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Posts posted by KenMag

  1. softballmom,


    I wonder what's wrong with parents these days, too. My daughter recently had a spend the night, eleventh, birthday party. She invited one little girl who's parents I had never met. Still haven't because the mom dropped her off at our house and was almost out of the driveway before I answered the door. It made me very sad. Yep, we're nice folks, but who really knows, if they haven't met us! (She also never got out of her car the next morning when she picked her up!) Odd, very odd.

  2. I love that idea! I showed the pics to my nine and eleven year old daughters and explained why they offer the class. When she (nine year old) read that the baby cried all night she said, "So, if you pick it up and throw it, you get a bad grade?" Um, yeah, don't think she'll be wanting a baby anytime soon...nor does she need one! :p Thank God!


    Hope your sweet daughter gets some much needed rest, bless her heart! :)

  3. Shawna, honey...I know what you mean. We haven't even bought a tree yet, even though the rest of the house is decorated. Our truck won't crank, so it looks like we be schmucking one home on top of our Nissan. :p


    I sure wish The Captain would come to my house and help me put one up. Probably wouldn't get alot done, but hilarity would ensue, no doubt. Hugs, oh great one. :D

  4. hjmsmom,


    Congrats and that is so cool that you're going with them! It reminds me of when my mom and me would go to all the rock concerts at the Omni...Rod, Rick (Springfield) even Shawn Cassidy. Technically, none of those were really rock, but hey, they rocked in our books! My eleven year old wants to go see "Wicked" at the Fox in May and hopefully, her grandma will get her tickets. Too rich for my blood! Also hope Grandma remembers how mom would also love to go! ;)


    Hope ya'll have a great time and let me know if Brian May is still a cutie! :) (He was the blonde headed drummer, wasn't he?)

  5. I rarely get to see an adult movie, so I'd have to say "Harry Potter." By far the worst...Chicken Little. Sorry C.L. fans, I just didn't care for it. Maybe it was because we saw it the day after Thanksgiving, on the very front row, sitting by a kid who had already saw the movie and told me everything that was about to happen. :wacko:


    So yeah, Harry Potter.

  6. bwitchy,


    I'm so sorry to hear this and will certainly keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. A year ago last December, my grandmother had a major stroke. She passed away a year ago tomorrow. She lived with us and my children had the opportunity to know her for many years...just as your children have. That is a blessing, but it's still never easy to let them go.


    Stay strong and we'll be thinking of your sweet family.

  7. collegegal,


    So true about your dad getting back at you for causing him all of those sleepness nights! ;) It's a strange and sad feeling seeing our parents when they are sick and helpless. They've always been strong for us and now we must see them in a different light. It makes me cry thinking about how I saw my dad a few weeks ago in the hospital. They had given him Ativan (sp?) and it made him just pitiful. All I could think of watching him was "I never want to see him like this again." My once strong daddy looked like a lost child. It broke my heart.


    I'm so thankful that your father is doing so well. I wish I were closer and I'd come visit him and sit with you. Just know that I am there in spirit and he, you, the kids and everyone are in my prayers. Please take care of yourself. Call me if you ever need to talk. I may be an hour away, but I'm as close as an e-mail/call. I love you.

  8. kelbird,


    KenMag finds the Captain the most humerous poster on Paulding.com, as well. KenMag is of the belief that the Captain is in reality a writer for sitcoms, or possibly SNL. She believes that if there are ever awards handed out for "Best Comedic Performance on a Community Chat Board," that the Captain would win hands down. Her only hope is that the infamous Captain will remember us little people when he thanks the Academy.


    Keep up the great work, El Capitan. Some of us really do like you. We really, really like you.

  9. My youngest daughter (9 years old) hid her face when Voldemort was on screen. (Now she wishes she had watched all of him. :) ) The movie was intense in places, but we absolutely loved it. Younger viewers (ages 6 to 8) may find some scenes disturbing, in my opinion.


    I enjoyed seeing the teenage angst between the three main characters. My daughter is wanting badly for Harry and Hermione to be together in the end, though I tend to think it will be Ron and Hermione. We'll see, until then she's rereading book four. Like Harry said, "I love magic!" :)

  10. Gosh, when I saw the opening topic, I thought I'd open it and it would say "a child molester." Skeered me. :)


    It would not bother me in the least. What someone does in their private life (religion, sex, smoker, t.v. watcher, rocker-at-heart, etc. :) ) is none of my business. Bottom line - do a great job teaching my children and I'll do a great job supporting you. As a lowly substitute, I have the utmost respect for teachers; I certainly could not do it full time.



    Oops - Wanted to add that no, if I knew my child's teacher was Wiccan or anything other than "what we are" it would not bother me. My oldest daughter is studying Hinduism and we think it's so interesting to learn of different beliefs.


    Off to catch Harry and maybe learn a little magic along the way! ;)

  11. I love you's from your children


    Cups of Starbucks Caramel Frappucinos


    Days to sleep in


    Cold winter nights with cups of hot chocolates


    Friends that are true friends


    Christmas Mornings


    Puppy breath kisses


    Last, but not least, school bells ringing signaling Thanksgiving break is here!



    Have a wonderful day, all. :)

  12. I felt so bad last night. I showed it to my 9 year old and when I made it do the voices, she started crying! :o Strange because she watched it with me last week. She said the music that went with the voices was scary. Such the good mom I am bringing my baby to the dork side. :p


    By the way, she's okay now. She still loves me. :wub:

  13. Hope your head cold gets better, we've got it on this end too. I did run out though and get the tickets. Next Friday at 10:15 p.m.


    He's a Methodist minister. Actually a student pastor attending Candler at Emory. Emory has such a beautiful campus. I love to go to the Pitts library and curl up with a good book.


    Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Feel better. :)

  14. Soapmom,


    I agree and am glad that the controvery surrounding the books seems to have died down a bit. You know what my husband's profession is and I believe that if he doesn't have a problem with it, then others should be a bit more open minded. I feel the majority of those who criticize the series have not read the books. I base that on how we felt before we started reading them. We had heard all about those "evil" books and decided to check them out and see for ourselves. The rest is history and we fell in love with the boy wizard. I think fear of the unknown is what drives mass histeria. I truly wish that all those opposing the books would give them a chance.

  15. Soapmom,


    He seems like such a grounded young man and genuinely thrilled with the adventures and success that HP has afforded him. I feel it couldn't have happened to a nicer person. Young Emma Watson seems just as down to earth. My daughter read me part of an article she was interviewed for, and she seems like your typical teenager; a really sweet girl.


    Again, we can't wait and I guess I'd better get off my tushie and go get those tickets! :)

  16. We can't wait!!! Woke up feeling a tad under the weather but had promised my daughter I'd get tickets today. Guess I'll bite the bullet and run over to Conyers and get them. My daughter's screensaver counts down the days but it's not like she needs any help; she's been counting down since the last movie! :)


    LadyMorgain - Daniel is a cutie! I read in an article the other day that his best friend is in his thirties, so I know he'd like to pal around with us older broads! :D

  17. "Back In Black" - AC/DC


    "Fatbottomed Girls" - Queen


    "Bad Moon Rising" - CCR


    Some old faves I'd like to hear:


    "Rollercoaster of Love" - Taste of Honey


    "Rock the Boat" - ?


    "Disco Lady" - ?


    "Afternoon Delight" - Starland Vocal Band


    "Closer to You" - Seals & Croft


    "Kiss and Say Goodbye" - Manhattan ?


    I'm a child of the 70's. :)

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