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Posts posted by cookiemonstersmommy

  1. Oldest son, now 10 yrs, was die hard on the bottle. 16 months before we broke him of it and it was a battle hard fought. Stick to your guns. My son, affectionately called jfussbucket, went an entire week of crying fits before breaking down and accepting the sippy cup. I thought I was gonna die. I had even gone out and bought another bottle to keep in the reserves "just in case". Wosrt week of parenting yet.


    Second son The Cookiemonster Himself, was 6 months when we broke the bottle. He was nursed at home anyway and we had the Avent bottles, but also has the peices to change it into a sippy cup. It took him some getting used to, but he was more willing to try. Still, we also broke him of pacifiers around the same time and that was a week of h-e-double hockey stix too.


    Once you pick your battle, stick to it ;)


    Be strong !! This too shall pass.

  2. I'm pretty sure GA's pre-k is all through bright from the start and you can get more info @ georgia.gov.

    Good Luck !


    I have a VERY active 4 yr old (THE cookiemonster himself) and he has already been disenrolled from 2 private daycare's because he is just too much to handle. Even I have days that can't end soon enough and he is just as loving as challenging.


    Anyway, I've asked the county to test him for behavior/emotional disorders because he can be amazingly impulsive and rough. I'm afraid he's going to get hurt or hurt someone else in pre-k this upcoming year. If the county does not qualify him for pre-k for special needs, then I'll see where they can suggest enrollement. One way or another, my lovely boy MUST get ready for school.


  3. OMG !!! People are just CRAZY !!!!! I'm glad you're okay!!!!! I had a smilar mishap the same place about a year ago. I hope the police or somebody catches this crazy fool !!!! :angry2:



    Thanks for caring. Yeah, I hope he is caught too. If you come across a truck of this nature and he has front passenger side damage to the grill, bumper and I imagine the headlight, look also for black paint. If I find him, I'm flattening his tires and calling the cops.

  4. Hey neighbors. I would really appreciate your help getting this fool off the street. Here's my side of it.


    I was driving from Dallas to Marietta on Friday evening, not much before 8pm. The car in front of me put on their signal to make a right turn into a neighborhood off Barrett just after the Publix supermarket. I slowed and as the vehicle in front made the turn, a Red Chevy 4x4 w/ the lift package and on knobby mudding tires slammed into the back of my black wagon. I've had a splitting headache, but luckily I was not seriously injured and my 2 kids were not in the car at the time.


    The driver of the 4x4 truck sped off and I gave chase but after reaching speeds of 90+ and watching this guy blow through the red light and make a left onto Burnt Hickory, mind you with Burnt Hickory traffic already crossing Barrett at that point, I stopped the chase. It was painfully clear that he was not going to stop even if he killed someone.


    I filed a police report of course, but I'm still feeling a lot of emotion (and headache) over the whole thing. This truck would stick out, even in Paulding county. I've seen this guy in my neighborhood before and there are some details I hope all y'all will be on the lookout for.


    Full size, Red Chevy p/u on lifts w/ knobby tires made for off roading. Late 80's to mid 1990's model. This was not a brand new truck. From the look of the tires, this guy does a lot of off roading and they were still muddy. I remember there being an "8" or "B" in the tag and maybe a Z.


    The kicker is I just got the car out of the shop less than an hour before this for a mechanical problem. Hahaha.


    Seriously, I'll post some pics of the damage later when I can figure out how to download them. The incident occured in Cobb, and I beleive this was a Cobb tag on the truck, but like me I know a lot of your drive through Cobb everyday and I would sure appreciate any other eyes watching for this fool (only pc 4 letter word comnig to mind @ present) and help me get him off the road.


    You know, had I been driving my compact car, I doubt I would be writing this post right now. My angel must have been working overtime on Friday.

  5. Consider a tutor. Seriously. I did for my 10 yr old and for the first time in his life he is reading. The tutor has made him feel like a winner who is capable and smart and I'm number one w/ my son again.


    Bring in a professional :)


    I found a tutor through a private school for very affordable too. Seek and you will find help.

  6. Consider a tutor. Seriously. I did for my 10 yr old and for the first time in his life he is reading. The tutor has made him feel like a winner who is capable and smart and I'm number one w/ my son again.


    Bring in a professional :)


    I found a tutor through a private school for very affordable too. Seek and you will find help.

  7. 94.9 Change formats mid-way through the day. Christmas music this morning. Country at Noon!!!


    STRANGE..No warning at all... :wacko:


    No kidding. I'm really bummed. I loved the christmas music and 94.9 was the only place to get a goo selection.

  8. Ok, I've rushed through reading the last 3 pages and I just want to say that I'm about to throw out a ton of stuff my hubby could wear when we first got married, but since joining the "married diet" about 6 yrs ago, he can't wear and doesn't plan on needing. Lot's of size Large shirts, some sweaters, tee shirts etc. The pants I have are like size 34 - 36 waist, so that probably won't work.


    I've also got some ladies clothes still around. What size is the Mama? Maybe I can give her some of my stuff that I'm not wearing anymore and that can help her too? Someone PM me and let me know if there is anything that I can do. I could drop some stuff off @ Craig Hatch Insurance up the road on Monday if that's OK?



