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Deputy Barney Fife

Mayberry Sheriff
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Posts posted by Deputy Barney Fife

  1. Sheriff, I think Freebird was talking about general vehicel descriptions and you were talking about names and descritions of vehicles that identify a person. Check the PM I just sent. Same page. Two different paragraphs.


    Good! I thought we've had that policy the Sheriff gave all along and was scared I missed something at the last meeting while Billie Jo and I were talking. You know what she does to my blood pressure. :wub:

  2. So if someone lacks the ability to debate an issue they can just tattle and have the entire thread removed? :blink:


    No Thanks. Actually I have been wasting too much time here anyway.


    I'm sorry but you're going to have to explain how you got that from the post Andy made. Andy didn't say anything like that at all.


    I read the post twice and didn't see in there anywhere about a post being removed. It said use the report button.

  3. A Mayberry is like a gold star for something you do. We practice the "Catch them doing something good" philosophy. You will find a Mayberry or bullet in the middle of your rating " " if there is a number in the middle with a line under it, you can click it and read what the Mayberry (or bullet in negative instances) was for.

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