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About rockster

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  • Place of Residence
    Dallas City

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  1. Pubby, at least be consistent in your posts. Your response in #2 post said "I don't go on facebook", yet you replied in post #29 "...as I only go rarely on facebook".
  2. I'd call this out. JS was instrumental in getting the airport started. GDOT has a lot of influence. I call BS on this. Watch out folks!!!!
  3. May I ask in your thinking. Who funds the USPS????? Think about it and report back!!!!!!
  4. Get a job with the Federal Gov't. They have a quite handsome benefit package.
  5. Memory serves me right. Blake lied to the BOC saying the Airport Fire Apparatus Truck was a requirement from the FAA (it's on video) which the BOC approved a $500,000 from SPLOST $$$$ to purchase. The "dust bunny" collector was housed at a hanger, and moved elsewhere. Who knows how much money the County spent on it just to keep it maintained over the years (if they did) yet taking almost $200,000 hit on the sale. Bottom line, it was not a requirement from the FAA!! Almost wonder where the $310,000 will be allocated in the budget????
  6. May I add, just even as a General Aviation Airport has been a failure. Please prove me otherwise. Other than the local folks calling out the commercialization, has the General Airport even demonstrated an interest and/or profit????
  7. Ok. Grant $$$$ comes from where???? Um, taxpayers! The links you provided were disappointing if I were a big business to relocate needing high speed fiber optic. My question was, it there ACTUALLY high speed fiber optic installed as a former BOC Chairman stated for businesses??? Reminds of years ago with the widening of 278. Had a friend that worked for PCDOT. All the work they did running all the conduit underground for better traffic control on the lights, funding ran out and the conduit was empty. Signs were in place above the underground conduit as well as the visible corner control bo
  8. But, my question was if IN FACT it was in place??? Forget who is going to pay for it, thought it was already installed underground Memories serves Parker Fiber Net or such had a connection.
  9. IMO Douglas was on board many years ago to welcome high tech companies with high speed fiber. Past history a company I worked for was based in Cobb, but we had our redundant data center located out in Douglas. IT dept got word that data center was about to go under. They did a midnight "get our equipment out" while hooking up to another redundant facility in Cobb. Sure enough they went under but do believe that is where Google assumed the lease and facility a few months later. But bottom line, does Paulding County actually have the high tech fiber lines in place to attract businesses like
  10. First time I met Thad & Melissa was at Jalapeno Joes many years ago. Still never understood his love for chicken wings at a Mexican Restaurant. But others can attest, he knows poultry and had some fine culinary skills he would share on this forum. Saw him a few years working the Paulding Meadows arts & crafts either representing Lyons or Rotary Club? Additionally believe he was heavily involved as a sponsor and/or Captain for the annual fundraising for the American Cancer Society.
  11. Could be other media outlets like the poster below stated. It is public if you know how to look. 100% of any crew/extras casting calls I have been hired are through FB. Trust me, there is a bunch of productions around that area
  12. My advice would be going with an attorney. You can do it online with forms or stuff, and get some folks to rubber stamp it..........but no. You can actually do this if you have time. I recently dealt with this and did not cost me other then time & travel on my Mothers behalf.
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