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Posts posted by pleasingzeus

  1. Just thought I would throw in my 2 cents worth....


    I PERSONALLY do not buy inot the belief that life begins at "conception"...since this is most commonly referring to the moment an egg is fertilized....the problem I have of course is that the number of fertilized eggs that do not attach to the uterus and are expelled during a woman's cycle.


    I DO also think that aboortzion is far too often used as a means of Birth Control, people repeatedly aborting. I also feel if a person wants to abort they should do so in a timely manner, partial birth aboortzion I think is heinious, since babies have been viable and survived at this stage in other circumstances (ie where there was an early labor).


    I also think that a parent should have to consent for aboortzion of a minor as they would any surgery or other medical treatment.....it is a parents responsibility to help guide their children and they should not be kept in the dark.


    Again these are just my opinions...and I respect others in theirs. My life's experiences have shaped my opinions as I am sure yours has shaped your opinions....luckily we live in a country where we are free to express those thoughts and opinions.

  2. Kudos Diehard....



    I have noticed they have recently discovered some mass graves in Iraq but have heard little media coverage of it since hearing of the first one....they had dug out approx 300 bodies and had detected several more of these in the same area....the one they had started with had only 5 men the rest were all women and children.... this (and things like it) is what makes me wonder how some can still say/think we should never have gone into Iraq.

  3. Well crap!!!!! I didnt know they would try to make knock offs of those! Thats just silly....


    Oh, how do you like versace?



    Again on ebay you have to watch for authenticity with those....I checked it out a bit and there are some sellers that garauntee authenticity...offer money back. looks like they are running 30-50+ depending on size. Ones seller had US sizes w waist size listed so that you would have an idea.


    concerning Versace I like those too but have gotten both knock offs and the real things. You can tell by the rivets and the buttons on those and armani. If you get a power seller who offers money back...then it is probably worth it. and of course go with new with tags....you can look at the tags on the nordstrom's site so that you will know what they should look like. Since Seven Jeans are made in America I wouldn't order them from an out of country seller....probably a bigger chance of knock offs.....just some info based on my experience.



  4. If you are going to try getting them on ebay be careful of authenticity.....many knock off's come from asian countries I have noticed...have not tried Seven jeans myself but have gotten versace and armani on ebay....both real and knock offs....so just be careful. But a trip to Nordstom's would probably be a great idea...then you would know what to look for as far as authenticity and if you like them.....and if they do wonders let me know!! I will want a pair too!!

  5. The Guradian Ad Litem's report was based upon information from working with, speaking with, researching with a group of physicians who specialize in brain injuries.



    I would like a link to his report because the only thing I could find was Court Documents  about the parents protest of Wolfson because of his public statements.


    Also, can you explain to me what you're saying about this brainless girl and her IQ?  I want to make sure I'm understanding you before further comment.
    Well when I worked with people with disabilities everyone had a IHP (individual habilitation plan) which basically is a complete work up by various doctors and therapist (physical, occupational, physchiatric) for each individual. In this home there lived 2 individuals.....both severely disabled (the state I lived in at the time was totally "de-institutionalizing" with the goal of normalacy for the disabled) one a girl the other a boy.....the girl was born without a brain.....just the brain stem ....the boy however had a brain...yet when going over their Individual reports her stated IQ was like 8 points higher than his.......amazing considering she shouldn't have any sort of IQ.


    You illustrate well the point I'm making about courts being involved and that being what sets precedents.  I think the courts need to stay out of this case at this point in time.  (Also, being the daughter of an attorney who specialized in medical malpractice and personal injury, I'm pretty familiar with how all of that works.)


    Since they are involved however that is why I am so freaked out about the case...having worked with the disabled....some mere vegetables ....and others with more of a mind than you would think because many can't see past the physical limitations.....very much like the videos of Terri (which I did notice today were made in 2001....so her state could have deteriorated further since then).


    I did some further research after your post.....according to what I have found Terri collapsed in 90 the malpractice suit ended in Nov 1992 and in Feb 93 Micheal Shavio started denying rehabilitation therapy.....and the parents first went to court to get gaurdianship in Sept of 93.....


    I would like to see current video......as her stoma tube has been removed more than once now I am sure there is a possibility that she has deteriorated further.


    Having lived in a state as it made changes and got rid of institutions...having worked with these people and seen the condition people were in coming out of the institution who appeared vegetative versus the major improvements made with proper therapy and more individualized care it was shocking to me....and actually getting to know people while communication being limited to the eyes and moans and grunts (when the communication equipment wasn't working...which was most of the time...and you would be amazed at how much you can communicate). These experiences made me learn to see past a distorted body....


    Now I do not think I am an idealistic person.....but I know what my experience was and what I saw then......and when I watched those videos I saw a person communicating and responding as I have been communicated with. And I think (yes opinion) that if Terri had received the proper therapy all this time then she would at this point be able to let us know if death is what she wants......of course I don't know what the assisted suicide/suicide laws are in Florida (there would be another issue ;) .


