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Posts posted by pleasingzeus

  1. This would NOT be a frivolous law suit.  But always bear in mind, that WE do NOT have all the facts regarding this case.  That is why it is investigated and then taken to a jury to decide.  We don't know if this mother refused certain things or if the doctor just missed it or if it was faulty equipment (ultrasound) or if the doctor may have thought he had delivery a baby without a head (does happen).  There is always more to the story.  If the doctor was truly neglegant, then the attornies and judges will take care of him.



    I think when we speak of "frivolous" lawsuits we are talking about these outrageous rewards that are for minor or stupid things....and the fact that so many are sue happy and will sue for anything. This I do not think would fall under that category. Our justice system has been abused by many over frivolous things and that is where the problem lies. Millions over a spilled cup of coffee......suing the government because water wasn't available in the desert for illegals crossing the border so they died from dehydration....those things are frivolous.

  2. My sons are in the Young Marines....they were very excited about being featured in the AJC but unfortunately it was used more as a lip service for anti-war groups. Very upsetting for the kids.


    Here is the link to the article:




    I did write a letter to the editor which was posted in Friday's paper. As this group was made out to be something other than what it is. My letter follows



    Young Marines program a plus


    As a parent of two Young Marines, I felt this article was an attempt to undermine a wonderful program ("The few, the proud," Metro, March 8). Nothing was mentioned about the community service these kids perform regularly or the numerous appointments for color guard for parades and other events. And guess who sorts all those toys for tots?


    This program builds character and promotes a healthy lifestyle, volunteerism, community service, respect for others, teamwork, citizenship, responsibility — I could go on. My youngest has no interest in a military future, but enjoys the group and has opted to stay in each year.


    I do not feel it is a recruiting tool, nor do my children feel pressure to be a part of the military. They are kids enjoying being kids and learning how to become responsible, well-balanced citizens.


    KATY MINTER, Dallas, Ga.


    Here is a link to the Unit's site: Young Marines


    This really is a great program with minimal cost....especially compared to many extra curricular activities.


    I am just so tired of irresponsible reporting, Just give me the facts please I DO have a mind of my own and am capable of using it.



  3. My thoughts are with you......it's not something you will ever forget but the pain lessen with time.


    From what I have seen of support groups there are many that are focused on a particular type of death.....and then others more on grief.


    What helped my family was an understanding...(of both the cause and stats concerning the death) the stages to grief. Things like this can pull your family apart or closer....and knowing and undertanding the grief itself will go along way if you can not find a group that suits you right away....maybe grab a book on grief.

  4. to live as a shell, never to be aware of your own exsistance or the exsistance of others, I've seen these people firsthand in nursing homes, pray if you ever lose the ability of cognitent thought, your brain so damaged that your no longer you, the Good Lord decides to send you on rather than become such a burden to your family.  There is no right anwser to this case, only sorrow for all involved. Life is life, but that lady is in a living death no matter how much she responds to stimulus, she will always just exsist, never tell her parents she loves them, have kids, work, enjoy a summers day... she'll just be.


    That's just it...she isn't a shell....with no brain activity. She could communicate through a communication board as many others do in her state of health. She has just been denied what was promised when the husbands lawsuit was taking place. Her following a balloon with her eyes when asked....her greetings to her mother....alll these things point to more than just a shell. But a woman trapped in a body that has actively been neglected since the lawsuit was over. And her families burden has been having to finance the prevention of her death by starvation. Mortgaging their house since they did not have the luxury of taping into the funds set aside for her therapy to use for lawyers as her husband has done.


    I have worked with many disabled...this is not a comatose of vegetative woman....this is a woman who will get better with proper therapy as many neurologist and other doctors have attested to. The thing is the media is only covering ne side of the story.

  5. For those saying "it is no life at all" have you viewed the video? This woman is responsive....yet keeps getting reported as in a "comatose" or "vegetative" state. Not to mention the pain involved in the slow process of STARVING her to death. Also when she was getting proper therapy (during the malpractice suit....in which her husband wanted the money for continued therapy and care for her) it amazing the difference in her. This is NOT a situation of just unplugging a machine. This is a situation where they will actively be allowing her to starve to death.


