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Everything posted by Piedmont68

  1. I hope they show it in Hiram. I don't feel like driving to Cobb to go see a movie. I heard it is going to be in wide release, in over 2500 theaters. Can't wait.
  2. YUP.... That is the one I am talking about.
  3. Has anyone else seen the preview to The Bruno movie yet? This looks like the funniest movie. I can't wait to see it. http://www.thebrunomovie.com/
  4. That is a good location and we definently need a new hospital.
  5. What Universal Health Care does is guarntee that EVERYONE has health insurance. We need to think as ONE country and stop being so selfish.
  6. I don't think they should serve booze at all on commercial flights. Let's say something should happen and an emergency landing had to be made. Do you want the guy in front of you drunk so he blocks your way of getting out. Or if the plane needs to be evacuated, he/she needs special attention because he is not capable of getting of the plane on his own. They banned cigarettes on planes, I think the same should be with alcohol.
  7. It will be nice to have a general airport out here. But..... It is almost in Polk County and it is so far from any metroplitan area. I don't think any businesses will be moving out this way to use the airport. The only way that will happen is if they make Hwy 278 into an insterstate or make an Hwy from Cartersville to Villa Rica. The company I use to work for in Atlanta went out there to think about moving from Fulton County, but when the Drive took 1 hr and 20 minutes, they realized it would not be possible.
  8. Sounds Yummy. The Shepards Pie I had there last week was to die for.
  9. 4 O'clock is still way to early to be closing, if you plan on staying in business. Sure, you may have the steady, reliable customers but those won't pay the bills. Look how Sal's is doing. He remains open because he is "OPEN" when people are home. Not to criticize our lovely little town, but I do wish there was more to Dallas. I love it here, but think there is potential for more.
  10. I would love to shop and dine in Downtown Dallas. I only live 1 mile from "Downtown" and drive through it all the time. I go to Hiram if I need anything and really hate having to do that.
  11. I think it is very odd that most places in "DownTown" Dallas are only open when I am working. The only place I can visit when I am not working is the Tatoo Parlor or The Pizza Place. I wish we had more to do in downtown. Why is Hiram's downtown more with it than Dallas????
  12. What are their hours. I would like to give them a try if they are open later.
  13. I am glad they are on the trail and I don't mind answering a few questions. If your doing nothing wrong, there should be no problem. I have passed a few Questionable people lurking on the sides of the trail before. I have turned around a few times on my bike.
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