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Posts posted by jwhomes

  1. I remember having mine done after my last exam my freshman year in college...only it was the 1st semester and I didn't get to eat a whole lot of grandma's WONDERFUL cooking for Christmas! :(


    I don't remember who took my daughter's wisdom teeth out, but it was at that same location you are having yours done and they are AWESOME!!! She actually had to have 5 teeth pulled before they put her braces on (she had an extra tooth...that is why the odd number! :D ) and then she had her 4 wisdom teeth pulled either last summer or the summer before, I can't remember (I can't believe she has any teeth left!! :lol: ) and they checked on her and she did great both times!


    This would be a great opportunity for you to quit smoking!! Think about how much money you would save!! Not to mention you would lengthen your precious life!! The funny thing about when I had mine done (back in the day!) the drugs they give you to knock you out made females cry and males high!! My boyfriend picked me up and asked me if I was okay and I just looked at him and said, "yes" and bursted out crying!!! Then when he had his taken out, he asked to drive home...and he was cussing up a storm...and he didn't normally cuss!!! It is quite funny!! Slobbering on yourself, can't talk for all of the gauze in your mouth..it is hilarious...at least for those watching!!


    Good luck We'll be praying for you!

  2. I'm kinda disappointed to learn that mine is National Candy Corn Day. I don't even like candy corn!! <_<


    Oh well, I guess it could be worse, huh? :p


    Happy Birthday B-Dub!!!! Yum, yours is National Fried Chicken Day!!! I'll trade you!!! :D

  3. :yahoo: :yahoo: :)


    Congratulations!!!!! I'm new to pcom and I'm just learning about this Mayberry and Bullet stuff!! I'm from NC, so that alone should earn me a Mayberry!! HA! I do call GA home now, since I've lived here nearly as long as I lived there!! So, I have to ask, how do you earn them there Mayberry's? Unfortunately, I've already found out how to get a bullet!! :cray: Good for me, I'm a quick learner and won't make the same mistake twice!! :angel:


    Again, congrats on the Mayberry!! Or maybe I should say Mayberries....since more than one of you have gotten them!!

  4. Welcome to Paulding County...the best place in the U.S. to call HOME!!! (I would say the world...but I think I might like calling somewhere int he Caribbean home...maybe just a little better than P.C.!!!) B)


    Not sure what part of the county you will be moving to, but here are a couple of ideas on the South side of the county:


    July 5th - Taylor Farm Park - fireworks....usually very nice! :D


    July 12th - Ben Hill Strickland Park...it has been revamped in the last year and it is BEAUTIFUL!....they are having fireworks and a band.


    Best of luck. Pcom is a great source for county info...you may get more than you want...but if you ask you will get some answers! :lol: Good luck and have a great move!!!



  5. I've had a lot of sushi at Taki, we typically order the california and tuna rolls, but my youngest DD and I went a couple of weeks ago and just kept trying new things....our new favorite is the Mountain Roll....yum, yum.. :p .it will light your fire and it tastes sooo yummy!! I'm sure they have them at Fugi Sushi as well, and I TOTALLY agree, Fugi Sushi is OUTSTANDING!! Best California Roll I've ever eaten was from there...would have tried more, but didn't have time!!


    Would love to meet y'all when you meet for your lunch date...hey, maybe we should check with them and see if they would work us a killer deal on a sampler platter (maybe a flat cost per person with a drink!!), that would give them a chance to show off and us a chance to try something new!! The chef is great, he comes out and talks to you and tells you what you are eating!! I'd really love to meet you folks that I keep reading about on pcom. I feel like i know most of you already!! You guys keep me smilin' :D !!!! Please post the date and time for the lunch date and I will try to make it, if I can, my DD will have to come with me otherwise, she'd never forgive me and I'd never hear the end of it!! That girl can put some Sushi away...let me tell you and she is stick thin...makes me sick!!! (Yes, I'm jealous!!)

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