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Posts posted by hotwheels

  1. I throw them away usually. I have used them for pet bedding in the past. Right now my 9 year old son has 2 old king size pillows that are his daily wrestling partners. He would have a heart attack and die if I threw those 2 away! :lol: :lol: :lol:

  2. From growing up here years ago, I believe that old home place belonged to some Austin's, same ones or relatives of the people who originally owned the store on the opposite corner. You might try asking at the store and contacting the current owner of it. Might be a little easier than going up to the county offices.

  3. I went to see it yesterday and took my 9 year old son. We enjoy all HP together. I read the books to him and then we enjoy the movies together when they come out. We were not disappointed at all, in fact I thought they did a very good job of covering the book in 2 and 1/2 hours. The movies do get darker as do the books. I would not have taken him to see this movie if he were 7 or younger but that is me and my child. He would have had nightmares if he had seen this at that young of an age. I also think I would have been quite lost on alot of scenes if I had not read the book and knew the entire HP history. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys the story.

  4. Yea, I lived on Cole Creek Road in the late 60's and early 70's. My mom and dad would load the 3 of us up and take us to the other 3 or 4 houses on that road and maybe 5 or 6 more on Nebo near 61. The same ones every year and only people we knew. Of course, everybody knew everybody. I can still remember Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson, an elderly couple who lived on our road. She would make homemade popcron balls every year and sometimes, candy apples too. I always felt like she made them just for us. And they would get such a kick out of seeing our costumes. Always store bought with the hard plastic masks that you had to hold with your hand just right to see through the eye holes. Daddy would always stick his head out the window and wave to make sure they knew who we were. Those were the good old days!!! Didn't take but those few houses to fill up a trick or treat bag. What great memories. :)


    Sorry, didn't mean to hijack, It's for the kids and I personally don't have a problem with teenagers either. They are still kids. I just think they should be willing to dress up if they expect a treat. I don't do tricks. :o


    But, what about the kids in your neighborhood who are out trick or treating, ages 7-13, all in the same family, while their parents stay home but never turn on the porch light or give out 1 piece of candy themselves. I give their kids candy but my child gets zip from them. :angry2:

  5. I am so glad I have family that can watch my daughter for me, I don't know what I would do!  What about all the people that can not afford to not go to work and can not afford to pay day care.  Is it not enough that we have to fork out more money for gas that we now need to pay for child care with no notice.  I agree with farmall.....unbelievable!!!



    Well, there are holidays(weeks at times), teacher's work days, etc. Parents have to be prepared for things. That's part of parenting. ;)

  6. The only problem with the interlink is that the quality is not always the best, especially when using a zoom. You will end up with an unfocused video, that is useless, and wasted $$$. Not to mention the manpower to watch livestream video from, say 50 buses. (estimated the #, have no clue how many are actually in the county.)



    Somewhere around 200-230 per day.

  7. When I was 10 I mowed lawns for money in my neighborhood.  I'd mow a couple yards, run down to the convenience store and O.D. on sugar.  The owner of the store also illegally sold Black Cat firecrackers behind the counter and I'd buy a few packs of those and blow my little plastic soldiers to Valhalla.  You couldn't destroy those plastic soldiers with a bulldozer.  I got more play hours out of a $1 bag of those things than I ever would with a $100 race track.  I also remember living on the other side of the county (not Georgia) and riding my bike 3 miles to buy a root beer out of the soft drink machine at our local parachuting club.  Those were the days.



    Oh my gosh, yes! We would set up our "troops" of army men and have a war against each other. We would take turns at war against each others side with a BB gun. Each side would get so many shots per 3 or 4 turns and the side with the most "surviving" or still standing men at the end won the war. You have brought back a great memory bringing up the little bags of army men.


    Oh, I almost forgot................. :blink:



    3 Musketeers :p

  8. You have to understand the SO's hands are tied.  Even though you are reporting that he has a suspended  D/L there still must be probable cause to effect a traffic stop.  If probable cause does not exist prior to the stop then it is an illegal arrest which violates the 4th Amendment.  Your statement alone unfortunately does not equate to "probable cause" according to the courts.



