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Emily Erwin

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Posts posted by Emily Erwin

  1. It does not always boil down to money. There are schools in the poorest sections of Atlanta and Washington that have achieved great results. It has to do with hard work and a good curriculum. I agree that if the children do not have the ability to get past a certain level no matter what a teacher does they can't change the end result. There was a very successful scholarship program in Washington for poor children that sent them to the same private school the President's children go to, but Congress got rid of it.



    Have you read the news lately? Two thirds of the Atlanta schools are accused of cheating on the CRCT right now. I believe that's what was said earlier, about people wanting to cheat. If you base everything a child a child learns on one day and on one test, that's wrong. There are too many variables at play. And to also base the teacher's pay on this same test is not right. There must be a better way.

  2. What most parents have forgotten is that the school calendars were originally designed around the cycle of planting and harvesting, as our country was based on agriculture. (As our nation became more industrialized, we've moved away from that way of life, relying on other countries imports to handle our demands, and complaining the whole time about our lack of exports.) As a parent, no, I don't like the early August start. Not only do I have a certain amount of vacation days that I can plan, but most of the other parents that I work with are also trying to schedule off days at the same time. If the state and counties are so concerned with cutting costs, then they need to seriously look at ALL aspects of spending, including utilities, etc. Year round school does work. In CA my niece rotated into year round school, and she loved the 9 week on 2 week off schedules. And they did still get a 3-4 week break during the summer months. She even admitted that she retained more of what she was learning. While I am "used to" the late August start and Memorial Weekend end, I just would like them to get a basic uniform calendar and stop changing it each year.



    Love your statement!

  3. There were at least 2 police cars, 2 ambulances, and an emergency vehicle all in the parking lot when I drove up. I asked someone what was going on and he replied that they were waiting for a helicopter to airlift someone from the neighborhood, meaning Seven Hills, I assumed. When I came out of Publix, the helicopter had arrived and I left; didn't want to be a nuisance.



  4. My dad passed away 6 years ago on June 8 from colon cancer. That was very hard on all of us, but particularly hard on my mother, who had been fighting breast cancer since 1996. This past January, doctors found cancer in all her bones, she developed a brain tumor in April, and by May 23, she was gone. Today it will be two weeks since her funeral.


    I don't think I will ever get over this completely.. it's been rough...




  5. I have an update to the story: Mr. Harley McGatha did not survive his injuries. He died this morning around 7:30 am. So sad....


    Don't know if anyone around here is familiar with his company McGatha Construction Company...I believe they built schools and large buildings.




  6. Wow ~ what's with all the plane crashes here lately? :mellow:



    It seems there have been a lot lately..when I was in high school there, the most excitement I remember was when a military plane landed. It was so large and the strip so small, it almost didn't happen! There were a lot of crop dusters and such...but I can't remember anything like this ever happening there. It's a wonder that it didn't since the houses in that one area are very close to the air strip.



  7. My mom, who lives close to the airport in Centre, said an airplane crashed into a house right after taking off. Mr. Harley McGatha was the pilot. He did survive the crash, don't know his condition. I know there are several folks from around that area who post on pcom who might want to say a little prayer for Harley.

    The people in the house got out before the plane crashed into it.


    My mom has lived in the same house for over 35 years and to my knowledge, this is the first time this has ever happened!



  8. O.K. here's what worked-the ants are gone/dead for now!!


    I boiled water for several minutes and steamed the ants....then wiped down the microwave with vinegar. Last, I mixed a solution of 1/2 tsp. each of borax, honey, and aspertame and placed it in a saucer in the cabinet above the microwave where my cat could not get it. The ants evidently ate it and I hope that has solved my problem!!!


    And I still have my microwave!!



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