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Posts posted by PsychoMom

  1. Get rid of the objective. They know you are looking for a job, so that is unnecessary information. You will apply for jobs in your field, so they don't need to know that. And DEFINITELY get rid of the health info. They will toss your resume without a second thought. They see that and think "sick days" or "slow on the job" or "unable to do the job".


    Get to the interview, and if the job is not something you can physically do, then just be upfront and tell them. Otherwise, it is none of their business and will limit your job prospects.


    Trust me on this one. Do not ever share anything in a resume that will make them think you are not the most utmost qualified person. You will never get the interview. Do not mention children, illnesses, pets, spouses, religion, anything like that. You open the door and they can ask anything about it. You don't open the door and it is off limits in the interview.

  2. I hate to hear this! If this is near the swimming hole, I am familiar with the area and local pedophiles have used the area to find new victims, probably because it is more of a hidden area and not closely supervised. Not sure if this is connected to this attack. Just making a connection to the area for myself.


    Silver Comet Trail needs to be monitored more closely to make it safe for all.

  3. Dogs:

    Punkin was found on a bridge over Pumpkinvine Creek in October (14 years ago).

    Mac (Big Mac) was rescued from the shelter in Polk county after I found him behind McDonald's in Rockmart. I couldn't coax him into the car the first time I saw him. I went back and they had trapped him, so I had to go get him.

    Annie isn't our dog, but we are caring for her because her owner is in a nursing home (we've had her 3 years now, lol). She was rescued from Cobb shelter and named after Little Orphan Annie.

    Copper is my son's dog, who we now seem to own too. He was named after the dog in The Fox and the Hound.


    Roxy, I have no idea. My daughter named her. She is solid black. Our last black cat was named Snowball for the irony of it.

    Gizmo, because my husband said he looked like a Gremlin with his big eyes.

  4. I can relate. :D But I like some of the applications - MyFarm and Hatchlings are my faves.


    Are you in the P.com group, or is that part of the deep dark secret? ;)

    PCom group? Point me to it! I'll jump in.

  5. I have had it for a few weeks. Mostly feeling better, but I can''t shake that irritated cough and the sneezing. :cray: And of course, when you are a 40+yo woman, coughing and sneezing has other unpleasant side effects. :blink: Yeah. I'll be glad when this goes away! :pardon:

  6. That is a good healthy outlook, of course. You shouldn't be an a relationship without trust. But what about doubt? Or Jealousy? What if you for some reason don't like the Friend of your spouse? Do you impose your will?


    There was a woman who kept needing his help for this or that. He is always helping everyone, but she got to the point where it was nearly a daily thing. I drew the line when she asked him to spend time with her son because he needed a father figure in his life. He had a grandfather and uncles close by. I told him he needed to back off, she was crossing a line. He was pissed at first because I was being 'ridiculous', but then he started having more time at home and he realized how much he had been helping her out.


    Is she still around? Yeah, but not to that level. She was a single mom who saw a safe, stable man willing to help her out. She just pushed too much and I am not an idiot! She worked for him and was a valuable employee, so I didn't push to get her completely gone. Of course, I should add my son and nephew also worked with him, so I knew nothing was going on. And, I'm not even sure she is interested in men. But when they are encroaching on family time that much, they gotta go!


    Trusting someone doesn't mean being stupid. It means you have to trust your partner to not cross the line, even if it is offered. That is what I trust. But I am not going to encourage him to be around someone who is going to offer if I can help it.

  7. I do have single friends. I usually do not go out with my male friends, unless we are at work and it is lunch time. I have been out with a group of people, male and female, for entire weekends. My husband still trusts me. He knows that I am not going to ruin our relationship over someone passing through.


    I used to have a real problem with my husband having female friends, but then I realized I either trust him or I don't. He would sometimes go to lunch with female coworkers/employees. Depending on the schedule, other people did or didn't go. He comes home every night. His door is always open at work, so I can walk in whenever I want. I trust him. He trusts me.


    It's all about your own sense of security in a relationship. The more secure you are as an individual, the more secure you can be about your relationships.

  8. Thanks for the input. I knew it felt comfortable there. I have just spent a lot of time in an agency where they treat the patients and the employees like they are nothing important and more trouble than they are worth. My friends who are still there are miserable. I just don't want to fall back into that disaster. I want to wake up eager to go to work and knowing I am appreciated for doing my job well.

  9. I bid on Priceline and got to stay at the Hyatt Regency on the river for $60/night. Don't forget you have to pay for parking too there and at some other hotels.


    You just put in the number of stars you want and the area you want and your bid. You need to make sure it is a decent bid and the area you want if you do it, because once you bid, it is done! I have used priceline more than once and been very pleased.

  10. So far, so good. I hope I get an offer soon. I felt good vibes from them.


    Tried to start another job last week. I had such a bad feeling about them that I just couldn't do it. It was really good money, but I felt it would be a disaster. I left Tanner feeling positive. I consider that a good sign.


    I want and need a job badly, but I don't want to end up in another disaster zone.

  11. I liked helping with the parts. :D And yes, you shouldn't complain about him working so much since he has business coming in. That's a tough business because so much of it depends on construction and manufacturing, two industries that aren't doing well at the present time. Glad we got out of it in the early 1990s. It wasn't unusual for my hubby to work 16 hours a day, 7 days a week when we had the shop. Then there were times when there was no work in there.

    Oh, I don't complain, but I don't love it. LOL! He loves every minute of it. He would hate my type of work though. He started his first one in the early 1990s. When he and his partner split the company in 2004, we got to start over again. We are getting through by the skin of our teeth. It is harder now that I am unemployed. Learning to budget tight and do without.


    And last night, he worked until about 4am. Up and gone again by 8am. All the time. But it is what he enjoys doing, so I've learned to live with it. Dinner is whenever he gets in the door. Ah! The life of the self-employed.

  12. Oooh. Oooh. Now I know why I have always liked your posts. ;) Hubby has been a machinist for <cough> years, too. I, myself, have run a few machines in my day ....well, after my hubby got the machine set up to do the work. I don't do math very well.


    And on that note, don't laugh, but I do taxes and accounting for pay, among a multitude of other things since we own our own business, too.


    My husband is a machinist. He has his own business. He recently moved it into the backyard. Thought he would work less. WRONG! I shouldn't complain, at least he has business coming in. Not a lot of work, but enough to keep the doors open and pay a few bills. He did have to lay off his employees to survive though. I now get to help him with parts sometimes. Fun, fun. NOT! LOL!


    I am a counselor. I am currently an unemployed counselor. I worked for a state run agency that had a major budget cut. I am toying with private practice, but that takes money too. No money to live on means no money to spend on starting something new. I do have a couple of interviews coming up, so maybe I am heading back to work.

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