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Posts posted by jwhomes

  1. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Alsobrook family. George was my daughters' bus driver, they both loved him so much! He was a regular at Rodney's in Hiram too, where one of my daughter's worked with Allie Alsobrook. This great man has left a lot of positive memories in the lives of the people he came into contact with.


    Rest In Peace, George. :wub:


    The Turnbill Family

  2. I can't believe she's gone! I worked with Michelle at West Ridge to help get set up for Dinner in December last year. She told me her testimony and I was very moved. She was a terrific young lady! My thoughts and prayers are with her family! I'm sure Gates was there with open arms to welcome her into God's Kingdom!!

  3. I worked for Piedmont back in 86-87.

    I am was a baggage handler right out of high school in Ohio. I really loved working for them and planned on going to school and working my way up through the company. Needles to say, when it was announced in 87 that USAir was buying Piedmont, that put that all to rest. So I joined the Air Force instead.


    I would really love to work for AirTran. It reminds me alot of Piedmont.


    My husband worked for PI 88-89....he left right after US Airways took over and moved to ATL, so we could get engaged and married! :wub: He worked for Eastern Metro Express before that. I actually worked for United Airlines 86-92...got laid off when we lost the Pan Am contract in ATL. Didn't and still don't miss that drive. However, the hours you will probably work will be condusive for an easy commute.


    The Paulding Airport is supposed to open sometime soon...would be great if you could work there! Don't know if they are hiring for any positions yet or not or even what they are planning on hiring for!


    Good luck to you! Thank you for your service in the Air Force! Is Delta out of the question? I hear they hire a lot of military/ex military folks! Let us know how it goes, we'll be praying for you!

  4. Can't give you any advice, but I must ask are you a former Piedmont employee? I grew up with Piedmont...My dad worked for them until they were taken over by US Airways..then retired in 2001...he started with Piedmont in 1968! Sure do miss them! My husband worked for PI when he was in college! GREAT airline!


    Good luck with your interview!

  5. Jeanette at Salon Rouge is the =@. She colored and cut my hair last week and it is PERFECT!! :yahoo: I love it! Took my youngest daughter to her today and she absolutely loves her haircut! If you need anything done, she can do it, she is terrific!!! THANKS JEANETTE!! :wub: :wub:

  6. Tell your daughter if she does not feel safe going to the lunchroom, then to let a teacher know. maybe the ywill let her sit in a class room instead of going to the lunchroom..


    The lunchroom is the main core of the school when threats like this come up. that is place that most threats say will happen.



    Thanks, I will. Since we have the update from Cpl Gurley...I'll text her and let her know what is going on! Like I said, I have faith that the PCSO and SPHS administrators are handling this situation properly and that every student will be safe.! Still praying though! :pardon:

  7. I can completely see what you are saying on this. Being in law enforcement, I am sure it makes things much more difficult to take care of things when you have parents wanting to take things into their own hands, and come flying to the school to check their children out of school and causing chaos.


    As a parent, I also understand why the parents of these students wanted their children home.


    I believe Cherokee County put the schools on lock-down, and parents weren't allowed to pick up their children. I think it helped law enforecement and the schools keep the situation under control.



    My daughter is a Jr at SPHS and said that they were going to put them on lock down in 2nd period...she just let me know that they didn't do that. About 1/2 the kids have gone home, she said she doesn't feel threatened. She drives herself to school and I can't get through to the school to tell them to let her check herself out. She just told me that she doesn't want to go to lunch because that is where the most people will be and when the "RUMOR" said it would happen! Don't know what to do. Guess I'll have to leave my work and go check her out myself! Don't really understand why they wouldn't put the students on lock down...seems to make sense that they would. I trust that the PCSO and BOE will make the right decisions for our children! PRAYING!!

  8. I've been to their location on Northside Pkwy ... got a good cut and was treated very well, but it wasn't cheap.


    I use Three-13 all the time now. :)


    Where is that? I'm very nervous about spending so much money!!! I have a 50% off coupon but I have to put a previous clients name on the referred by line (so they can get 25% off a future visit) and I don't know anyone who has been!!!

  9. My heart is just breaking for this family. Jordan is my daughters boyfriend, so she was crushed when Jordan told her about his mom last night. We plan to visit the famiy this afternoon. I pray the Lord with guide this family and give them peace.

  10. OH NO!!! I just had a phone call from someone looking for a caterer to fix lasagna for 300!!! Hope she won't be gone long and that this person doesn't need it soon!!! I gave them her info just the same!!!


    I hope you have a wonderful trip Cheffy! Not that you will be online reading these posts, but if you are, can you let me know when you will be back in town, so I can let this person know?


