thursday! Jump 4 Joey is also having a Fall Festival where we will have a booth/tent set up. I can't wait! I love festivals. I also hope to be able to attend the Business Expo in October at Stars & Strikes! Is anyone else out there expected to attend these events?
  11. Dear Mrs. G, I am not a commerce member but would definitely like to become one. My contact info is on my profile.
  12. Thank you pubby and Pcom. I am very excited to join. I understand what you are saying, sir. Are there any discounts for businesses newly liscensed in the the last 30 days?! I definitely would like to become a commerce member in the very near future.......and I hope very much to see you at the Business Expo!!
  13. Hello, We are Couch Recycling Service. We started our business this year because we noticed that there was an extreme need to advocate RECYCLING in this county. The cities or county obviously do not have a funded public program to carry-out the residents' recycling needs. So, if the county can't afford to provide the bins and the labor, Couch Recycling Service will! Our fee is an affordable $10.00 per month, we pick-up weekly, and your green recycling bin is FREE! My family and I are avid recyclers and consider it very important. We have to take care of our Earth, protect and conserve i
  14. CRS just applied for a Georgia Green Loan! I have wrote the rough draft to my business plan, all by myself! Well, I did have the wonderful help of a home-based business plan template. I am so excited! If the loan does through, you will be seeing a lot more of Couch Recycling Service!!!
  15. I've just been wondering if folks are just getting tired of my "Couch Recycling" posts/topics. I think when they see Couch Recycling they automatically ignore it. I'm really serious about this company and have an excellent chance of growing and becoming successful. I've been working every day at it. I wish more people were dedicated to conserving our natural resources and this thing called Earth that we live on. I'm about to start doing it for free. I wonder how many people would sign up then? Is it really about the money or is it just plain 'ol disinterest? Well, AMERICA RECYCLES DAY is com
  16. Couch Recycling

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