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Everything posted by southernb

  1. We have our tickets and hotel. We are ready to GO!!!!!!!
  2. Right............Spain.............Of Course.
  3. They Just released the line up for Jazz Fest 2010. Pearl Jam is headlining!!!!!! Going to be a great show!!!
  4. This is a must for designers, or hell for any one really. http://www.livescribe.com/
  5. These are for the engagement pics.
  6. Can anyone recommend any good photographers or photography studios. We need to take a bunch of pics and all seem really expensive.
  7. When everything is all said and done ours is costing $16,000
  8. There is just 1 showing at atlantic station at 12:05 am....... Is is getting huge so it looks like it will go to wide release next week.
  9. A movie that you ned to check out is Paranormal Activity. It is in very limited release but it will scare the crap at of you.
  10. Umm What are you talking about 30 days?. I never left.
  11. Che'ne was so helpful. The owner Sue was a complete pleasure to work with. The other venue we were trying to book was a nightmare. One second they we ok to book us, then they weren't because they blamed the economy. Then it was ok again, and the next minute they couldn't because of the new belt way. I can go on and on.
  12. IT was a nightmare to finally get this place. We were having a ton of issues with some of the other venues. They we great at getting everything settled.
  13. We finally set a date for Sept 3rd, 2010 at Che'ne Rouge. So happy to finally get this out of the way. No planning no nothing. They do it all. IT will be on our 3 yr anniversary. http://www.chene-rouge.com/photogallery2.asp
  14. So lately life seems to be going at hyper speed. Besides all of the wedding stuff we are dealing with, we found out that we were pre qualified for a mortgage on our very first home today. We were going through all the paper work and it says we can get a loan for 97% of the purchase price and we have to put the rest down. Does anyone know how the first time homebuyer tax credit works. Can that money be applied to your down payment. I am exhaused with everything going on. Super exciting but beyond stressful.
  15. anyways, be gone before someone drops a house on you.
  16. where do you get your prices, thats not near what we paid. I thought you were banned from pcom?
  17. lol, no thats just the engagement party. the wedding is in June
  18. So we finally checked this place out via last minute. WE were blown away by this place. We knew this was the place the minute we stepped in. We are going to have a whole cabaret themed wedding. What I am excited about, is doing all the design for it. This is going to get crazy. http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l146/fanimate/comp.jpg
  19. Quitting seems like the hardest thing I have ever done. Smoking is all I can think about.
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