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Posts posted by KenMag

  1. Good morning Happy Wife and Mom. :) I haven't been asleep at all. I started to get sleepy around 3:00 and decided to just stay up and "crash" later after the kiddos are up. It's pouring here in Covington and I can't wait until around 10:00 or so, great sleeping weather. This is the first Christmas day where we haven't had to travel and we're going to enjoy staying in safe and sound.


    Hope you and all of Paulding have a wonderful day! Merry Christmas all. :)

  2. I adore White Diamonds by Liz Taylor. Beautiful by Estee Lauder is pretty good, too. I remember my first perfume was Love's Baby Soft, but when I was a teenager in the early 80's, I had to have Charlie! I thought I was pretty cool in my Jordache jeans and Charlie perfume! :p


    For the guys, I remember my first beau wore Aramis. My first hubby wore Gray Flannel and I loved it. Present (and last) hubby will not wear cologne, although I wish he would. My dad wore High Karate or Canoe! Also, had to love that Brut!

  3. Scoutfinch,


    Her maiden name was Brooks. And I'm sorry to confuse you, but she lives in Paulding now. Bromley Walk is in Hiram, but I know she grew up in Mableton. (Just not sure where.) Has a younger sister named Melissa. Glad you started this topic. Although I didn't go to Mableton, I know that a lot of South Cobb High kids went there. :) I lived in Shannon Green subdivision, off Floyd Road.

  4. Scoutfinch,


    Not to change the subject, but do you happen to know someone named Debra D. who lives in Bromley Walk subdivision? I hate to put her last name, though she probably wouldn't mind. From your nickname, I guessed your name and Debbie has a good friend named that. Does that make a lick of sense?!


    By the way, I went to Skyview in Mableton and also have great memories. I remember being shocked the day I walked past the teachers lounge and saw a teacher, gasp, smoking!! I also got a peak at a Coke machine and thought, "How cool is that?!"

  5. We always get a real tree, usually from Kroger or Home Depot. I too love the smell, but wouldn't mind having an artificial one. I put all of my Christmas decorations up last week and hopefully we'll get a tree next weekend. The living room looks kind of funny with a big, bare spot where the tree will go. I've alwys wanted to get the tree flocked, but hubby says "no". Hmmpfftt.


    Pointy ~ I love the retro aluminum trees. I want one with the old, big bulbs like we used to have. I haven't thought of a color wheel in years...great memories! :)

  6. Busymom ~ I know you have alot going on as well, but I'll reserve a bottle for you anyway! :D and you hang in there, okay!


    Collegegal ~ Awww, thanks! I'll be sure and tell her when she wakes up. These folks were right, being tired is the main symptom. :( Course, you probably knew that, Mrs. Nurse! I'm proud of ya' and miss you bunches!

  7. Busymom ~ Thanks on the advice on how to quote. I'm still trying to get the hang of it, dag-nabit! Yep, I'm a bit slow! :wacko:


    Malley ~ I'll send Maggie your get well wishes and sure hope your foot is getting better. Hurry up to England and get it checked! You're right, doctors are so expensive here. Jason has insurance through his school and the girls have Wellcare, but as for me, I'm in the same boat you're in. :(


    missy-ruth ~ You're right about having to make them eat. She doesn't want a thing. I'm pushing the soup and jello though. The doc also told Maggie to not engage in any physical activities because of her spleen. I've already told her little sister not to "rassle" with her! :)


    ktan458 ~ Yeah, at least there are some pretty good shows on this time of year. I just hope I don't go broke buying those fan girly magazines for her! :p Thanks for the bit o'advice about the time it took to regain your strength and I'm sorry to hear you (and all of you) had it. She's already getting a bit stir crazy. :blink:


    And thanks again to everyone for your quick and kinds responses. Maggie has loved reading them. Hey, maybe I'll just set her up with a p-com account. All this drama is sure to keep her occupied! :D

  8. Thanks guys! If I knew how to use the "quote thingy," I would answer each one of you. When my 12 year old gets better, she'll have to show me how! :p


    Gosh, the part about it turning into Epstein Bar or Lupus is scary. I did read on the internet where it could become Epstein Bar in later years. Thanks for reminding me. I'll be sure and read up on that and Lupus. I don't know if the internet is a good thing for me though. I can make myself sick with fear worrying about what "could happen." :blink:


    She's in a local childrens choir here in Newton and tonight and tommorow, they're doing a Christmas concert with John Berry and she's devastated that she can't go. They've practiced so hard and what makes it tougher is that her little sister is able to go. She understands (and definately doesn't feel like going) but would go anyway if we'd let her! Rest, from what I understand, is the most important thing right now.


    Anyhoo, thanks again guys. When I told her I had posted on my favorite site in the world about her, she felt honored! I knew you peeps could help! :)

  9. My twelve year old daughter was diagnosed with strep throat this past Monday and hasn't been getting any better. I took her to the doctor today and she tested positive for mononucleosis. If you've had mono, or know someone who has, how long does it usually take to get over it? The doctor said it could be up to a month. She's already missed three days of school with the strep, but thankfully they're out next week for Thanksgiving. That will give her a little more time to recooperate.


