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Posts posted by Baileybleu

  1. What does this have to do with any organized religion? :huh:





    DM what you said is a load of crap. It is one thing to have your own beliefs in certain religions, but to judge all Religios organizations as liars and are just after you money is just plan stupid. Sorry but it is.

  2. Not trying to sound too agnostic, but the above mentioned statement is a total line of crap. The fact that they are "Missionaries" for a church that apparently DOES NOT EXIST according to 411 information in the Ellijay or surrounding areas <_< This type of dishonest hypocracy is the very reason i have no affiliation with any organized religious congregations, nor will become a member any time soon. I know right from wrong (mostly) and i try to be the best person i can be (mostly)- the email you got just throws too many red flags, that's all




    Well Yeah, but the Church does exsist just not in the states which is why they are on mission trips :) http://www.themaninthesynagogue.org/prophecy.htm



    But I think all the information they gave is BS for the money. But not the churches fault just like it is not the apartments fault they gave an address to. I know it is a scam. I just thought it was funny that people actually fall for this crap!


    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



    :lol: :lol:

  3. CE, it would be my bet these people don't even own the apartment they are talking about. Be very careful, this is definitely one I would run from, fast. :)




    Umm YEAH! I wrote them back and said that it is doubtul it is even your apartment and good luck trying to get someone to mail you $500 off Craigslist to Nigeria.

  4. As most of you know I am helping my friends mom find a place to rent. This is what I got. They are crazy if they think I would do this!






    It is a great pleasure that you are interested in our apartment for rent. Actually we resided in the apartment before we move and presently we have packed out due to my transfer as a matter of my profession on a Missionary Mission at (The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations) which am serving for a long term and now our apartment is locked up and presently we have found a new apartment here which we will be staying for a very long term which might last 5 years in (West Africa) and presently our charming apartment is still available for rent for ($400)as first month rent including the utilities like hydro,washer,fenced yard,fireplace and internet access. The first month deposit & security deposit fee($500) comes up as the first down payment you will make only to receive the keys and other neccesary documents you will use in moving into our apartment,so after the payment the keys and other documents will be ship to your full home address via fedex. Moreso,Now that we on Missionary Mission programme over here Please I want you to note that the deposit fee is refundable and also we will want a very honest and caring person because i spent a lot on my property that i want to give you for rent,so i will solicit for your absolute understanding and maintenance of this apartment and want you to treat it as your own,I hope that is taken,The money is not the main problem but i want you to keep it tidy always.I also want you to let me have trust in you as i always stand on my word. Here is my cell phone number so feel free to call me anytime : 011-234-7061144974.


    Note: Please i want you to know that you can go and see my apartment from the outside due to the fact that am not in state and i don't have anybody who i can send my keys to for you to see the inside unless a deposit is make so that i can ship the keys to you. After filling of the application form what you have to do next is make the deposit which is refundable so that i can ship the keys to you immediately.


    Address: 224 Highland Road,Elijay,GA

    Monthly rent fee: $400

    Requirement to move in just the first month and security deposit fee: $500

    Sq feet: 450 Square Feet





    1)Your Full Name.......................?

    2)Full home address & Phone number............................?

    3)How old are you.........................?

    4)Are you married.........................?

    5)How many people will be living in the house.........................?

    6)Do you have a car.............................?

    7)When do you intend to make payment of deposit fee...............................?

    8)how long will you be staying .................................?

    9)When are you packing in to our house.........................?


    11)Do you work late night...........................?


    Pets Policy:Pets Allowed.


    Thanks and God bless you

    Pastor karen Byrd


  5. Also check those little houses on the back roads behind the courthouse.




    okay, I will drive by there for them. thanks


    What about the duplexes over near East Paulding, behind Heros (well that's what it used to be). Don't know the going rate but I lived in one of those when I first moved to Georgia. They were pretty cheap back then, two bedrooms (small), kitchen and living room.




    oh yeah off antioch?

  6. There are some apartments in Douglasville right behind Douglas county Highschool by the name of Country Cove Manor or something close to that. My mother in law live there and they were around $500.00 a month, nice and quiet area. They are right across the street from the library.





    Thanks,If you know the webiste let me know. I didnt see it anywhere.

  7. 2 or 3 months ago my grandmother had a house available in this price range. About 8 PCommers said they would be by to look at it one Saturday. I stayed there all day. No one showed up or even bothered to call to say they were't coming.



    Dang. I wish you had it now :) It was not me! I hate when that happens to me. That is why I do not sell stuff on here anymore bc it always would happen and I would get sick of going to meet people and they wouldnt show. It is very rude and a waste of my time!

  8. probably doesn't sound like the best solution, but could the housing athority not help her? There are sections that are mainly for the elderly..well, I know there is in Cartersville. They will base her rent on her income level. There are also some apartments in Dallas, behind Arby's who used to base it on income for older people.


    Hope this helps.



    The problem with that is that she doesnt work. Her kids are paying for it. She has been looking for a job like crazy, but everyone know how hard it is to find one especially for someone her age. Housing Authority only take disabled or you have to be working. I know they really need to find her some where soon bc they are about to go nuts living with their mother. :)

  9. I told a friend I would post this for her mother. They are looking for somewhere very cheap to live for her. She is 61 i think. Anyways for under $450 a month. I know it is not a lot of month, but it is what she has to work with. If you all have any ideas for me to tell her let me know. Thanks

  10. I know it's prob out of your guys' way, but I like the new cinema in Aworth WAAAAAY better than Movies 278. :pardon:


    25minutes from me but too far for shan


    It is not too far though. That is the area I am always in and grew up in

  11. Ok, what I want to know is this thread really about your child wondering what the tabloid said or are you just posting that pic to try and cause a stir...



    The thread is about the fact that she was curious about why our president is gay if he is married to a woman. She was confused. Thats all. No I am not trying to cause a stir. It was just funny. That is all people.

  12. I think it does too...it's just in the book...at that point, she doesn't know Jake is a wolf yet....When she's confronted by the vamp, the pack is already shifted to wolves and walk slowly between her and the vamp. Jake doesn't blow into his wolf form right there in front of her during this part....but that's just me being picky again...LOL I'd love to see the movies MORE like the books.



    It really doesnt bother me that it is different for some reason. I know they do it just to prevent 8 hour movies. But I would not mind seeing an 8 hour movie of New Moon so maybe they should make it long :)

  13. The cashier should have been reprimanded for not having better sense than that! I mean seriously, who does that? She should have just said let me get someone to get you some more, I would NOT have let her have it even if she wanted it, I would have thrown the meat in the trash immediately, no hesitation. People amaze me. :rolleyes:



    I know!!! That is so freaking sick

  14. I was at Walmart yesterday and this lady had some deli meat that she was buying. The cashier went to grab it and the meat fell out of the bag onto the check out counter. She then asked the lady if she would still like to have it?!?!? :unsure: :unsure: Of course the lady said Ummm no and went and got more.

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