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Everything posted by jbg

  1. I just saw on fb the Paulding GOP is having a meeting on the 21st. Since that's just a little more than a week before the election, I'm sure most of the candidates will be there giving them their last campaign pitch. Anyone plan to attend? I've never been to one. Is it a big group? They said they are having a cookout afterward too. Might be a good first visit to the local GOP.
  2. I've yet to see Will answer for himself. I also have not seen Will say he isn't sympathetic to liberal groups like the Global Fund for Education. Educating the world is a great concept. So is socialism. It just doesn't work. You can't really do things like that until you have successfully educated your city, county, state, and country. We have a loooooong way to go. With teachers like Mrs. Avery who can't tell the difference between an attack on family values and a blogger's interpretation of things her supposedly "conservative" husband is sympathetic to, I don't want her teaching my ch
  3. I have a neighbor who parks their car in their front yard rather than their driveway. We don't have an HOA, and I don't mind that they do it in regards to how it looks, but I've read before about environmental hazards (like oil leaks, antifreeze leaks, etc). I ask because my garden is downhill from where they park their car, and wonder if it could cause any problems since I like to eat the foods from my garden. Thanks!
  4. My other is Sunday Liquor sales. I personally don't drink, but it is beyond me how this law hasn't been swatted down by the courts due to separation of church and state. About the debate...it was pretty good. I thought all three candidates did well, and I applaud them all stepping up when our district needs them. I have some concerns about each candidate, but because I am younger, Sibley's response about what if Daniel gets elected, like that was a scary thing, and that we 28 - 35 year olds can't be in politics really bothers me. How dare he. Keep running for something Ronny. One day
  5. The debate was good, but I was a little turned off by the anti-gun stance of Sibley. Other than that, all three look like they would do okay. Props to all three for stepping up when the district needs them.
  6. Maybe your safe...I think that was the second phase of the neighborhood, so maybe you have a different water main than we do, if indeed it is a water main issue. No answer at the water dept. I guess they are off with the closed county offices. Not a good sign.
  7. What part of the neighborhood? I live off hope drive near Harris Oaks.
  8. Yep. I just noticed it when I was rinsing off a dish in the sink. I'm glad it isn't just me. I was about to go check the water meter to see if something happened to my pipes outside from the line to the house. I just replaced them in December.
  9. I want to teach my wife to ride. Anyone know of a good field or trail or something around here?
  10. Anyone know where to go around here that you can ride your dirtbike? I'm not looking for motocross tracks, or even trails. Just some where to putz around and maybe teach the wife how to ride. Thanks
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