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Everything posted by dlstout

  1. The letter is an attempt to clear the situation up. OMG hit the nail on the head. Politics can be a mean business. I know that, and I don't it against anyone personally... It's just what happens. I do think it hurts our community in general for every (not just me) candidate to have his/her mistakes published for political gain. We've all done stupid things. When you run for public office you risk the possibility of your opponents trying to define you by those stupid things. I think of Reagan with his divorce, Bush with his drinking, etc... I appreciate Kelly's desire to se
  2. Lemme clear this up a bit. Yes, Ron Davis is a supporter of mine... and a good friend. However, I was not at all involved in the writing or publishing of this blog post. As a matter of fact, when I read it I asked him to go back and tone it down because there were some things said which I thought were not necessary. But I did not have ANYTHING to do with the content to that point. I have been encouraging all of my supporters to stay issues focused and positive this whole campaign. I have turned down several opportunities to go really, really personal / negative when people
  3. My answer to the four issues listed in the mailer I just received at my house... 1. I did admit to my horrible action as a teenager. I didn't and don't make any excuses for myself. I admitted it to my ex-wife immediately and sought her forgiveness. I have received her forgiveness, and have a good relationship with her, and my daughter. The insinuation that I have not changed my ways is not accurate at all. That mistake is one that I have not come close to making again, and I have been absolutely faithful to Kelly. 2. I missed one day because the FDIC was coming to do a routine, bi
  4. Yet another opportunity to clarify some mis-information! I've been getting a lot of these opportunities lately. So, here is the scoop... 1. I paid for the mail from my personal funds. The bill was $5,679.99. Elected officials have a budget with which we are supposed to communicate with our districts. The budget is around $7,000 for a typical Representative. Chairmen get more allowance for postage etc. In order for a mailing to qualify for reimbursement it must be sent to citizens regardless of their political affiliation. This mail was sent to Democrats and Republicans. I don't
  5. There was absolutely no arm twisting done during the session by anyone who was at the event. Just want to make that clear. - :-)
  6. Education Town Hall Hosted by Representative Daniel Stout Monday June 7, 6-8 PM @ Stars & Strikes Pizza and Coke Provided An opportunity for parents and teachers to share theirthoughts and ideas about education in Paulding. Let your voice be heard!
  7. Just a quick clarification for those of you who care... - My campaign in the special election was about Transparency, Accessibility, and Accountability. - I said I would vote for smaller government, lower taxes, 2nd amendment rights, and defend life for all Georgians. - I held to those commitments during my term, voting against the several tax increases brought before the house, voting against bigger government, and voting for and helping pass 2nd amendment legislation. The "Pro-Life issue" did not come before the House. - I provided a clear picture the issues I would support, the vote
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