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Posts posted by gpatt0n

  1. Projection where people try to pin what they are doing onto someone else, to deflect and distract, is becoming common place.


    I kind of agree. I think however, the way I grasp the situation is:


    Projection is when people lie and accuse others of the nefarious acts they are doing in order to deflect and distract from their acts by creating confusion over facts. It is actually a psych-ops propaganda tactic that is being commonly used by those whose motivations are served by lying, cheating and stealing for personal gain.



  2. RE: 'forbidden material in an online chain' ...


    What Hillary was guilty of is adding a comment to a bit of material that in one case wasn't classified until after it was contained in an email chain. In others, the classified material was added by others in the email chain which mean anyone replying to the message after the forbidden material was added was guilty if they forwarded all the earlier comments (including the one with forbidden material.)


    One time someone posted a pornographic image on pcom. Others, showing their disgust and shock, replied to original offending post therefore reposting the offending material. I bulleted all the 'offenders' knowing that those 'just replying' had not thought about what their replies had meant (copying of the forbidden material).


    Doing so was a grossly careless act and I think the reading is that of some 50,000 emails in the account, only 100 in 13 chains or so had some issues.


    Anyone with an IQ greater than 80, if presented with the facts, would understand that the bruhaha involving Hillary Clinton's emails was a gross exaggeration of the whole issue.


    Yet while you complain about that splinter in the 'dems' eyes you ignore the log in DJT's eye talking to anyone and everyone on his insecure cell phone nightly since his inauguration over the objections of the intelligence community which knows the Russians and Chinese are listening.


    You need to open your eyes because the behaviors being uncovered regarding this regime are not troubling; they are provably criminal.


    This all begs the question of whether you want to live in a country ruled by the rule of law or ruled by the hand of those who proclaim themselves above the law.



  3. Pubby


    Just what if...



    What if Mueller's probe implicates the Clintons and not Trump?


    While that kind of outcome is not at all expected, I guess that if CC is right and frogs do grow wings, the Clinton's would go trucking down.


    So while I highly doubt that this criminal conspiracy uncovers proof of collusion between the Clinton's and the Chinese to win the 2024 election or some such, I'm not wanting to limit its impact on anyone that is complicit in treason ...


    But looking at your language .. "What if Mueller's probe implicates the Clinton's and not Trump?" Let me say that Michael Cohen worked for Trump and Trump has already been named as an un-indicted co-conspirator in one federal crime, confessed to in open court by the co-conspirator with the president.


    So, using that more charged statement, that assertion would involve another whole reality to be true. So tell the truth, you're binge-watching "the Man in the High Castle".


    A better 'what if? would be if the plan uncovered involved Trump pledging fealty to Putin who is installed as president of the USA when Trump, in his own words, abdicates and claims the office belongs to Putin because Putin is the Anti-Christ.



  4. The reason that Flynn is getting off for zip jail time before the case is presented is because he is probably the star witness in the congressional hearings that will likely come sometime in early 2019.


    I say his star witness status is critical because, he's free and clear and if the Judge and prosecutors finalize the deal ... he can recount if t hat is the truth. When Flynn tells his story he won't be under the thumb of the government. You can bet that he'll be playing up his military background including the humiliation he's felt.


    I'm probably wrong but I suspect the unrelated criminal investigation cited in the Flynn filing was a crime that Flynn was aware of that that he believed would not be prosecuted. That belief had contributed to his adoption of cynical Trumpian values - get it any way you can.


    I think the conservatives have to know, because of the 2/3 vote of the Senate, Trump could not be convicted making impeachment a tactical dead-end without significant Republican support.


    While I have I have kept up with this story, I've not obsessed to the point of charting the players. I just know this is a complex web of acts and actions that involve a whole lot of folks. I fully expect to be surprised by revelations that may be in directions no one thinks about now.


    It promises to be an interesting story, wherever it goes.


    Cohen is also on the stage for the state as it rolls out the story but Flynn's feat of being taken completely off the hook - putting his crimes right - adds to his credibility because he could theoretically flip back to trump.






  5. Did anyone notice how pubby avoided answering my question?


    You've got to be kidding. I guess once you go down the rabbit hole, where everything uttered is a lie, then everything uttered is a lie making your statement that Mueller has no evidence 'a priori' a lie meaning its opposite is the truth. If you're confused by this bass-ass white and black world where everything that isn't is and what is isn't - where zorro and a few more appear to be - you are a trumper.


    It really isn't that hard; just pull that log out your eye, my splinter can wait.



