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Posts posted by cookiemonstersmommy

  1. :o My neck of the woods is the beaten path. Hwy 278 and Old Harris Rd..




    There is a large Kroger center going in just up the way (61 @ 278) behind the QT (I'm hopefully for a good national chain resturant/sports bar) .. My neighborhood (1/2 finished w/ more than 200 homes when complete) plus the apartments and a daycare all using 1 entrance/exit? Where is the city planner? Who is responsible for signing off on a signal light ?

    We need a light because that intersection is dangerous enough w/o the added shopping traffic to come.


    Can someone please tell me why the new condo/townhouse community in Hiram (120 after Bobo Rd.) is getting a light and my neighborhood hasn't ? Once that light is operational, there will be 4 signal lights w/ in 1 mi between the Hardy dealership and 278. :o

  2. It's political.


    More than once (in an adjacent school system) I saw this policy used to weed out kids who were on the fringe .. kids who had been in trouble before but were trying to turn themselves around. It's hard to do when you can't change school districts just because you try to change, or learn a new attitude or way of living (12 steppers call this new playmates/new playgrounds).


    So when a student who has a bone to pick, and a lot less to lose, jumps the aforementioned "fringe" kid, it's the last straw for the guy w/ the poor history and the school system does not have to "deal" w/ him in the normal school setting anymore. The kid w/ a lot less to lose is willing to take the couple day suspension in stride knowing that it's just a mark on the record..


    Depending on what the circumstance, if the kid getting jumped has any legal issues (probation) he will be off to juvi, as suspension is a violation of probation. Then he is more than likely in for the alternative school setting, if he is allowed back. Sound fair?


    In short, it's bolongna, and I ain't talking about Oscar Meyer.


    Of course, I can only speak of my own opinion, but I think that the "zero tolerance" is the nemesis of no child left behind.

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