    So can't they tail him and make him so nervous he commits a violation to be pulled over for? The sh--head! :angry:

  9. They are in urgent need of boxes and manpower immediately!!  We have to have the community center emptied out this evening! 


    We need more baby items!---please bring those to the bowling center.


    A small recliner for an 80 year old woman who sleeps sitting up.


    We need childrens clothes ( mostly boys)  sizes 18-24 months


    We will be needing trucks to move everything into storage.


    We will still need canned foods.  Quicky foods that don't have to be cooked.


    We will need more bottled water.



    I have a recliner that can be donated if someone can come and pick it up. I have no way to get it anywhere. I only live 3-4 miles from the community center. I am on Cleburne Pkwy between Morris and Bennett Roads. If someone is available to come pick it up, call me at (678)313-2045.

  10. For the TV, call Larry Hart of Hart TV. He's on 92 in Hiram at Nebo beside where the original Catfish Den was at. He's been in business for years and is very good and honest. He's also very busy. Call the shop at 770-943-9700 and leave him a message if he's not in. He works pretty much alone (a son helps out some). ;)


    Oh, and Good Luck!

  11. I remember when my brother zipped his up in his jeans.  Oh he screamed like a girl but I think even at a higher pitch.  I am going to be very careful and teach Devin to tuck it in really good before zipping....

    Goodness I do not want him to have that pain.  I would be to afraid to unzip it I would probably dial 911 because I do  not think I would make it to an ER or doctors office..Maybe I will get a locking device for the toilet tooo.  Any other bad things that could happen to him like this. 

    My poor little man.




    I had locking devices on the toilets when my 9 year old was little. They prevent all sorts of accidents. Woud highly recommend them.

  12. I'm ready. Glad for the cooler temps because our buses are sooo hot this time of year. My 9 year old got up this morning saying he wished today was tomorrow. He is so excited! He already has his clothes out too. Got the teacher he wanted and just found out this afternoon that one of his best friends will be riding the bus mornings and afternoons this year. This friend only rode some afternoons last year but he lives on my bus route so now they can sit together all the time. Some times it's the little things that mean so much. :)

  13. I'll work on the school supplies ... will let you know something by Sunday.  Our church was collecting school supplies for kids in need throughout the county.  I'll see if I can get some for them and will post back Sunday...



    Chickadee, do you by any chance go to Living Hope Baptist? My son and I have been visiting there for a couple of months. I know they are asking for school supplies for local kids including book bags. I have 2 used book bags that are in great shape. A spiderman and a star wars that I would love to pass on to a child that could use them but the church only wants new ones. Is this 4 year old boy going to school or pre-k anywhere?

  14. Yeah I also used desiten and A & D, liked A&D best. Stop with the vaseline, it traps the moisture and doesn't allow any air to get in for drying out and healing. If the diarrhea is in check I'm w/paulding babe. Let her go for a little while w/nothing on and get some air to it. Poor baby! Might be a good time to introduce the potty if you haven't already. While she's running around with nothing on you might have her sit on it every 10 minutes or so. You might also try patting some plain old corn starch on her bottom to absorb the moisture.


    Also b, I have 3 or 4 packs of aveeno bath treatment here at the house I'd be willing to give you. It is soothing to soak in it. Not sure where you live. I'm on Cleburne Pkwy near Bennett Rd off of Pine Valley in Hiram. PM me with your phone # if you would like me to meet you with it. I also have a tube of Kmart brand generic Desitin you're welcome to.

  15. I took a budget and finance class at my church about 8 years ago when my son was a baby. It was The Christian Financial Concepts Series by Larry Burkett and I can't imagine what my life would be like today without it. We live on this budget still and it is a great feeling to know that the bills are paid on time every month, there's money budgeted for things that pop up and we are credit card debt free. Fun times are budgeted in so there's always $$ for those things too. We don't live extravagantly but we are comfortable and worry free. Thank you Lord!

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