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Posts posted by dancemama

  1. I wil spend the week-end as with all of my week-ends working on the production of The Nutcracker Ballet. I do the props, costumes etc. with help from several of the mothers and grandmothers of the students.

  2. Funny you should mention this...

    I started off thinking I will have green beans, cole slaw, corn bread, meat loaf..


    well I do not have cabbage for cole slaw, and my ground beed is not unthawed..


    so I guess it is chicken sandwichs here LOL


    When you cook the other, can you call me.



    I forgot the DR's name that took my gail bladder out he is at Cobb General Hospital, he was great.


    I use Perkel in Austell and I he is ok for a Dr.

  4. I found when my kids were little, now 35 and 28, they would be whiney, it would make me out of sorts and they would get whinier. Is there any way for you 2 to seperate for a couple of hours and you take deep breaths and try to get your calm back. I am not saying you are in any way to blame it is just that as we get more frustrated they get whinier.

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