    It is not up to us to judge her quality of life...she seems happy and responsive when greeted by family members and friends....there have been NUMEROUS nurses and doctors who are against this because this is not someone brain dead or terminally ill. Now if that were the case my position may be a little different. But with the lack of responsible reporting in our society you must seek to view the other side of the story for yourself to make an informed decision.


    Many Cerebal Palsy sufferer's use a stoma tube for feeding....so we say let's let them all starve to death...that it is no life? That is bunk...many people who have disabilities have quite fulfilling lives and are an asset to our world.


    She was only married to this man for a short time before she ended up in this condition....but his fighting so hard for her death which is exactly the opposite of what he claimed his intentions were during the malpractice suit would have to make a person wonder. I also think the Judge (Greer) in this case should be investigated....something smells (or rather REEKS).

  6. Not that I'm arguing, this is a legitimate question:


    What's been going on since he was captured until now?  Are they trying to decide what to do with him?  Is he going to get a trial?  If so, by whom?  Who will be the jury?


    My undestanding is that he will be tried by the iraqi government....but they have to get their processes, constitution, rules of law etc in place. Americans have physical custody of him....but it is up to the Iraqi's as to what will be done to him.



  7. I do not know how many are familiar with this case. But I find it quite appalling. What will happen to this woman on the 18th is that her Stoma tube will be removed beginning the long process of death by starvation. This is something I think is absolutely cruel and inhumane. I have worked with Disabled who required feeding through Stoma Tubes....this is not "life support" in the since I think most mean. After reading and watching this case for the last SEVERAL years I have made it quite clear to my family that if I am brain dead and have machines breathing and pumping my heart...then by all means pull the plugs.


    This case is an amazing example of the breakdown of our Judicial system. People go to jail for allowing their dogs to starve to death yet this woman's husband (of a short time before her "accident") has been spending money (that was alloted for her care) on lawyers to get her put to death. This woman is being reported as comatose and in a vegetative state....her parents have video and other proof that they have been forbidden by the court to release....but these are desperate parents who are fighting to save their daughter.


    You can read more about Terri and her story and what you can do to help at: Terri's Fight




  8. Not wrong, just not complete.  The question is:  Why did the CSA not want to be part of the federal gov't?  If you can answer this without mentioning slavery, you are not talking about the same war I am thinking of.

    It is certainly a part of history.  This doesn't mean it is a part of history that is glamorous.


    To say it is not a symbol of hate is ignorance.  It was used by a mean-spirited Georgia General Assembly for just that purpose.  They plastered it onto the state flag for the purposes of thumbing their noses at the feds.  It was for total 'symbolic' reasons.

    Take a look at the picture below:


    What is your first reaction?  I can imagine a few:


    -Nazi Germany





    Now.  If we wanted to paint the whole picture, we would have to include the fact that the Swastika has been a widely used as a religious and cosmic symbol for centuries (across many cultures and continents).


    However, Adolf Hitler tainted the symbol by adopting it as the official symbol of the Nazi Party and the Third Reich.  The symbol is even denoted as such in most dictionaries. 


    The point I am trying to make is, no matter what the symbol means to you, you have to accept the historical significance of it.  If it has been used during some era in history for less than honorable purposes, the social impact is never going to dissipate.  Shunning the facts and saying those who choose to have discourse on its different uses are ignorant, is in fact itself, ignorance.

    Heritage not Hate? (As the the bumper sticker says) --puh-leeeze


    I, for one, am glad most of the flaggots have shut up.




    My point is the INTENT behind something....I am sure that there are those that fly this flag in honor of their ancestors who were confederates. There are probably those that fly it with the INTENT of expressing hate. But the problem lies in people's PERCEPTION of the situation. It is just as ignorant to make the assumption a person has a hateful intent as it is to be a person with a racist intent.

  9. Thought I would add this real quick......I have looked into several countries and the babies although they have very few medical history records tend to be healthiest as far as international adoptions. This is a dream of mine....just working to get the hubby on the band wagon. They also tend to run the least expensive and of course my goal is a little girl, so china is our best bet.....


    for others who are looking Ukraine is very inexpensive although they do not allow agencies at all so it is a process you have to work through on your own. The problem may be that instead of coming home with one child you may come home with 2,3, 4, or 5.....you basically travel to all the various orphangaes meeting these children. I just do not think that is something I personally could do. I would want to bring them all home.



