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Everything posted by mrshoward

  1. Don't start crap in my thread.
  2. Unlike you... I have not made any value judgments about what a woman's "best choice" or "next best choice" or "first" reproductive choice should be.
  3. Who the hell are you to decide what any woman's best choice should be ? ? ?
  4. I appreciate your experience, but it is not my experience. Every individual situation and adoptive process is unique... My daughter is a child of God, and her birth was a miracle.
  5. I thank God every day that a beautiful soul made a brave choice.
  6. I shudder at the thought... now you've scared them all away.
  7. I meant to thank you for this comment.... so many overlook this wonderful choice.
  8. Or you could just write a check to support your belief in free aboortzions for the poor: https://secure.ppaction.org/site/Donation2;jsessionid=F75DB7DE8957C797C1FD924EF0E4E7EA.app272a?df_id=11153&11153.donation=form1
  9. My own Mother was single parent with two small children and a low wage job in the 1970's, somehow she managed to visit the county health department and pay a few bucks for pills. I wonder why the idea of personal responsibility has changed so radically since that time... Perhaps it is time to put these drugs over the counter in order to end this ridiculous debate.
  10. It's pretty funny when you realize all of this hoopla is really over the fact that a company who pays it's employees well will not provide free IUD's.
  11. Your body, your choice, and your responsibility. BTW - I have always supported gay marriage. The mods can now close this thread, I'm not interested in a pissing match. I enjoy discussing politics and policy, labels and stereotypes not so much. The mods may close this thread.
  12. I started this thread to discuss the SCOTUS decision... please try to stay on topic.
  13. Please print this form to mail your gift to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. https://secure2.convio.net/ppfa/pdf/PPFA_printableDonationForm.pdf
  14. The starting wage at Hobby Lobby is $9.50 (part time) and $14.00 (full time) : http://www.christianpost.com/news/hobby-lobby-raises-minimum-wage-to-14-for-full-time-employees-94233/
  15. Contraceptive treatment for a diagnosed medical condition is covered. Did ya have that beautiful baby yet ? ? ? I want to see some pictures.
  16. Ummm... the health department does not deny contraception based on your employer. There is nothing stopping any Hobby Lobby employee from obtaining a prescription for those 4 specific types of birth control during her yearly pelvic exam which is covered by insurance. Once again, Plan B is available over the counter at your local pharmacy without a prescription. Not sure what your point is here... were women helpless to prevent pregnancy before 2012 ? ? ?
  17. Hillary forgets to thank Bill for signing the law that made this ruling possible : https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/483755538589556736 #StunningLackOfSelfAwareness
  18. You really need to learn the difference between freedom and force.
  19. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which Senator Hatch and I, and 23 other Senators have introduced, would restore the compelling interest test for evaluating free exercise claims. It would do so by establishing a statutory right that adopts the standards previously, used by the Supreme Court. In essence, the act codifies the requirement for the Government to demonstrate that any law burdening the free exercise of religion is essential to furthering a compelling governmental interest and is the least restrictive means of achieving that interest. The act creates no new rights for any re
  20. "The law stipulates that employers need to provide health care for their employees that covers all forms of contraception at no cost." http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2014/03/24/heres-what-you-need-to-know-about-the-hobby-lobby-case/
  21. Your right to "free" birth control ends at my wallet.
  22. In a stunning lack of self awareness, progressives are now tweeting their outrage under the hash tag #NotMyBossesBusiness.
  23. I can see that you still have not read the decision.
  24. "A federal judge has estimated that a third of Americans are not subject to the requirement that their employers provide coverage for contraceptives." - New York Times
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