    If she is going to be "court ordered" to die it needs to be quick and painless (ie lethal injection).....no less than convicted murderers get. 'Course legalizing euthanasia is yet another issue.....


    All the more reason to make sure your paperwork is in order....no matter your age.

  6. First off, I truly respect your right to an opposing opinion. Please know that.


    I for one believe that the only way a precedent will be set is if the courts continue to be involved. I do not think that if Terri's tube is indeed removed and she is allowed to die that it will cause any sort of rash in patients with feeding-tubes to suddenly have that taken away. I truly do not believe that.


    I have been meditating and debating this case with myself, friends, family, and my husband --- who tends to have very opposing views about many things in life than I do.... I've spent several years learning about this particular case, and reviewing medical details, etc.  I have a dear friend that is a brain-stem-injury patient and is confined to a wheelchair. Early on he was on full life-support, in a coman for many, many, many months -- right at a year. He had feeding tube, etd. He will never ever be the man he once was... BUT, he has a functioning brain. He has a personality there, things that can be measured, a quality of life that anyone that comes into contact with him can note.


    I leaning more towards thinking that Terri should be allowed to die... That is hard to admit, but I freely do so now. If the Guardian Ad Litem's report from 2003 is factual, and from everything else I've read based on actual reports, etc. I truly believe it is, then there is nothing there brain-wise. Terri will never ever "get better."  She will never ever not be in the state she is currently in.  All means to heal her were exhausted in about the first six years she was this way -- and with the husband and her parents working hand in hand together by the way.


    I'm so sorry this case has come to what it has. I haven't read yet, but I am thinking that with the cerebral cortex being liquid as her's is, that she won't feel any pain whatsoever.


    She is still in my thoughts, prayers and meditations --- and I will continue to do the same for her parents, her husband, and the doctors involved.  I hope the courts stay out of it. I think scary precedents will be set, either way, with their involvement.



    It's interesting though...I think that it should be a group of people (doctors and neurologists) who generate such a report.....when I worked with the disabled it was interesting to see how different doctors came to such different conclusions.....there were 2 individuals who shared a home that I worked in....one without a brain at all and one with....both were unresponsive and vegetative.....but guess what....the brainless girls chart showed a higher IQ.....always amazed me.


    This is something that I have discussed with my husband and made quite clear that if I have ANY brain activity then let me live....because to me that determine's your existence.....


    I think, therefore I am.


    But I would rather err on the side of life if that is the case.


    As far as court cases go once there is one instance like this....it will be used by other lawyers in other cases...that is how our legal system tends to work....one case setting the precedent for others. And if a lawyer can cite a case where a tube was removed...then it will be cited and used in future cases.


    The case of Terri Schiavo raises complex issues. Yet in instances like this one, where there are serious questions and substantial doubts, our society, our laws, and our courts should have a presumption in favor of life. Those who live at the mercy of others deserve our special care and concern. It should be our goal as a nation to build a culture of life, where all Americans are valued, welcomed, and protected and that culture of life must extend to individuals with disabilities.

  8. Terri


    Looks like this will be going to higher authorities.


    My point is that this is not life support in the sense that I think most people mean. I have worked with several people requiring stoma tubes for their feedings and allowing removal for the purpose of starving the woman to death is INHUMANE....leagally euthanizing her would be much more humane if it could TRULLY be determined that is what she wants. We have one mans word for it who was married to her for a very short time before her heart attack...and action by the courts allowing the removal of this tube will set a very dangerous precedent for other disabled people who are nourished through a stoma tube.


    I also have no problem with euthanizing for terminally ill...which this woman is not or this case would not have dragged on for 10 years. She is disabled...and although there are conflicting stories I think the videos speak for themselves.....she is NOT comatose, NOT vegetative.....she is disabled yes....but that doesn't constitute killing her off based on his word that she wouldn't have wanted to live this way. Assisted suicide is not even legal, so I can not imagine that this would or should be either.


    The award over the malpractice suit was based on her care and thearpy....which he faught for now he fights to end her life after denying the therapy and care these past several years....doesn't look like a man whose words I can trust.


    Working with the disabled I have seen true "vegetables" as it were....those born without a brain at all just the brain stem allowing heart and respiration....and those parents were in denial.....to me it would have been an opportunity for organ donations.....but I have seen many like Terri and there is more life in them than you can imagine....


    Once a case like this goes through and a removal allowed it will set the precedent, a death sentence, for others who receive nourishment through a stoma tube to be put to death......we should all be very careful in allowing a situation like this.

  9. I agree that "Hate" crimes are a bogus label. A crime is a crime regardless of what brought it about.


    I suppose since we are a free country and people are free to choose and express their beliefs that regardless of whether you believe the same way you should support a persons right to their beliefs. As long as others are not hurt by it.