  6. The very last sentence of your post demonstrates how hypocritical you really are; especially in the post I am responding to. First of all, you attempting to excuse her violation of a federal law in an attempt to minimize the number of email chains there were on her server. All it takes is one violation to send any other person to prison for sending just one email containing classified information over a non-secure server.


    You continue to state Trump violated laws, but so far not one single piece of evidence has been revealed that he did. This is typical of you. You are quick to judge a Republican guilty when only allegations are made, but on the other hand give a Democrat such as Clinton a pass by minimizing what they done or claiming nothing has been yet proven, therefore they are not guilty.


    Hell, if there's irrefutable evidence he broke the law, then he should have to face the music for it. Hillary Clinton broke the law and she should face the music, don't you agree?



  7. In total, the investigation found 110 emails in 52 email chains containing information that was classified at the time it was sent or received. Eight chains contained top secret information, the highest level of classification, 36 chains contained secret information, and the remaining eight contained confidential information. Most of these emails, however, did not contain markings clearly delineating their status.


    Given the nature of email chains, the one statement I've not heard is that hillary was personally guilty of attaching even one 'secret' of any type ... rather that the email chains contained them as someone in the chain 'added' the forbidden information.


    Fifty-eight chains out of 100,000s of emails. A gross violation of the law.


    ... Yet you don't sit on your hands, you applaud the absurd illegalities that is Donald Trump. You do know that it is a violation of US law to offer a bribe of any kind to a foreign leader for permissions or consideration yet it is now documented that Trump was looking at offering Vlad a $90 million penthouse in perpetuity as a bribe ...WHILE HE WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT AND GETTING CRIMINAL HELP (COMPUTER THEFT) FROM THE GUY HE WAS OFFERING TO BRIBE...


    Didn't Jesus say something about those folks who complain about a splinter in another's eye while ignoring a bloody log in their own. This be the situation I see.



  8. I don't think it was ever established that Hillary Clinton attached and sent classified materials to her email server. From her perspective, she was old school and used couriers when she initiated the handling of classified materials.


    Most of the infractions were because things that weren't classified - lets say a discussion of a terrorist event - because that is just news. The problem didn't arise until someone in the discussion replies that there was a seal team incursion planned nearby that changes the whole nature of the email.


    If Hillary is anything like me - I maybe get through 15% of all my emails - I scan the headlines and senders and only open something that catches my eye and basically ignore a lot of the other including email lists that often have the contributions of dozens of people.


    The point that gop stalwarts always fail to mention is that there was a significant effort to keep classified information off the unsecured email server Secy. Clinton maintained. The efforts made were in earnest but were not perfect and there were, if memory serves, something like five or maybe ten classified 'facts' found in something like 110 emails in an account with an email volume in the time in question, of tens of thousands.


    The processes used obviously failed in a realm where there is little tolerance she wasn't tacked to the cross by the DOJ but they did chastise here (Comey).


    However, in an effort to sell the American people on the horrible nature of Hillary's breach, the GOP dominated congress investigated the emails in close to a dozen committees. Those committees went out of their way to greatly exaggerate the horrid nature of her acts in order to slander her and thereby hopefully suppress enough of the majority party's vote to give the minority party an electoral advantage.


    In places like the south, they use these meme's to simplify complex issues that take study, analysis and consideration of data, interests and other dynamics including existing laws and regulations and instead substitute what Fox would consider conventional wisdom - in other words a reactionary knee-jerk - and, because that kind of reaction is based on emotion (often fear), it is a simple and easy response designed to avoid any of the effort associated with study, analysis and consideration of data, interests and other dynamics.


    This is all the essence of the con.


    so how does this relate to Ivanka Trump's emails?


    The so-called conventional wisdom is succinct. It says things like "Taxes = Bad;" "guns good;" "climate change hoax" and "emails bad" ...


    So why anyone is surprised that Ivanka's private emails are bad is just so special.




    PS: I'm sure her problem as a family member is more along the lines of blatantly lying to congress about when efforts surrounding the Moscow Trump Tower ended.

  9. You would think people would have learned by now not to punch at Trump...


    He only punches back harder......and usually wins!


    I think any fair reading of history, beginning with your neighborhood and kid games of king of the hill and going to the wild west and Billy the Kid followed by the mob wars during prohibition including the rise of the "G-Men" and going to dictators like Hitler and Saddam and even Osama Bin Laden ... all of which feature those whose bullying behaviors ended badly, more or less proves those who seek to win by dominance and dominance alone fail.


    Yep, there are those like Trump who piss off everyone when they win and who seek to subdue and dominate the balance of humanity through threats of retribution.  Whether they were gunslingers in the west, if they were the big kid on top of the dirt pile, or chancellor of Germany, they are displaced and others who will do their best to prove that the dick at the top of the hill doesn't deserve to be there.


