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Posts posted by pleasingzeus

  1. For those of you who went back to college late in life......



    I have recently been thinking of picking up where I left off in college (although changing the major) Worst case scenario I could finish in 3 semesters......I was already a "non-traditional" student when I was in college (married with 2 kids) but for some reason am very anxious about the idea of starting over now (35 soon). When I dopped out my husband was out of town for work a lot and my children were much younger and having some health issues....and I thought I would lay off a semester or two and go back....well now it's been almost 10 years and I never picked it back up....in part though I think that I didn't really have a love for accounting (which was my major) and it was not something I missed.


    Lately though I have thought about returning and majoring in Psych......I always enjoyed those types of classes and have almost as many credit hours. On one hand I think I would never regret any education I DO get...but on the other it is not necessarily something I "have" to do......not sure that I would pursue a career but I so enjoy learning......career wise I know that I couldn't do much with a psych degree unless I took it all the way to PhD.....I am just torn because I feel that it may be selfish on my part if I do not intend on using it for monetary gain. I do not want to take away from my husband's retirement or my kids college education.

    Which is one of my fears.


    Totally torn..... :wacko:


    thoughts anyone?? <_<



  2. Sissy still needs a good home.....again she is spayed, chipped (so she can be tracked if lost) about a year and half old part Jack Russel.....Brown in color, slight underbite (very cute) her owner's will be taking her to the shelter this week if we can not find a home. So please if you know of anyone who is looking for a great animal that loves kids and is housebroken, not agressive towards other animals etc please pass it along.


    She has adapted well to the rules in our home and would be a great dog for someone...with 5 other animals we just can not keep her long term. Her owner's have asked posted flyers and such but just basing things on pictures without meeting her has had little results.....I hate to see her go to a shelter but we can not foster her forever and I think it is more confusing for her with her seeing her owners on a regular basis she isn't sure where she lives or what is going on.


    So if you think of anyone who might possibly be interested please please let me know.

  3. If you read this bill it is one that will set a dangerous precedent. Enacting breed specific laws is dangerous thing, I feel. I do not own a pit bull (I have a big 4 and 1/2 pound pomeranian) but I think that we as a reponsible populace ought to carefully read these laws presented for legislation. Isn't that one of the things Hitler did.....have "breed" specific laws for humans????


    Now I personally would not chose to own a pit bull...and in part might be due to their reputation...but I have known good owners and have never encountered a problem with these people's animals. I do think it is a lot of times Nurture over Nature with animals. I know that the concerns were based on the fact that a third of human deaths due to dogs were pit bulls....but that is probably due to many being raised to fight. Which I would think would be the owner's fault.


    If they are going to put additional laws in place it needs to be ones that are sensible for all breeds......any animal kept on a chain for long periods of time are going to become more agressive no matter what the breed. Abuse will often lead to agression in animals.....



  4. From what I understand she is part Jack Russell and Part Chihuahua (but I am not too sure about the chihuahua....with her size) She seems to be calmer than most JR's I have seen. But very Playful and affectionate. Loves kids....we have been "fostering" her for a little over a week and she is a very loving and lovable animal. She has adapted well to the rules of the house (mine and those of the animals I have)...she has the cutest little underbite....and she does have a tracable ID chip (I think in her tag)....I do have some pictures but for some reason was unable to attach them (not very savvy with the computer).


    Her temperment is a happy one although I know she would be happier with someone else....my cats harass her and my pomeranian is just psycho about other dogs (thnks she might be replaced or something). Her owners would be happy to meet with anyone who would like to meet sissy in person....and I do have pictures that I would be happy to email (if I can get that figured out :( )

  5. Seems to me that maybe criminals ought to think about it before bringing their business to Paulding County. I hope that I would have the presence of mind to shoot if needed.


    But I do feel that if a strange man/woman or combination enters my home uninvited then they are there for no good reason...and I think in a case like that, I feel, shoot first ask questions later.

  6. We have been fostering Sissy while her owners are looking for her a "forever home"....they have recently moved and are not allowed to bring pets. She is a little bit taller than a jack Russell and probably not as hyper. She is spayed and up to date on all her shots. She would be a wonderful companion for anyone....as she is non agressive towards kids (I have 2) and animals (I have 4 cats and 1 dog). SHe is also caged trained and house broken.


    My cats though are terrorizing her so we neeed to find her a good home quick so that she isn't forever scarred by their oneriness :wacko:


    If you or anyone you know is looking for a great dog email me and I will pass along her owner's contact information and photos.



  7. Just thought I would pass this along for those who might be interested. There is a website where you can "adopt a soldier". Basically you request a soldier they send you the name address contact info etc so that you can send notes, cards, packages, pictures you children have drawn. I am sure any communication is welcome by these brave men. So for anyone who is interested here is the site:





  8. I doubt very much that uniforms will make a difference....the kids that bully and pick on others will find whatever reason to do so....it isn't just about clothes. I attended a private school that went to uniforms after I had been there for a few years. It made no difference......kids still wear jewelry, carry purses and bookbags. There are many ways to determine "affluence" and I really think it's more about "style" than the brand name. The kids that do these things can only be changed at home. All schools have a dress code....the problem though is that when the school tries to enforce it a lot of parents run up complaining because they do not see anything wrong with what their child is wearing.


    As a society we at some point started honoring our youth instead of our elderly.....and it seems to have gone down hill from there.


    The whole system needs radical changes and uniforms are a minor thing. We have become a "material" society and if our kids are focusing on material possessions as a way to judge others...then I guess it's shame on us for allowing it.


    Personally I have made it very clear with my sons that they have input on what we purchase for them to wear and a budget (Some things are brand name others are not) but that if ever I hear of them belittling someone over things such as this that all their clothes will come from second hand stores and they will have no choice in what I buy.


    I recently came across a group of people advocating separation of School and State...they have some interesting ideas on revamping our education system......might be worth a look.






  9. I do think all the building is making a difference....we have had a ton of deer in our Neighborhood lately. Also on the Otter thing...not sure how common they are here but in SE georgia where my father lives we have sen them several times in the swamps. Just FYI.



  10. More should be done there is no doubt. I had a friend (her 2 year old luckily survived the accident) who was killed by a drunk driver.this man had 10 previous DUI's........he of course walked away. Mandatory jail time? You bet.

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