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R. U. Serious?

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Posts posted by R. U. Serious?

  1. No its not dirty.... Adult workshops are available at the Dallas Cultural Arts!

    Choose from-


    Acting: Audition Techniques & Improv Troop

    Language: Spanish 101 & English for Spanish speakers

    Art: Oil Painting 101 & Ceramics 101

    Music: Community Chorus & *School of Rock (all ages welcome--divided into age appropriate groups)

    Photography: How to Use Your Digital Camera & Photography 101


    Workshops begin when 4 people register-- so put your name in for as many as you'd like and will call you when we're ready to start.

    No cost to register! Call for Workshop schedules, times, number of sessions & prices.

    Many already have 2 to 3 people interested, you could be the one to start the Workshop!

    Older teens welcome!


    Give us a call or drop by!


    Have you got enough for the photo class ? Mrs G and I would like to take this. I will give you a call next week to see if the class is still on.







  2. My car has issues with the gas gauge also......when it gets down to about 1/2 a tank, the gas gauge goes wacko, it starts bouncing back and forth. I know I can get 310 miles to a tank of gas so, I pretty much fill up between 280-300 miles.


    Mrs G

  3. Unfreakingbelievable. What about those that have been unemployed longer and can't afford healh ins? Or those who can't qualify for government assisted health programs for one reason or another? :angry2:



    Why are you angry about her post? She is only trying to help. You could always contact Walgreens and complain to them.

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