  9. The Aunt needs to have her head examined, her butt wooped, and some kind of charges brought against her! How stupid are you to send two children to the bathroom together?



    I know plenty of mom's, working mom's and stay at home mom's alike that would consider letter 2 young children go off to the bathroom of a small store. Granted, I'm an absolute control freak that won't even let my 10 yr old out of my sight, but that's just me. When I was a kid (not that long ago), I rode the city bus to the mall w/ my friends and as long as I was home by dinner time, my parents didn't really give a hoot where their street smart city kid went. Now being a parent myself, I have a different view of the world. What happened to this child was inexcusable, but it's not like the aunt stamped a big old sign on her neices back that said "MOLEST ME PLEASE".


    Think about this though. How f***-up is it that you can't let potty trained and fully present of mind child use a restroom without her being sodomized.

  10. A sad situation for all. I wonder all the time what would happen if my hubby or I were in a serious wreck. Neither of us have a published phone number and his family is out of state.


    Prayers that the family can find forgiveness for their son and for the people that were with him until their sons life ended.

  11. WOW..that is right there at the Cobb police station. How did that happen? Some speed demon in a hurry to get to work?



    I resemble that remark.


    It looked terrible. I sat in traffic for this wreck. Life flight was still in the middle of Dallas Hwy @ 7:30 something AM when I passed. Looks like a motor cycle cop and a town and county minivan met in the road. Yes, this is right in front of the poilice station. I called Kicks 101.5 to let them know what I had seen and report the traffic delay.


    I was not there when the wreck happened, but the motor cycle loosely resembled a cobb county motor bike. There were just hunks of bike everywhere. There were no less then a helf dozen poilice on the scene and more inroute when I made it onto Midway rd. Dallas Hwy was unpassable @ the intersection and lots of people were turning around in the median coming from Dallas to Marietta.


    My 4 yr old (The Cookiemonster) had a lot to say about what he saw there and had a hard time letting go of me once we made it to the sitters house.


    Prayers for all involved.

  12. Check out Target. I bought a crock pot w/o the digital features for a friend as a wedding gift. It had a travel cover and locking lid for under $20. The size was awesome, 6 qt. If Target had another in stock, it would have been mine. My crock has finally frayed @ the cord from 6 years of diligent use.


    I hope you find a great crock pot. Also check out CPSC for recalls. You want to make sure your appliances are safe.


    Once you've found you new crock, here is a recipe for some awesome apple butter.


    Apple Butter


    7-8 lbs apples. Peel, core and slice thin.

    3 teaspoons Pumpkin pie spices (more or less to taste)

    1 cup table sugar or equivelent

    3 teaspoons brown sugar

    1 teaspoon lemon juice

    1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


    Place apples in crock. Mix sugar and spice. Toss with apples. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Place crock on medium-low or low setting for 18 hours, stiring occasionally. After 6 hours, use a potato masher and mash apples to small lumps. Stir in the vanilla. After 10 hours, taste occasionally and use more sugar to sweeten to taste. Have canning jars clean and ready. Once apple butter has acheived a deep brown color and rich taste, spoon into canning jars while still hot and carefully and evenly turn down lids until resistance is met. Let jars rest on the counter while cooling.



  13. That's really neat. I went to Longhorns in West Cobb last December w/ hubby and kids and Longhorns had a Christmas tree set up w/ childrens names and an item that is on their wish list hung in the tree on a card.


    Donated gifts were wraped and placed under the tree and the card with childs name was attached to the gift. I found a child asking for gift cards and I happened to have won a few in a drawing at work, so I attached them to the card and placed them under the tree. It really doesn't get easier than that.


    Could something like this be done for the kids as well? Are their local businesses that would be willing to put a tree in a prominent place and take in gift collections?

  14. On my way to work and back, I see too many little fender benders left in the travel lanes and felt obligated to share this info with everyone. Occasionally, I've seen some pretty bad accidents occur because of vehicles in the travel lane. Anyway, the life you save may be yours so take care out there and remember this.


    You can find this information @ www.georgianavigator.com also.


    "Steer It & Clear It! Georgia law requires motorists who have been involved in an accident to move their vehicles out of the flow of traffic. Accidents on the freeway cause tremendous delays to thousands of motorists. In most cases, vehicles can be moved to the shoulder or a nearby accident investigation site where motorists can wait safely for police to arrive.


    The two exceptions to this law are: 1) if there are significant injuries and 2) if the vehicle(s) cannot be moved due to excessive damage. Only then can the vehicle stay in the lanes.


    Not everyone is aware of this law because they come from other states with different laws. However, insurance companies licensed in Georgia are well aware of the Steer It & Clear It Law, and cannot be cited as a reason for leaving a vehicle in the travel lane. Motorists who fail to move their vehicle (noting the two exceptions above) will be ticketed.


    If you are in an accident on the freeway, do your part for incident management and move to the shoulder. Thousands of other drivers will thank you.


    FYI: This law was modified in 2004 to apply to all public roads in the state."

  15. Yeah ! This is great. I have been growing my hair out for the same cause for years. It's just now past my shoulders. I'm so glad you did this though. God knows there is someone out there who is going to get a touch of "normal" back in their life because of your selfless act.


    BTW, my son ties beauty to the length of my hair too. Must be a son thing. :lol:

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