    Whatever god you choose or do not choose is your right....as long as you do not try to force your beliefs on me I will not try to force mine on you...and if everyone follows the rules of law and plays nice all should go well. We should always stand up for a persons right to believe as they choose as long as those beliefs do not promote violence or crimes towards others.


    Want to worship satan...go ahead as long as you are not making blood sacrifices to your god then by all means worship on.

  10. My grandparents were married for over 60 years and I never recall them sharing a bedroom. Yes I do think they loved each other.....once my Grandfather passed my Grandmother followed shortly after....no longer having him in her life gave her no will to live.


    Myhusband on occasion has slept in our guest room becuase he was ill or needed extra rest (the room is much darker and has sound proofing installation that our bedroom doesn't) and I actually slept better and so does he.....me being a light sleeper his snoring keeps me up and once I manage to fall asleep if he stops snoring I wake to make sure he is still breathing......so I can see some benefits to seperate rooms.....I know that I love my husband and I do not think that it would affect our intimacy or our love....for now I guess we will continue to share bed and room....but one day who knows.

  11. Well I guess this is one of those topics where you can see both sides....Parents are liable for what their children do up to a certain age so kicking a child out may come back to haunt you. But there are some kids that are just not going to do what they are supposed to......and I am sure that kids interpret things how they want....they may not have been kicked out per se...but told if they don't follow the rules they can leave. My oldest is just 15 and so far so good. He is a good kid and chooses good friends so I have been lucky.


    But I also do not think I would stand by my child no matter what he did. There are kids today commiting horrible atrocitites. I know of a woman whose 14 year old molested/raped her 2 younger stepsons (ages 6&7). She was at the jail visiting every time it was allowed but couldn't find the time to take the younger kids to therapy (and these boys were the VICTIMS)....she had decided it was their fathers job and he should do more for them......I told her that if she wanted to make some sort of point with the dad then use something other than these kids therapy....afterall they had been victimized and needed to treatment (which was court ordered). That I felt that if you enter a relationship with kids involved you should be able to treat them as they were your own and if not then you shouldn't get involved.....well that pretty much ended my speaking to her...since I was vocal about what I saw as neglect of the victims....when all she wanted to do was make excuses for her sons behavior.


    Standing by my child for cold blooded murder or pedophilia....I just do not think I could do it, call me cold. And I damn sure wouldn't want them living in my home. I would probably feel guilt of course for not turning out the responsible, well-balanced adults I was aiming for.......


    We have a ton of kids in our nighborhood and it amazes me at either how clueless the parents are about what their kids are doing or that they just do not care. ....the kids I have seen "go bad" so to speak are primarily ones who have no supervision in the afternoons, but are allowed to go outside with friends and they get caught up in things they shouldn't.


    I would hope that I am aware enough that I would have gotten help for my child long before they were to a point where I wouldn't want to be around them myself.


    kick them out...I think I would handcuff them to my side first....

    Dis-own.....quite possibly if the case was extreme.


    I guess you never know though unless you experience it......

  12. TLOC did you even bother to view video of Terri Shavio (6 available on the website) or just make a snap judgement based on media reports. Forming opinions like a good media sheep?

  13. I am an book addict as well. I enjoy all sorts of authors...but I like the murder mysteries that many may find "creepy". Nicholas Sparks is always a great read....Kind of along the lines of Patterson's "Susan's Diary to Nicholas". Jeffery Deavers has some good ones.....along the lines of Cornwell type.


    Happy Reading

  14. I will keep my assumptions to my self when YOU stop assuming that this is a vegetable laying in a bed. You never made a statement about the qualityof her life????

    "Life is life, but that lady is in a living death no matter how much she responds to stimulus, she will always just exsist, never tell her parents she loves them, have kids, work, enjoy a summers day... she'll just be."

    Hummm,,, that's not making an assumption on the quality of her life?



    Well said Melbelle





    That's interesting as many nurses and doctors have faught with the man over his wanting to refuse and deny her proper treatment. That is why he has had to switch her from nursing home to nursing home many times...and finally a hospice group. The parents voice is NOT being heard........and no matter how you cut it death by STARVATION is CRUEL.

  16. I think as a society we often let these things slide...so the corrupt become more corrupt as it were...push the lines a little further....and things get worse.


    Are they subbing out the meter reading or does anyone know? I know that a lot of companies do that.


    My understanding is that the water company opted to pay the electric company for the bill and charge it's water customers the $4 fee. I don't know what company covered the cost of the poles and lights...so that may factor in. But maybe they should disclose the total cost of the electricity each year in comparison to the number of customers who "benefit?" from the street lights (they may do this in financial statements already...something else to look into) and adjust accordingly.


    Would make more sense for the electric company to bill us and I am sure the water company isn't doing this out of the kindness of their hearts.



    So should we call the water company when the lights are burned out? Maybe we could coordinate to cover the paulding county street lights on a regular basis to see that all are working properly (HEHEHE).

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