  10. From my research international adoptions tend to take much less time than domestic. Also many countries include medical history and many agencies have doctors trained to go over the video and files of these children. China does not have medical history due to the fact that it is illegal to give a child up for adoption so many (girls of course) are abandoned instead. We have two biological sons and would love to add a daughter to the family so I have looked extensively at the various countries. You get a $10000 federal tax CREDIT (any international adoption falls into the "minority status to receive the credit) upon completion of adoption and there are many organizations that offer grants once a homestudy is complete. But from what I have found it is easier and quicker to go with international adoptions. Unless you can find a birth mother through friends or someone you know. But from what I have seen they make domestic adoption very difficult here in the states not to mention the waiting time. ANd look at the family who has been fighting the biological father 3 years and have basically just lost their son.....to his biological grandparents (the father wasn't even doing it to raise the child himself). The US gives WAY too many rights to these BIOO parents and not enough consideration to the child or the child's needs.



  11. Speaking of adoptions, I am a step parent who is very interested in adopting my stepson. Does anyone have any experience with this issue?



    Seems it mostly depends on the communication or lack there of the biological parent. My husband had no problem adopting my son as there had never been any communication/ child support etc. Others I have known have talked the BIO parent into signing over parental rights. And others have had to work harder to terminate rights....alot of it depends on the individual situation.


    hope this helps somewhat.

  12. I suppose it might be too much to ask if they have a website yet? Does anyone have aby idea what the contact info for those interested in renting a booth....I may have seen some more info on another thread and will look further.



  13. Mine is my little pomeranian Kewpie (her papered name is cupid's arrow) she is 4 1/2 lbs but things she rules the world. I have always loved golden though and one day would love to have one....but with 4 cats I don't think I could get my hubby to go for it.... <_<



  14. Correct me if I am wrong but it is my understanding that civil war was faught because the south did not want to be a part of the federal government....(the United states)....keep in mind that british control was still fresh in the minds of many and I am sure that lead to the fear of many that we would end up in the same situation.


    I do think the rebel flag is part of the history and to say that flying it is symbol of hate is quite ignorant...not to say that some fly it with that intent but others because of their heritage. It is impossible to please all the people all the time....someone will find something that offends their sensibilities.


    I feel that there are so many things out there that we should take notice of and really work to fight.....instead of things such as this....if someone is flying the rebel flag with an intent to express hate/racism...then that is their ignorance.


    It is an old issue that there wil always be two sides on....but if we are going to go to battle over something let's work on something that is a modern day threat.....such as NAMBLa (North AMerican Man Boy Love Association) this is a group of pedophile wanting children's rights for consensual sex....and our wonderful ACLU is doing what it can to protect this organization.....that is a battle worth taking on in this day and age


    Just my thoughts,


  15. Disfunctional doesn't even begin to cover my up bringing....from abuse to tragedies. I have experienced it all.....but I CHOOSE to take whatever good out of a situation and go from there...whatever lesson can be learned. I have little tolerance for those that are self pitying and whiney. I can not stand these people that want to blame their parents for their lives going down hill....because the thing is at some point (around 18 maybe) the decisions become yours not someone elses. So if you choose to follow these same destructive patterns that your parents did then that is you fault. I never knew any semblance of a normal stable homelife while growing up....and I knew that once it was in my control then I would do whatever it took to make sure that I didn't repeat a destructive pattern. I have 2 brothers one took the same direction I did the other seems to continue to make the same mistakes (of course they are never his fault) and can not understand why he doesn't get further in life. ANd of course he doesn't want to listen or take advice form anyone so he keeps repeating th esame mistakes.


    We moved constantly after my parents divorced...my mother was clueless about managing money so you can't live in a place long if the bills aren't paid. My first apartment after leaving my mothers home I lived in for 2 years.....I then moved to Georgia...living in the same house for over 3 years and finally where I live now....8 years. This was the most stable I had ever been in my entire life.

    When MY mother passed away we had to move her out of 3 different home....one she was living in one she had just moved out of and one she was just about to move into.....I am sure her upbringing played a part in her actions having been a migrant worker while growing up.....escaping into marriage.


    I am sure there is something to both nature and nurture...but the thing is we all have free will and can make our own decisions. When you figure out that something doesn't work you shouldl just say ok what could I have done differently....instead of making excuses as to why things didn't work out.


    Sorry to go on....my 2 cents worth I suppose


    PZ ^_^

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