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Everything posted by FISHINGFANATIC

  1. This woman begged my husband for money today. She said that she was starving and had not eaten in 2 days. He gave her $10. When he called and mentioned it to me he wondered if he might have been scammed by her. After he told me what type of car she was driving and that she looked about 90 years old I remembered reading about her on Pcom. She told him that her name was Barbara and asked him to pray for her but didn't mention the cancer. I can't believe she is still doing this nearly a year and a half later. Elderly woman or not, she is apparently scamming people out of their hard earned m
  2. Sweet ride! Seen it up close yesterday. Nice job Russ!
  3. My parents house was flooded on Morningside Drive (waste deep all through out the house) Sunday night. We went over yesterday and started salvaging what little clothing and person items that we could. The living room furniture, carpet and lots of other damaged stuff was piled up in the front yard last night so that we could start hauling it off today. Some piece of garbage had the nerve to break into their house this morning before we were able to get back over there. We had unfortunately forgot about a box of checks that were hidden in the bed room and of course the idiots found them and
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