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Posts posted by Myprayers77

  1. I wouldn't take my chances and just suck it up and go get the tetnus shot. I will warn you though the shot doesnt hurt when you get it but the next day it will feel like someone took a baseball bat to your arm. I wish someone would have told me that when I had to get a tetnus shot 2 years ago when I got bit by a cat.

  2. I feel though I married my Soul-Mate, and that made all the difference in the world.


    I agree!!


    My husband and I went through pre marriage counseling. What I got out of it most is that different topics are brought up that you might not otherwise discuss. Like "How much debt are you bringing into the marriage?" and "How will we share household duties like cooking, cleaning and paying the bills". Some people actually dont even discuss how many children they want to have until AFTER they are married.



    I think that most people need to remember that neither of you are perfect. When you feel the need to spout out all of his or her imperfections when you are angry just think about how many imperfections you have and how you could be so much better as a spouse yourself.


    Ok so I got a little off topic, sorry... lol


  3. I don't remember much about the 10th however I do remember being at a high school football game about a week or so before. I was 21 at the time. I noticed that when the national anthem played before the game hardly anyone my age or younger held their hand over their heart or even took their hat off but people older than me did. I stood there thinking those people have seen wars involving our country and they know what it means to be proud to live in it but people my age don't.


    People my age (late twenties) may still not think twice when the national anthem plays but their view on the world around them definetly changed that Tuesday morning.

  4. My husband and I currently live in the Texas area but I grew up in Paulding County and we would love to move back!! We are currently searching for jobs in our field in the Paulding and Cobb county area but so far it has been extremly difficult. My husband is a graphic and web designer. He has worked with a several major companies including the Dallas Mavericks and the Texas Rangers. He can create anything from basic letterhead to logos, branding, magazine ads and multi-page web design. I have worked in the medical billing field for several years. I have worked every aspect of medical billing from working the front desk to appealing claims.


    If you know of anyone that needs help in either area please let me know and we would love to send a resume.


    Thanks for your help! God Bless!!

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