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Posts posted by sheri714

  1. WE LOVE R&R!!!






    .................WELCOME TO P.COM R&R.................

  2. Good morning!


    I work across the street, we have no power or phone.


    I was able to program the business line into my cell through remote access, it's ringing off the hook!


    If you have this feature it may help you sell out that delicious lunch special your serving today, it's one of our favorites.

  3. They look so happy!!!


    Hey, do their collars not shock them in the water? We have a training collar on ours and I worried about water (rain, she doesn't get wet on purpose..lol). Our other lab does go in the pool a lot and I worry about him dripping on her when they play. He's frisky when he first gets out, pouring wet.


    They are beautiful! have you thought about a water troff or a small fish type pond with a liner?



    Hey katcol, :p does your collar have batteries? or

    does the collar have an electric adapter for charging?


    If it has some sort of electronic charger she should be safe as long as you unplug it before putting the collar on her. ;) I don't think you need to worry about her getting shocked with these type of transmitter collars, even your training collar.


  4. In researching ways to help my dogs be healthier, I came across the following and thought that some of you might benefit from this information:


    "Melatonin has been found to be helpful when used with dogs who have "thunder-phobia," other noise-related reactions and other stressful situations. Melatonin has been used effectively to reduce seizures in dogs that seize between 11:00 PM and 6:00 AM. Quite a few members of our Canine Epilepsy community have also discovered that it seems to lessen the frequency and/or severity of seizures at other times of the day.


    Melatonin is a naturally occurring substance produced by the pineal gland located in the brains of mammals. It is, by definition, a hormone and has been found to be involved in circadian rhythms - those inner cycles that tell all mammals when to sleep and when to wake. In recent years, synthetic melatonin has been marketed for people as a "natural" aid to sleeping.


    In the May 2000 issue (Volume 3, Number 5) of The Whole Dog Journal is an article on melatonin and the positive results with noise and thunder-phobic dogs. The article begins on page 3 and is titled "Bring in Da Noise." The article has comments by Dr. Dodman and Dr. Linda Aronson. It does not discuss melatonin and canine epilepsy, but does discuss some of the concerns people might have with use of melatonin and their feelings on it..."




    Thank you for sharing this information. Is Melatonin the natural herb for Valium?

    I'm not sure if it is, Valium is whats prescribed for dogs that have theses type disorders or symptoms.


  5. I'm so sorry, I know how badly you must be hurting and worried sick for her safety. You have some great people looking for her, Just Denise and CreativeOne will know what to do.


    I'm near Nebo and Dallas Nebo and outside late about every evening. I will keep a look out for Lucy.

    I will keep your # in my cell, just in case.

    Hoping for her safe return

  6. Thanks for your reply. Nice hoax. Was that a garbage bag hanging off a tree?


    been busy this week. I like a good joke but this was never meant to be a hoax. I'm sure there will be an explanation for the photo (I hope so), dont think that there ever will be for the noises and objects thrown that night. I will post any follow ups and I soooo hope for garbage bags in the trees.






  7. Notice Sheri started this and is now AWOL!!!!

    If I had a baby sitter, next time she fed those horses I'd make her poo herself!!

    Has anyone seen Madagascar? The monkeys say "if you have any poo, fling it now!" I can hear Sheri's wooly booger saying that!! Lmao!!!


    AWOL because I like to have fun JACKASH!!! What big talk for the BIG CHICKEN herself!!! From my account your afraid of a lil mud, opossum, horse, ghost storie oh, not to mention THE DARK!!!


    So just keep going to bed early Granny!!!!!! or STEP UP, I'll wait on you.


  8. i see TWO hooded images...one looks like it is walking to the left and the one on the right is facing you...maybe it was just teens "playing witch games" (that is just how i am putting it cause most of the ones who do mess with it on days like the 13th and halloween dont know what the heck they are doing) wouldnt so much freak me out as i would want to go see what is up...cant explain away the poop though..that one i have NO IDEA..ha. If it were closer i would love to go see if i could see anything out there!


    no teens, this was just before daybreak and I was about 75ft away, valid point though. The barn is in the back of the pasture, years now and I've never seen anyone out there day or night.


    The tossing of pooh was about an hour earlier, one came through a stall in my direction I watched as it curved downward to the floor(like slow mo.). Several tapping sounds and a few more thuds later is when I slightly freaked only after (as I stated prior) one of the light bulbs was struck by something and was knocked to the ground. I have heard that there's documentation of B.F. encounters where he's teasing or toying with people by tossing nuts, pine cones, etc. in campsites...


    And yep, I too want to see whats up... I don't know if the pooh toss will ever be explained but I will be checking out the site where the photo was taken. I'm sure there's an explanation. I cant get ANYONE to go back there with me now, normally wouldn't need anyone, but I get the willies myself now.


  9. Dang, y'all are being pretty cool about this I know how it sound.

    But I swear, after the noises, tossing of the pooh bombs and a light bulb was busted too! It wasn't John, he had to be two acres away as this was going on. I was watching him aimlessly meandering his way back to the barn, as I shouted his name as low as I could. SWEAR!!!


    When I took the photo, all I thought was, THAT LOOKS WEIRD ... I shot it to see if it showed in the camera. I forgot about it till we saw it on the computer.




    Sheri~ step away from the good stuff hon...you've had a little too much :p

    Come on girl I would love to take your yan~ kissa out there, your way over due for an adventure.

