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About Subby

  • Rank
    a.k.a. Subby Enterprises
  • Birthday 05/18/1965

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  • Place of Residence
    Hiram City

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  1. Present and accounted for....just home from Kennesaw at a gig....couldn't wait to get home and crack open a cold one!! I'm probably too late too, aint I?
  2. Yall have a good night's sleep! This boy's oughta here!
  3. Glad to hear you did!!! And thanks too....hope you're doing well. We could always hook up a nice night of poker, ya know!! Or whatever.
  4. 17 hits and no replies.....I reckon I oughta just get me a snack and take in some Science channel...or History, or all those things I love now that I harbored so much disdain for in my high school days. edited to remove the obvious TUI typos.
  5. So, who are you? Who am I? These are the questions that will plague mankind for ages to come.....ages, perhaps, that it unless you subscribe to a different theory....ok...wait....I digress. I swear there was a point to this thread, and I'll be dogged if it didn't just take flight elsewhere, leaving me all alone and looking like a total D.S. Perhaps someone with a MUCH higher IQ than my own could drum up something to YAP ABOUT!!!! (what a waste of cyberspace this turned out to be)....this thread, of course. Personally, my Hump Day turned out to be rather nice...and unexpec
  6. I know LOTS of people who went from 70-80k a year into the $330 a week UE. It's nothing new. It's everywhere!
  7. I have about 3 older HomeLites I am rebuilding, so if anyone is interested in getting a GREAT deal on a gas trimmer for next year, this is your time to save some bucks by buying one now. I have all the necessary parts to get them all in tip top shape, and they will probably ALL go for $50 a shot. You aint gonna find a better deal anywhere. Only catch is this---they are gonna sit there until someone orders one, then I will have it rebuilt within about 2 days. They are basic Homelite older models, only rebuilt with the finest materials available. You are more than welcome to drop by and pick out
  8. Thanks, but I'm sticking to my XP-PRO until something comes along I trust and can navigate better.
  9. See there...we DO have some things in common!!! Namely, INSIGHT!!
  10. This is one of those rare nights, so I thought it in my best interest for everyone involved to re-log in as the goofball you all know to be a .......well........a goofball. Cool.....now, I have inoculated myself!
  11. I just love Fridays!!! Don't yall? I reckon a lot of yall are heading to the football games, eh? I aint, but the rest of my family is. I'm staying here and playing in my gas, grease, and oil. Yippey Kiyay!!!! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend, and I hope to see some of you at Paulding Meadows tomorrow evening. My band starts playing at 5:00.
  12. Me too.....small and pert, large and soft, basically all female breasts are what men work for every day. (I also like chicken breasts...but that's for eating)
  13. Back when I was a kid it was called "Red Medicine"...packed full of Codeine .......the real stuff. Splains a lot about my generation!
  14. When we were kids, NyQuil was our friend back then! We were SCREWED without it!
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