    Merry Christmas!! :p

  11. CONRATS CHEFFY on your job! I agree with you about Sweet Tomatoes! I could just stay there all day and eat if they'd let me!! :lol:


    If I could ever sell or rent out some houses, I might be able to order another wonderful meal from you, so keep your fingers crossed that the housing market with turn around soon! Congrats again on the job, hope it is all that you were looking for!

  12. Happy Birthday, Cheffy!!!! Hope you enjoyed your crab! That sounds yummy! You are being taken to dinner tonight aren't you, or at least being served dinner? You shouldn't have to cook on your birthday!! We love you! :wub: We hope that this next birthday brings you lots of business and good fortune! God Bless You!!


    Tiif, Tay and Wendy

  13. I am glad your daughter is home... I hope you enjoy some great time with her...


    our kids have a way of surprising us when we least expect it...


    I think that happens that way to remind us there is always hope...


    LR you are so right! THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE! My 13 yo DD has really been surprising me lately, in a good way. I just hope it will last! :p


    When our kids do something like this, it also proves to us (as parents) that we didn't do half bad raisin' them!! :clapping: Yea us!!! :yahoo:

  14. Med464...I figured something must be going on, since I never got a pm yesterday asking for a good dinner! Glad you're home, I know it must have felt WONDERFUL to sleep in your own bed!! Hope things went well at the Drs. office this morning! You are surrounded by people (some like me, who don't even know you!) who are praying for you and sending well wishes your way!


    Your incident has really opened my eyes about dog bites. If I or anyone in my family should ever get bit, I think we'll go straight to the Dr. or ER, even if it isn't that bad...if it breaks the skin....we're going!


    Take care and like I said earlier (in another post, I think!). I wouldn't mind bringing you a meal if you need it, as a matter of fact, I'd be honored!! Just let me know! I'm making Green Bean Casserole and Corn Casserole for the Hiram, PD and FD on Tuesday...LL set it up...project Gobble, Gobble or something like that, so I certainly wouldn't mind bringing you something!


    Take care of yourself and REST!!!! :closedeyes:

  15. You do have great kids, you should pat yourself on the back for that! :D


    I am so sorry for your neighbors, especially the loss of their pets. Of all the things in our house, I would hate to lose my pets tragically like that, like you said, everything else can be replaced.


    Know that we are praying for them to regain their footing soon and when things settle down they can go to the Humane Society or Animal Shelter and adopt new pets! I know they will never feel the void that the pets they loss have left, but they do offer unconditional love, and we all need that!! :wub:

  16. till they figure out why my bp is so low and i can get up without getting lightheaded


    Goodness! Do you want some of us to sneak you some good food? I don't know you but I'd be more than happy to bring you some real food! Hospital food sucks! I hope they can figure out what's going on with ya and let you come home soon. If you're like me, you just want to sleep in your own bed and eat your own food! Take care and pm me if you want some food! I mean it! :wub: Daughter works at Rodney's, I'll bring you something good from there if you'd like!


    I think I have a slice or two of Cheffy's wonderful Triple Chocolate cake I could share with you!

  17. Med464....wish I could have brought you some of my lunch...it was yummy, cause Cheffy made it!


    Yes, I am still eating what Cheffy fixed us for dinner on Tuesday night...I'll telling you folks, if you haven't tried one of Cheffy's meals you have MISSED out!! I had rice and chicken gravy...yum!!! :good:


    Med464...how much longer you gonna be in the hosp? Hope you are doing well! We have been praying for ya!

  18. Hubby is cooking Breakfast: scrambled eggs with cheese, his own special pancakes, and bacon.



    Breakfast for dinner is one of my favorites, especially when hubby cooks it! The only draw back to that is it means I usually get to clean up! :mellow: It was my favorite until yesterday when Cheffy prepared our dinner!! :p To tell you how much food we got, we had most of it again tonight!!! The dinners you guys fixed tonight are awesome!! Thanks for the French Fried Cauliflower recipe Cheffy!

  19. Awwwww......... :wub: :wub: You are sooooo welcome! I'm sitting here right now eating a delicious omelet I made for my family! This omelet is scrumptious! It has cheddar cheese, mozz cheese, sauteed onions, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms and ham! MMMMMMMMM


    YUM!! That sounds great! Tiff had rice and gravy for breakfast...imagine that!!! I'm telling you Cheffy, we are getting some mileage out of the meal you so lovingly prepared for us! :pardon:


    Thank you again! Have a wonderful day!!

  20. Then this is just for you (and anyone else who needs it)



    Mark, you are tooo funny!! That did put smile on my face...hopefully on Med's too!! Med....get to feeling better! Tell the Dr.'s that you have a strong support system, so if he makes a wrong move, we'll take 'em down!! We're praying for ya!!

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