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Posts posted by KenMag

  1. I got excited when I heard Rick was returning...he has aged rather nicely! :) I haven't watched General Hospital in years, but I'll be watching now. Just wish my Mimi was here to see it; she loved him!


    And Shawna - you were a "Fanilow?" I've always liked Barry, used to have a cat named Mandy. :) When I was younger though, I just knew that I would marry Leif Garrett. Poor guy has been through alot in the last few years. :( (But, haven't we all?!)

  2. Tbar,


    Tell us how you really feel! :D I tend to agree, although I can't say too much as we just had a sleepover for my daughter's eleventh last night. Sent the little ones home and took a four hour nap. :)


    I don't mind my children going to a party for the kids that they know well. It's the ones who hardly talk to them at school that I have a problem with. I allow my kids to go to the sleep-overs it I know the parents well. I do keep the gifts at ten dollars, if possible. I was shocked when my daughter received a $30.00 gift certificate to Best Buy last night. The little girl also gave her a picture frame making kit. I quickly tried to remember what I had bought this child for her birthday last summer. I know I didn't spend 30.00. I felt a little bad, but I think we have to do what we can. Still, 30.00 is too much for a friend, if you ask me. Don't think I'm not appreciative. My daugter was pleasantly surprised (imagine that!) and knows she's got some thank you notes to start writing. I just feel that birthday parties have become too competitive....let's see who can have the best party. Ours was cheap; pizza and movie rentals. I think they just enjoyed me letting them stay up all night and "play." The parents didn't seem to mind and I think they had a good time. That's why birthday's come once a year...enough time to recuperate physically and financially! :)


    I do have one beef. If your child can't make it, please take the time to call and decline. Nothing like expecting someone who doesn't show up. :(

  3. atlantdav,


    Beautiful quote! I need to follow my heart more and not listen to what other folks say. Have a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l Saturday all. I know I will once I get all of the eleven year olds home (who by the way, are still up! :blink: ) tomorrow morn! Then I'll go nighty-night. "Till then, guess I'm up for the duration. :wacko:

  4. Brian Reagan is sooooo funny and clean enough for the preteens to watch. My girls love him, too! Saw him at the Punch Line in '93 and he was a hoot. Yes I know, I need to get out more.


    Roy "How big a boy are ya?" Mercer is my other fave. (Not clean enough for the kids, but not as bad as some. :o ) Love him!


    Oh, has anyone seen those three guys who sing popular girl songs? The lead singer wears what looks like a mechanics shirt and the two back-up guys wear suits. They're on cable (can't remember what channel, maybe Comedy) and they rock the mic! Something about men singing songs like "Genie in a Bottle" is funny. I don't care who ya' are.

  5. So glad to hear your mother is doing better! Gosh, I freak too when I hear E Coli. :o We'll keep on lifting her up in our prayers so keep us posted.


    Mothers are so precious! :wub:


    (Daddy's, too! :wub: )

  6. Hey Chris,


    Sorry I can't you out buddy, but I'm a ding-dong when it comes to the computer. :blink: I still haven't learned to use the different colors on here. I don't even know how to use the "quote" thing for when I want to reference folks. I wish I could help you out. I'll ask my husband when he gets home. It may be late when I find out, so hopefully someone will help you out by then.


    Good luck. :)

  7. Thanks to all of you for the great ideas, I'm starting to get excited. T-shirts, painting, make-overs, all sound great. I like the idea of hiding goodies in an egg. I may send them on a scavenger hunt for prizes. As I'm broke, it may be something like an old roller of mine, a pencil, a roll of toilet paper, etc!!! :D (Just kidding, but speaking of toilet paper...rollin' does sound fun, doesn't it? We used to love doing that, but then you could do it "all in good fun" and not have to worry about getting shot. Maybe rollin' is out!


    And Amy, glad they're at the age when they just want to *talk* about boys and not actually *be* with boys. Those years are coming, I'm afraid! :)

  8. Caped Crusader,


    You freaked me out! :D Have to say though, I enjoyed talking to a superhero! If a name came up on caller i.d., I bet that really freaked you out. I was calling from my husband's "place of business!" :p :p :p


    Again, enjoyed chatting wicha. :)

  9. Duh! Thanks bigmomma! I forgot about Halloween being right around the corner and I've only had my house decorated with pumpkins for the last month!


    Sounds like a plan. You're right....Dollar Tree is your friend! :)


    Oh, I just saw ABC's idea. My daughter is not much of a girlie-girl, but I bet some of her friends are. I could work with them on the manicures/pedicures (I'm really handy with the 'ol crimping iron!) while my daughter and her tomboy friends decorate mini pumpkins. My daughter *may* get into playing "beauty shop"....at least I hope so. Time will probably come when I wish she were back in her tomboy ways! ;)


    ABC - I cherish this time when they're young because time does fly. I know you miss it.


    Thanks y'all!

  10. Hey gang. This Friday we're "hosting" 10 to 15 eleven year old girls. They'll be spending the night, and aside from renting movies, I need some ideas to keep them satisfied. We're on a budget, so maybe some of you have some suggestions as some games we could play that wouldn't break the bank.


    I know it's short notice to ask for help, but I thought if anyone would know something, P.Commer's would. Thanks in advance.


    :wub: a soon-to-be :wacko: mom!

  11. Brand-e,


    Welcome to P.com! Like Laurel Bay said, it is addicting. (Even when you have to move out of Paulding County. Not that I'm upset, *cough* *grunt*, er, what can I say...I love Paulding and you will too. :) )



  12. Smokin'...


    I'm thinkin' that this will be a road trip well worth it! :p Besides, by the time I drive all the way out I-20, my car will be good and dirty!


    Let me know when it is and I'll plan on being there. Good luck and what a wonderful cause.

  13. Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy,


    Very well said. He dealt with the cards that were handed him the best way he knew how. He was a human being with human faults. Granted, I feel those folks who were part of the "Memphis Mafia" could have intervened. Mayve they tried, to no avail.


    Rock on, King, wherever you may be. :)

  14. I adored breastfeeding and have very fond memories of it. Such a blessing to have your baby lovingly looking up at you and patting you as she nurses. I fed in public a few times, discretely, of course. Once she was hungry at the Atlanta zoo and yep, I fed her there. Guess I could have jumped the fence and fed with the mama gorillas, but that thought didn't occur to me at the time. :D


    Bottome line, it's fine to me....just use your discretion. ;)

  15. Happy Birthday, Katy! Almost a teenager! My daughter will be 11 on Sunday and tells me all the time that "she'll be driving in four years!" Gosh, you'll be driving in three!!! Shawna, I'll think of you as I say prayers for my "I'll be driving in four years" daughter! :)


    Hope you have a w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l birthday, sweetie. :)

  16. How about Dog, the bounty hunter and his wife, Beth? I had thought about going as them, just not sure if I could pull it together. Now they're something else and I love to watch the show. :)


    Good luck and post a pic. There's a thought....get everyone to post pics of themselves and the kiddies. :)

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