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Posts posted by cherokeewoman

  1. Melissa Morrison, welcome to Paulding.com... most running for office won't come on here... this shows intregrety and honesty, and a tough side... we need good honest people running for office... people who are not afraid to stand up and fight for what is wrong, you have been doing this for years... best of luck to you, we need more people like you running for office.

    • Like 3
  2. I lost mine 41 years ago, wow, time goes by so fast, I was my Daddy's girl and I always say wow, he would have loved my kids,

    then he would have loved my grandkids, and I still remember good times with him.... things he taught me to do, things we did together,,,, cherish the memories, he will be forever in your heart, my Dad and Mom both are.

  3. I believe the Morrisons are just trying to make the developer do what they were suppose to do within the confines of the law..and the zoning laws and agrements... One during that time was never enforced... whatever the developer did was ok... it did not matter, no matter if it was written... the developer could do what he wanted void the zoning laws and it was ok and nothing was done about it.

    Surepip had the backbone to fight it, and he has been fighting it for years... I believe he is in the right and if the county was not in the wrong they would have already settled this.... they are just trying to make him give out of money and quit, but I know my Surepip, he is in the fight to the end.... if we had to get up a collection or a funderraiser for him, most would back him...The county did not do what they should have done to enforce the laws of the development, they let the develper have a free reign as they always did... I made calls weekly about the development in my area, they would come out and the only thing we got was a few leland cypress... They did nothing when the developer drained a pond into a small creek..

    even when we had it on tape... they did nothing about the grading and the 70ft banks that caused run off onto our property.

    They did nothing when they had cut down trees too close to the creek.. We did not have the resourses to fight this, but Surepip did, and I am glad that someone could make a stand... The things that were done wrong duing this building era and commisioners era were bad... the deveopers had control and they did not care, all they saw were dollar signs and I hope all of them are now in a food line somewhere. It was a corrupt group that ran the county and it was a corrupt group of developers, I hope they all get their just deserve.

    This should have been settled a long time ago...I know Surepip, if he was not in the right, he would have never started this.

    At one time he was a beliver in the Sheridan reign, but he like a lot of others saw the light.... I tried to tell the years ago, but was blasted, all saw the light eventually... Hopefully Austin, who we voted in will see to it that this past errors and resolved.... I think we should all email him and ask him about this, I am sure he will be wanting to run again.

  4. You should be disgusted, this should have been your day in court... How much money does the county want to waste to say they were wrong? What a crock, we all know what went on then with developments, the developers had free reign with a welcome from the county.... they destroyed land, went over their limits, and did no go by zoning restrictions.... I hope you burn them for all of us.....


    Sorry, I am too angry to post much.


    We spent 8 hours in court today to sit there and have the Holland & Knight Lawyers try to nit-pik every part of our attorneys bills for his work in our cases over the past 5 years.


    They basically spent another $100,000 of your tax payer money to try to reduce the bills by $10,000.


    And, they spent the day re-arguing and citing case law which has already been denied and squashed by the judge.


    But at the end of the day, they got concessions for another 10 days to provide cases supporting their arguments, and then we will have to wait for another couple of months while the judge reviews it all.


    But, they will be able to flush another $150,000 to $250,000 from the Paulding BOC to their Political Action Committees to various other PACs and candidates that can then send the money back to local Paulding politicians.


    We have traced $300,000 from 2006 to now of which we can show $150,000 to Paulding politicans. How much more is out there ?


    For those interested, Paulette Rakestraw Braddock even got $25,000+ the end of October/early November from State Reps and PACs you have never heard of who got more or equal to what they gave from Holland & Knight in the 30 to 90 days before hand.


    Your tax payer money, to Holland & Knight, to their PAC, to various politicians and other PACS, to Paulette.


    Nice scam isn't it ?


    Our system is broken. And this is a classic case to show how broken it is.


    The International Poultry Exposition opened this morning at the World Congress Center with 25,000 visitors, and for the first time since 1976 I had to sit and literally twiddle my thumbs sitting in a courtroom needlessly instead of greeting my customers from around the world at the congress center. And I left the Paulding County Courthouse with NOTHING, and knowing I have to sit and wait another 1, 2, 3 or 8 months waiting for a ruling on what we are to be paid.


    Our legal system is broken, and I am beginning to think it is broken beyond repair. I hope I get to live long enough to be able to spend the money the BOC will have to pay us. It has been 4 years and 8 months since we entered suit, and it has been 8-1/2 years since this fiasco started. We have expended our kids college funds, our IRAs and 401ks, all our stocks, all of our savings, and have put ourselves in hock for everything we can. And to date we have nothing to show for all we have spent.


