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Posts posted by mrshoward

  1. Not sure what that has to do with this poll or Trump's fragile ego, but okay.


    Sometimes it's best to just call a spade a spade and acknowledge what is right in front of your face instead of trying to deflect. They guy can't take criticism. Period.


    In Iran, President Trump sides with those seeking freedom from the totalitarian regime.


    Barack Obama sided with the totalitarian regime.



  2. :D :D :D


    Literally every news organization on both sides is reporting that it happened. So again I will ask if you have info to the contrary of what everyone else is reporting. Obviously I don't work for the White House or the CDC so I have to rely on what is being reported. I would be open to information disputing those reports but I haven't seen any yet.

    I want to believe it's not true because of the absurdity, but at this point I don't put anything past this administration.



    Now pay attention to exactly what they are reporting, not just the sensational headline :






    Where is the proof or evidence that the "Trump administration banned words at the CDC" ? ? ?


    I read numerous reports on this story and cannot find anything that supports the above claim...




  3. Do you have proof that it's fake news?


    That's not how this works... the onus is on the one making the claim to provide proof of veracity.


    Where is the evidence that the Trump administration banned the CDC from using those words ? ? ?


    "A wise man once said that you should never believe a thing simply because you want to believe it."






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