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Everything posted by dancemama

  1. We rehearse on Sundays, it would not interfere with your regular dance classes.
  2. DALLAS DANCE NUTCRACKER 2011 AUDITION The 2011 performances of The Nutcracker will take place December 2, 3 at the Downtown Dallas Theater. Rehearsals for the cast will be held on Sunday afternoons. Auditions for this year’s performances will be held Saturday, September 17 at Dallas School of Dance. The auditions are open to the public, and the schedule is as follows: Age 6 – 8 9:00 – 9:30 Age 9 – 12 9:30 – 10:15 am Age 13 and Up 10:15 – 11:00 am Please come to the audition dressed in
  3. dancemama


    Registration is ongoing at Dallas Dance. Come by Monday thru Thursday afternoons to register. Tap, Ballet, Pointe, Jazz, Contemporary, hip hop and Zumba. 18 months to adult.
  4. Open House July 25-28, noon to 7pm. Free registration July flyer full page.pdf
  5. We don't do a Christmas recital, but we do the nutcracker ballet in December.
  6. Come try this, Zumba for Kids. Zumbatomic.Dallas Dance.pdf
  7. I think Zeva's boyfriend.
  8. All Welcome, Free Admission at the Dallas Theater in downtown Dallas.
  9. This board should not be denied to anyone who wants to find out about Paulding County.
  10. We need blood, please give today
  11. Please come to Ragsdale Elementary in Yorkville today and give blood. Donations are from 11am - 4pm, no appointment necessary, just drop by the school. Free gifts for donors today. If you are not sure if you can give blood, come by and be tested.
  12. We love you too, and miss you.
  13. We will be offering this class thru the summer, will announce day later.
  14. You should try to make it. Lisa and Michelle would love to see you.
  15. Ha Ha just kidding, you pick up your plate on May 6th. Order by the 29th.
  16. You can call and pre order with a CC and pick up on the 29th for dinner.
  17. Don't forget to get dinner from us on April 29, pre orders only.
  18. See you all tonight at 7.
  19. Just drop by Thursday at 7. Lisa is awesome.
  20. Dallas Dance Zumba® Fitness By Lisa Gierschner, certified March 2011 Classes on Thursdays 7pm-8pm at Dallas Dance Beginning April 14th $5 a class We are one block West on Memorial Drive from Downtown Dallas.
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