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Posts posted by dporter1183

  1. Manager wasn't there at first when hubby got there. He got the feeling that he was going to be let go so he talked to managers boss (who happened to be in town this morning) to bring him up to speed on hubby's side of things. M's boss hadn't heard anything about this. He was very sympathetic but told him basically, whatever manager decided to do, he would back him up. -_-

    as hubby walked out of the office, manager came back in and stared a hole through his soul. He told him he didn't have any interest in talking to hubby, he was PO'd.


    Manager later called and told Hubby he was done with everything that had happened today, didn't want to talk about it anymore and that he'd see him at there weekly meeting Monday morning.


    Keep praying and keep your fingers crossed!

  2. Psychiatrists do not do therapy very often. They are mainly for medication only.


    Psychologists are usually for testing and complete evaluations.


    Therapists or Counselors are for working through issues and processing them with you.



    So, it depends on what you need.



    they don't want to medicate so i guess therapists or counselors................

  3. I am sorry your going through this, but what type of Manager speaks to their employee like that? I hope all goes well for your hubby and his job....keeping fingers crossed for him



    a bipolar jackhole. He told My husband he was acting like a D*** the other day because he didn't come straight in and say good morning. <_<

  4. So yesterday I posted a question about my husbands staph infection......He went to work yesterday thinking because the infection was under the skin with no open sores, he wasn't contagious. (Well he is) He told his manager yesterday afternoon what was going on and he says "Why did you come in?! If I had known that's what you had, I would have sent you home!" (Completely understandable) So the hub is feeling 10X worse this morning and called in (obviously, he was told yesterday that he was not wanted in the office.) His manager says that's fine, do what you got to do. Ok, well he calls hubby back to yell at him and says "I keep thinking about you calling in and the more i think about it the more it pisses me off. You are F***ing your coworkers and you are F***ing me! It doesn't matter how sick you are, you come into work" Hub reminds the manager what he said to him yesterday and tells him he is going back to the Dr today, but if he really wants him to come in, he will. Manager told him to "not to come in, stay at home and don't go anywhere." :huh:


    The reason this worries me is because my husband lost his mother last month and we have been dealing with my crazy mother for a while, so I'm sure his attitude is a little different lately because of the amount of stress he's been under. His manager freaked out on him a couple of weeks ago for his attitude. My husband didn't even see it coming. (his manager is the kind of guy who takes it extremely personal if you don't say "Hello, Good morning" as soon as you see his face.)


    So anyway, Hubby is on his way in the office for a face to face conversation. I'm just so nervous. Everyone please say a prayer, send good vibes and juju, and whatever else!

  5. I think most banks run a credit check now. But I know Wachovia will open an account for just about anyone regardless of credit history.


    We bank with United Community Bank and we LOVE them! They are on the smaller scale and we have always had superb customer service. They did run a credit check, but I think what they mostly look for is unpaid bounced checks.



    if they are looking for unpaid bounced checks, then I'm in the clear. :) never had one.

  6. Or is this something with ALL Chinese places?

    We ate at the China Garden Buffet in Hiram and we both got sick. Then I looked at their health scores...

    03/18/09 38/U

    03/30/09 66/U

    04/07/09 87/B

    04/23/09 52/U

    05/14/09 96/A


    I wonder how long before they reinspect to see what they get after the '96'? It appears that after they "achieved" a passable 87 in April they surprised them with a return visit and gave them a '52'. It just goes to show that they can clean up, but it's just not the way they run their restaurant.



    I tend to steer clear of ALL CHINESE BUFFETS. they typically have bad scores. (or at least that is what I have noticed)

  7. Ok, so I work and bank at a credit union and LOVE it. However, our credit union is being taken over by a larger CU. At this CU, overdrafts and late loan payments can cost you your job. I have used my overdraft recently & make my loan pmt a few days late sometimes; and I may have to again in the future, i don't want worry about being written up or even lose my job over being short in my checking account by $50 once or twice. (I mean it's over draft, it's there for when you need it, a emergency cushion. I wouldn't use it unless i needed it.)

    SO.....I hate to say this but...I'm looking for a bank ( :closedeyes:)to open my checking account at. a good one. But here's the thing....Hubby and I learned the hard way about how import it was to take care of our credit when we were younger and I'm still in the process of cleaning that up. I want a bank that will not run a credit report to open checking, and isn't too terrible on fees.

  8. OK I am confused. He hung himself IRL but he hung himself in the episode as well?


    I don't know what he did in the episode, it comes on this week or next. I was just pointing out he just filmed something very recent.


    IRL, what does that stand for?

  9. Yep -- you can have staph without an open infection. MRSA is methilycin (sp?) resistant stapheclaccous (okay, the spelling maybe off - it's been a while). The methilycin (sp?) is a type of antibiotic (not a particular one). Yea, I would be watching this one. I don't think that staph can cross the blood/brain barrier, but I would think it could do some damage.


    This is definitely not something to play around with. And, yes, you have staph all over your body - it's a sign of healthy skin.


    Good luck. Make sure he takes all of his antibiotics.



    Oh, I have always heard it referred to as Medically Resistant. Thank you! I will definitely not let him forget to take his meds.


    Is it contagious when there is no open sore?

  10. My daughter had it on her arm. It looked like a giant bug bite. Hers was not open either. The daughter drained hers to get the infection out and then put her on two antibiotics at the same time. The dr said that these are "old" antibiotics that are rarely used anymore. That is why they prescribe them, because the infection does not recognize them and is not resistant. Hers was gone in 10 days. From what I understand, once you have staph, it is always in your system. Oh, and hers was MRSA.



    Doc told him that everyone carries a form of staph, usually in your nasal cavity. That blew me away too.

  11. Has anyone heard of this? My poor hubby had a HUGE knot in his neck that was very painful so he went to the Dr. Yesterday. Doc said it was a staph infection (how can this be, it's not an open wound?) Doc thinks hubby's head was broken out and he scratched scalp with dirty finger nails which caused an infection in his lymph nodes (or something like that). He said because it's not open, he can't test to see if it's the old school staph or MRSA, so he gave him 2 rx's and said take one for 2 days, if he sees no improvement then it's probably MRSA and to take the other meds. :wacko: (Um...MRSA....Medically Resistant.....anyone?) The pharmacist warned my husband to stay out the sun with the MRSA meds or his skin will break out in a nasty rash with open sore. says if it were him he wouldn't be out in the sun for more than 10 minutes. (sounds scary) :blink:


    If after the second medication, it's still there, he has to have it surgically moved. I'm concerned because it is so close to his spine and brain. can't it spread? If it's medically resistant, why even medicate?

  12. I get at least one migraine a day. Most of the time more. I guess it is about time for me to go to the doctor about it. Sometimes it helps to take meds, but when it helps it only makes it stop hurting for a couple of hours before it comes back. Sometimes the meds (ibuprofen, etc) don't help at all. I was just curious if anyone else has ever had this issue and what did it end up being? It was bad when I was pregnant as well. I guess that's really when it started but they never seemed to be too concerned about it. Any advice?



    Could be that you still need TO GET YOUR WISDOM TEETH REMOVED!!!!!!!

    but if that's not the reason try the chiropractor or go get your eyes checked.

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