    I did look up "mononucleosis" on the internet, but I'd really like to hear from those who have "been there, done that." :( Thanks in advance and hope you all have a wonderful weekend. :)


    I tried to edit earlier, but I don't think I did it correctly, so here goes - If you have had mono, can you give us any helpful hints on getting better, faster. I know there's no magical cure, but it's so hard having a sick child. Especially 'round the holdiays. :(

  10. To name a few ~


    Roaches - The big flying kind. Some folks call them "water bugs," but I call 'em nasty. They make me go :o , especially if I see one in the middle of the night.


    Elevators - Detest them and would rather walk fifty flight of stairs than ride one.


    Heights - I always feel like I'm going to fall off whatever I'm on.


    Those are just a few. I'm pretty much a scaredy-cat! :p

  11. Two things come to mind ~


    In 1989, Steve and Vicki had a contest where they would give three clues and you had to guess what they were talking about. My three were: a stamp, a flag and an envelope. I guessed "post office" and was correct. (Pretty easy game, eh?!) I won $250.00!


    This was the best ~ In 1986, 96 Rock held a contest for the "World's Oldest Motley Crue Fan". I wrote down "Shout at the Devil" and had my grandma call in and say that this was her favorite song. (Well, I actually called because she had no clue as to what and why whe was doing this :p ) Although she was only 68 at the time, she still won! She won $150.00 and two tickets to see the Crue. Needless to say, she didn't go to the concert, but I split the money with her! I ended up giving the tickets away...don't ask me why, wish I would have gone!


    My "Mimi" passed away two years ago and I miss her dearly. This is a great memory because she was always such a good sport. :wub:

  12. Two things come to mind ~


    In 1989, Steve and Vicki had a contest where they would give three clues and you had to guess what they were talking about. My three were: a stamp, a flag and an envelope. I guessed "post office" and was correct. (Pretty easy game, eh?!) I won $250.00!


    This was the best ~ In 1986, 96 Rock held a contest for the "World's Oldest Motley Crue Fan". I wrote down "Shout at the Devil" and had my grandma call in and say that this was her favorite song. (Well, I actually called because she had no clue as to what and why whe was doing this :p ) Although she was only 68 at the time, she still won! She won $150.00 and two tickets to see the Crue. Needless to say, she didn't go to the concert, but I split the money with her! I ended up giving the tickets away...don't ask me why, wish I would have gone!

  13. Great, now I gotta remember where I hid the "Dove Dark Chocolates" last night! My daughter had some friends over so I hid them about 1:00 in the morning. I think I put them inside her lunchbox in the pantry. Not sure though, I think I was sleep-eating. :blink:


    Of the list though, Snickers would have to be my fave. I must admit, I've never met a piece of chocolate I didn't like. :rolleyes:


    P.S. Although I never buy it for myself, Godiva is my very all time favorite. Last Christmas, my mother-in-law bought us a small box and it was delish. :wub:

  14. For me, it would have to be The Exorcist. Caught a little bit of The Lost Boys yesterday...those are some hawt vampires!


    Has anyone seen "The Hills Have Eyes?" My brother and sister-in-law swear it is the scariest movie of all time, even scarier than The Exorcist. :blink:

  15. Okey dokey...


    (By the by, love this topic, Dub!)


    1. Had a tattoo that said "Forever Young" but the doc cut into it when he did my hysterectomy. He removed it (at my request) and saved it in a jar for me...gross! (No, I don't have it! :p )


    2. Named my oldest daughter "Maggie" after the Rod Stewart song.


    3. Having Maggie's 12th birthday party tonight...pray for me...so far we've heard from fifteen kids who are coming.


    4. Don't drink but may have to start...see #3.


    5. Lost my mother at the age of 48 and have a big fear of dying young. (I'm 43, and pray I'll be here to raise my chirrens. :) )

  16. Sounds like everyone has had a great day, especially you Bwitchy...White Water is fun! Just got home from seeing Drake Bell from "Drake and Josh" at Stonecrest Mall. I think it's on Nickelodeon. Anyhoo, after standing in line with a bunch of screaming girls, I'm pooped. :blink: Kinda reminded me of how my mom must have felt when she took me to Six Flags to see Leif Garrett. :p

  17. My oldest daughter, Maggie, is "Fudge" and my youngest, Mackenzie, is "Weesa or Weesa B." Like Scott, mine have about ten going at one time, but these are the main ones :)


    Don't know where we get these nicknames, but we're big on them. Our chihuahua, Tinkerbell, is "Binks" and our cat, Puff, has become "Puffapotamous". :blink:

  18. Malley,


    I love your car! I never saw you in anything other than your truck...pulling all of your equipment! :) Hope you got my e-mail the other night. Sorry it took so long to get back with you. Hope you're doing well.


    Folks, be sure to call Malley if you need yard work done. He does a great job and my girls loved hearing his cool accent! :p

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