    We all know that the line of challengers for fastest gun in the west resulted in the proliferation of boot hill cemeteries across the west.


    And as far as the ineffectual nature of LEO bureaucracies, I don't think you quite grasp the years and sometimes brutal history of LEO in America.  For instance, when mobsters sought to dominate, we have since been treated to multiple artistic renderings of characters like Al Capone v. Melvin Purvis in multiple 'presentations' of the "Untouchables" ...



    The reality is the performances we see in movies are an artistic reflection that is shined, buffed and put on a diet to make themIt entertaining. You have to know that Donald Trump is every bit the acting pro as Sean Connery.  His genius though is in his ability to steal the headlines.  He's a reality show producer and if a "trump" story is leading the news - good or bad - the critical point is that he is controlling the conversation.


    It is only in the context of massive media manipulation that bully pulpit of the presidency has gained even more power.  No single person or company has the hold on the news that a president has but literally millions are commenting.  Total new content is overwhelming from a literal physical standpoint.

  10. Actually, I've been pretty much on topic for the past three years ... i.e. that Donald Trump is the wrong guy and a danger to America's representative democracy. I really wish you guys could see that I don't hate him and I don't fear him ... well, anymore than I fear your everyday TRUCK up who would swerve into my lane at 70 mph for whatever reason (drunk, high on oxy, just mean or just stupid).


    What most of you don't know is that when it comes to seeing things that need to be changed, I'm not at all averse to change that recognizes, as its core principle, the idea that good government is the goal. My problem is not that belief - I think it is a broadly sought goal by folks of all political persuasions.


    See, for me, good government is not defined by some arbitrary expectation of size but rather the contribution it makes toward creating that 'more perfect union.' I see the Trumpian goal as being 'small government' ... the creation of a government so small and weak ... that not only could it be drowned in a bathtub, but that it is incapable of holding to account those in society who have so many assets, they can avoid any accountability. To pull an instance from the headlines, I think this administration may have gone too far in its involvement in the likely death of Jamal Khashoggi, the Saudi national living in the US and working as an international journalist who may have been killed over his criticisms of the Saudi prince.


    This is obviously a developing story but we do know that there in signals intelligence we captured that shows the Saudi government at the direction of the prince was planning to kidnap the journalist. We also know that Jared Kushner and the prince converse in private channels outside the protocols established in our traditional government that emphasizes transparency. We also know that since we had the information of the plot to kidnap, our established protocols require our government inform those who may be the target of such illegal acts by a foreign government. That Khashoggi went to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul consumed, not with the chance he might be kidnapped, but walking on air as he sought documents that would allow him to marry his Turkish sweetheart. It is raising questions about the impunity of the Saudi prince and whether he thinks he can get away with such acts because he's buds with Kushner and Trump .


    Before you say, BS ... know that the Senate Foreign Relations committee has in a unanimous vote sent a letter to Trump that forces the administration to investigate the incident under provisions of the Magnitsky Act - that act that Putin particularly hates.


    But it is on the accountability issue that I find Trump's administration lacking on the most basic level ... it is because he sees international relations as being founded, not on mutual interest of peoples but on the whims of the leadership which goes through life making deals here and there including more than a few that are self-dealing wins.


    The main way we avoided the monarchy portion of that lady's question to Ben Franklin, is we instictively recognized that presidents come and go - meaning personality is fleeting and is only incidental to the task of running a government.




    Here's a question for my conservative friends. Since you were so big on testing kids to determine the efficacy of public schooling, what do you think of t he idea we create objective tests of things like societal efficiency for not only the government to meet but for private enterprise ... and make it so those in private enterprise who meet real criteria of progress can enjoy tax savings not available to less effective businesses and individuals.


    I'm fairly certain you were the only liberal on this site to even mention the drone attack that killed that american child. With respect to journalists being spied on, homes raided, and basic 1st amendment rights infringed upon, you might have mentioned some concern, but I don't recall seeing anything and I certainly don't believe DVP or CC even blinked. In politics where voices need to be heard, how are "muted, behind the scenes criticism and resistance," effective?


    - Jamie


    actually, I was initially supportive of folks like Manning, Snowden, etc.


    The thing about obama is that he did go after the leakers but was pretty much hands off to the journalists. I'm sure some of the blackops and other intelligence entities (not LEO - there is a big difference in both purpose and tactics) would love to find a way into the journalists but you forget that going back to the beginning of the nation and especially among foreign correspondents, the was sometimes confusion of who exactly some of them were working for.