    Is our legal system broken ? You tell me.


    By the way, the Paulding County Tax Payer part of this fiasco is approaching $1,300,000. Just so they can protect one of their developer buddies who has paid nothing. His insurance company provided his legal defense.


    We now have to wait while the opposition has 10 days to provide cited cases to support their position of why our attorney's fees are out of line, and then somewhere between 1 and 8 months, based on previous rulings, before we get a new ruling, based on the ruling we got November 18th from the oral arguments presented on March 17th 2010.


    And the Good Old Boys of Paulding County continue to get their way.


    Yeah, I am disgusted. Can you blame me ?

  5. Surepip, I hope the best for you... you fought the fight a lot of us would have liked to.... Things were done wrong during development in those days, the developers thought they had the rights of God.... and the county did nothing to say they were doing anything wrong.... creeks were ruined/ all over the county.... a developer pumped out a spring fed pond into a small creek behind our home, we had video, but no reslove... the development behind us god hope for some of the land owners... the homes were made on man made plots they moved dirt packed, moved dirt packed/ to make a home plot on land I never thought could be developed - but it was ok with the officials.... some day some of these home owners are gonn wake up to land settling and cracks in basements and slabs.... but the county said it was ok to build up a 75 foot slope, that runs on our land.... we had to accept defeat. I battled with zoning officials, all officials for a year or two... did no good... a few leland cypress got planted..I am glad that someone could battle the injustice and the poor overlook of the inspections.

    We could not afford to go the route you did, I am glad you could and I pray that you win what is deserved...

    This case should have been settled years ago... you knew while Sheridan was in it would continue, but now, it shold be settled. I praise you on all of us homeowners that could not do what you did and hope the best for your settlement....

    I can remember when you posted the consessions you had gotten from the developer..... I was so jealous.... since I prostested this development to hell in back and recieved just a few leland cypress from an area they clear cut that they should not have.... I was not like by the zoning office..

  6. Thanks to all of you. Again, none of us could do this without a word of thanks or encouragement every once in a while.


    While others are working to promote their own family's financial future and chose NOT to serve or CANNOT, some people are stepping up to serve and help others' children as well as our community. I am with my children today unexpectedly also and I am going to appreciate every minute of it before they are adults.


    THAT is why I chose to be a parent. That should always come before $$$$$. God blessed me with them and He will provide for us.


    I for one was glad of your post last night, kind of surprised, no one had ever talked about with parents the thoughts of a delay of school, so that was a surprise, usually Paulding County waits till the last minute in the am to decide to close or not..... so most parents saw this on the news made accomodations... for this situation, made plans to go in late, etc... I in my common sense knew the buses would not run by the delayed time, there were stranded cars in the middle of our road last night.... how could a bus get thru? This I am sure was all over the county...


    Yes parenting for most does come before money, but in this day and time, not all are as lucky as you... assuming your finances are great right before Christmas, or that you have an understanding boss that will allow you freely to take a day off because your child is out of school unexpected at 10am in the morning after you told them you would just be in late... Not all parents are so lucky it is not money before parenting, it is money to put food on the table, to pay the electric bill, and hopefully not loose a well needed job... so don't bash the parents that can't serve, because they have to work... you seem to be blessed to do what you do and work, not all are...

    Be thankful for that... not many can do what you seem to do, so don't bash the ones that need their jobs to make ends meet... You always do well letting us know what is going on, but don't judge parents by your standards, you are obviously much better off than most....

    Parents in this economic time are doing the best they can by their families, just feel blessed that you are in a good situation, that you can take the day and don't have to worry about loosing your job.... don't judge.....

    My kids were lucky cause they could just drop the grandkids by my house this morning, but not all had that luck.

    • Like 1
  7. I took the early voting route, and voted at Mt Tabor, I was in and out at 10 minutes... people need to pay more attention to these early voting places.... you have this right - they go for a week before the elections, if you take adavantage of it or not is also your right....

    Each election you are offered early voting rights, you just need to take advantage...

  8. Animal - where have you been?this is your season and you have not been a part of it. Besides I miss you .

    Animal, thanks, I miss you too... thaknks for remembering me... you just have not come out of your cave too much..... We have had some good discussions and bashes over the years have we not? I have been on off and on.... what you want to argue about? Surely we can't be in agreement?

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