    You know, there are some strange places in the woods out there, where something has bedded down and no one can say what they think it is. A deer, coyote, turkey or a troll !!


    edit to add: :p

  10. It was early morning Friday 13th. John and I went to the pasture to feed the horses. I had "Magpie Fairy of the Willa Twee" (thats her name A.P.)tied in the barn and I yelled out to John "stop goofing you are scaring the horse". He didn't answer me. I was starting to freak a little because he doesn't usually goof like this, and he is germaphobic TOO!! Another horse pooh ball was tossed. As I'm running out of the barn, I noticed John, WAY ON TOP OF THE HILL!!! It wasn't him throwing shi~!!


    He didn't pay much attention to my concerns and since I'm not easily scared, I passed it off too.


    He fed as I walked around taking pic of the horses. The sun was just starting to come up. On the far back side of the barn I noticed a dark shadowy figure in the woods "whats that? that looks like something!" he never hushes up quick enough to see what I'm showing him, so I usually take a picture to share with him later. Well we came home loaded the pic as usual. I wasn't thinking about anything now except how many good shots of the horses I got.

    Well, then John says "whats that? It looks like Big Foot"!!


    I swear, and Ash will tell you, we heard it last year this time and same time of day, on that very same road!

  11. Aww QOTSA she is a beautiful sweet Baby girl and she is lucky to have you.


    I'm sitting here with my Mossie boy beside me, he is 19yrs and has lost so much weight. I have offered him the best of everything even if its just for a couple of bites through out the day. he liked the kittie milk for all of one day.


    Three weeks ago he had an episode, I think was a seizure, his body was curved to the right and he couldn't stand, he was scared and his heart was racing, his legs straight. I thought we were loosing him, I knew we were fixen to make the trip to ERVet. I don't know why but I opened a can of tuna in spring water first and he ate some and drank the broth. I added water a few times more till he had enough. He got up and made it to the pan beside his bed then back to his bed, he curled up and slept he was exhausted for a couple of days.

    The vet offered to run test. I know the time is near and test results or treatments weren't going to heal him. The vet said he may be in kidney failure. I told him I realize what he is telling me and that the last thing I want is for Mossie to suffer. I asked his advise on what to feed him to get weight on him. He gave him a shot of vit B12 and offered him some Science Diet A/D, he loved it.


    I brush him a couple times a day along with lots of kisses and hugs through out the day.

    I have been keeping a heating pad under his bed for months and a heat lamp in other areas.

    He get on my bed (with a lil' ramp) to hold me, almost every night.

    He still loves the S.D. A/D and dry kitten food (for weight gain) he loves greenies treats too.

    He has put on a little weight and has been feeling better the past three days. Maybe something here will help Baby


    Moss and I will say a special prayer for you and your sweet Baby tonight, for you to have guidance, peace and comfort during this time.


  12. Publix Bud has rescue!!!!!!


    I just heard back from a rescue in Florida that is willing to take in Bud. I have notified the shelter so they will not do something unthinkable to him before I can pick him up on Thursday. (drats I can't get there today) I am going to have to take care of the adoption fee and the vetting and I am trusting the rescue to reimburse me or pay by creditcard at the vets office. I will also have to foster him for a time until they have a kennel open at a location they use in Ga so everyone pray for that. But for now he is safe, he will be at the vet on Thursday and if in good health be scheduled for neutering and be staying with me for a while.


    By the way, does anyone have a large dog house I could borrow for a little while? Mine is in use in my garage. I need another dog house for my outdoor kennel for Bud!!! I feel bad putting him in a kennel when he has been running free for so long but the rescuer assured me he wants to be kenneled and that he has finally given up is the only reason we were able to catch him three times in a month.


    Would you wonderful people that offered to donate towards helping him still be interested in donating towards his care? I could use it either as the adoption fee or as vetting fees, can be paid to the shelter or to the vet and not to me. If the rescue is not licensed in GA then a local rescue has to pull him and it is actually a better deal to adopt and get the $50 certificate and vaccination for him I think.


    AWESOME!!!! Great work 4thedogs!! I have a large dogigloo he can use.


    I will donate $40. towards his fee's.

    ** If y'all change his name.** Paulding ain't big enough for another "Bud",

    it seems to be the John Doe name for every rescue. j/k

    just ask Ash? Seems to be her fav. :p


    You have my cell # 4thedogs, I will be glad to help you if needed, getting him settled or bring the dog house to you or what ever. I will be at the pasture for a while I have cell with me so don't hesitate.




  13. Please post a pic! I love Akitas! I have had 3.

    post-2069-1233397953.jpg he's a true sweetie!!!

    I wish he could tell us his story.


    We had an Akita too several years ago and they can be a little intimidating for strangers. I've handled this guy twice and yesterday I didn't have that natural cautious gut instinct that I did the first time. I can honestly say that I don't think he has a mean bone in him and he's ready for the right person to love.


    A visit from the vet along with a good bath, brushing and some weight on those bones and he'll be a big beautiful loving companion. :wub:

  14. LMAO...I knew you would answer me :wub:


    and dont forget Grady the man with the truck heheh


    and the hot dogs I bought while shopping inside, came in handy :p


    I posted in the other thread, will copy and paste it here.


    Yes Animal Control has him for the FIRST time. While trying to catch him several passer bys "informed" myself and Green Meadow that Animal Control had picked up the Akita multiple times and he keep showing up back at Publix.........WRONG. Animal Control had been out on multiple times trying to get him and couldnt...as it ended up being a 3-4 person job. Its offical he likes Bandidos left overs....and hot dogs! Doesnt care for Beggin Strips at all!


    Also to clarify the dog I attempted to catch is at Animal Control, he was trapped.



    and on a side note. I NOW have a leash in my car and dont have to call a zillion people looking for one next time I find a dog to catch hehehe





    YUP it was him.


    Never, thank you Grady sooo much!!! Waiting on y'all to refresh memory.


    He likes can food not dry, just in case there's not a large supply of hot dog's at the shelter.


    So how about "Blix"

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