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Everything posted by nisibabi54

  1. Both of my sons were accused of being ADHD when they were around 5th grade back in the late '80's when this "condition" was just beginning to get attention. After ready several books and doing research at a place called a "library", I absolutely refused to believe in it. The teachers kept pushing for testing and I pushed back. Thank goodness I had a pediatrician that understood. First, he instructed me to take them off all fast-foods, foods with MSG and high preservatives, anything with red dye, and to watch the sugar intake. Then, he gave me a good base-ball bat bashing about firm parent
  2. Keep it going people! This whole corporate/governmental garden needs a good weeding out and I may be just a small petunia in the onion patch; but I will reap what I sow and hopefully make it easier for others down this hard road!
  3. As the OP of this thread, Iwish to thank you all for your opinions and posted insight. I am not 2 years behind on my mortgage and Iam certainly no slacker. I was only 3months behind when I applied for modification in September. Like most of us, I too am avictim of governmental circumstances which I will not address here. I was earning about $3,000 a month and boughtthis place for $20,000 below its value for the owners had built a house andwere carrying two mortgages. How luckywas that, ‘eh? My payment was $859.00and well within my means. My job couldhave lasted a long time until I r
  4. Everyone already is well aware of why so many people have come across hardships including losing their jobs; therefore, I have no intentions of dumbing-down anyone. Last year, 500,000 people applied for the loan modifications and only 112,000 got them as of the US Treasury stats Dec 2010. 52.9% of applicant were denied. This means, as of right now, the banks control a free and open market. There is a natural ebb and flow to economic change called supply and demand. When this natural law is interfered with, the balance of financial stability is knocked off it's axis. This is about unfair
  5. It's not about suing them to lower my payment, nor is it about being accepted or denied for modification. It's about deception, negligence and unfair treatment. They lose your paperwork or "it stuck together"; they tell you that you have 120 days to get your house listed for short-sale, then they send a foreclosure letter 3 days after they told you you had 120 days. According to the HAMP guidelines, these banks have to accept or deny you within 30 days of application. (It took EMC 5 months and 3 underwriters to make a decision on my file). It also states that once the applicants file
  6. Well, it's super to know that I am not alone in my feelings of frustration! If any of you wish to get together, I would like to have some kind of town-hall meeting because there are lots of people out there that are not on this site that are having a terrible, frustrating time. Anyone who needs support or help can call me. A couple people in Atlanta and I are trying to get a class-action lawsuit going against the "Big 4". There are only two class action lawsuits going right now and obviously, it's not working. It may be later; but it's better than never! Denise 678-267-2422
  7. Like many others across the country, I have received a foreclosure notice even after EMC Mortgage approved me for a short-sale process. They said they won't stop it unless I get a "reasonable offer" (yea, right!). All this after nearly 7 months on the hamster wheel through the modification process. They knew they weren't going to approve it anyway. Anyone else frustrated with these kinds of deceptive practices? A few of us want to form a support group. Thanks for reading!
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