    Then you asked specifically: "In politics where voices need to be heard, how are "muted, behind the scenes criticism and resistance," effective? "


    First, voices being heard is only one part of the equation and given the explosion of dialog fostered by the internet, plenty of voices are making sounds.


    One might even point to expert voices; the voices of the scientists and climate modelers who are saying we're running out of time to make the kinds of changes necessary to avert, well, the big killing that promises famine, flooding and the sinking, literally of coastal cities around the world displacing literally billions. We see thes voices routinely ignored by those on the right who value the extra .2 percent profit they may make from the stocks and bonds this quarter but reason, since they're already 70, they'll be dead before the big killing comes. The only group I see being heard by Trump, who is all about the money, are the evangelicals who equate the short-sighted policies they know will lead to massive destruction, death and misery within a couple of decades with the end times under the belief they are the same thing.


    The only problem I have with them is they seem to believe that God, who created the heavens and earth in six days, is no longer capable of doing the end time on his own but rather needs the help of conservative icons like Charles and David Koch and that champion of the world's right wingers, Vlad Putin and others to force the conflict on the notion they're doing Gods' work. Well yeah, I think they are trying to do God's work and I think he might be getting a bit pissed at their effort as in so doing, they're doing the exact opposite of what Jesus taught.


    I recall the famous quote of Ben Franklin, who coined it as he left Independence Hall after the constitutional convention. A woman passerby asked Dr. Franklin, "Well Doctor, what have we got - a republic or a monarchy?"


    "A republic if you can keep it," replied Franklin.


    My personal opinion is we need to do a lot more work to keep our Republic and the so-called Republicans are not doing much to help.





  12. Where were we ... saying that kind of crap doesn't need to be happening ... Obama got a great deal of criticism for his attacks on whistle blowers and journalists not to mention the criticism that he got for his use of drones to kill individuals.


    The right wing's portrayal of liberals as being unabashedly in love and uncritical of Obama is, well a lie. That we didn't rush the ramparts or burn him effigy is not to be confused with blind devotion. After all, you guys were doing a great job of burning him in effigy and you would have called us copycats had we started doing so. I think our muted, behind the scenes criticism and resistance, was probably effective.


    Oh, and we start with the knowledge that perfection eludes us all which contrasts with the right which, when confronted with an issue like whoring around by the man, we don't double down on the lie and like Kavanaugh on Fox, claim we were a virgin until age 21 or some such.


    Reading the full article, we discover that this is really old news as the effort to get this information from a search warrant/subpoena began in February 2017, within weeks of the Trump administration taking 'control' and starting to make their moves on political opponents immediately upon taking office ... as if that was a crime to redress one's government for grievances.


    This just shows their purpose in gaining office was to grab power ... and I'm afraid they want to keep it. It would be better for them if they can just manipulate the election system - game it - but it is also obvious they have no understanding of representative democratic institutions, nations or peoples.



  13. Apparently pubby now thinks he knows better than the American Bar Association.




    Now that is a whopper on several levels. You've really outdone yourself.


    First the ABA would find hundreds of folks highly qualified ... probably at least half of the law professors who said he was not.


    The letter in which the professors said he should be disqualified was based on his testimony last week. That was when he blurted out in a rage conspiracy theories and suggested he was a vengeful fellow. In the eyes of millions, that single outburst of injudicious behavior disqualified justice kavanaugh from the supreme court.


    One will note that there were no similar outbursts against Justice Gorsuch last year.


    The problem is that the leadership of the Republican tribe knew this nomination was destined for trouble. Rather than seeking to build bridges and offer a nominee that would be more acceptable to societal interests other than those of the Federalist Society.


    I am certain if that testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee were on the record before the ABA rendered its assessment, he would not have gotten it.


    You, of course will disagree but the plain fact is if he had given that testimony at any other time than at the time of the vote ... literally the day before the first planned vote.


    But the whopper is that this whole thing is not about Kavanaugh, it is about how far Mitch McConnell will go to exercise the tyranny of the majority in the Senate. It is the Senate, that for centuries has been the home of the filibuster and its protection of minorities.


    Needless to say it was the abuse of the tools of the minority and later the tool of the majority which effectively ended the filibuster on SCOTUS nominations.


    Fact is, can you name the only two supreme court justices to be confirmed at a time there was not 'the filibuster'


    By nominating and not eventually rejecting a candidate who should have been rejected - a feeling shared by millions - basically the GOP screamed 'my way or the highway.'


    That you pushed someone so flawed over our very, very, very loud objection simply shows your contempt for those who don't toe your party's line.


    That notion is light years away from the ideals of the founders who were very much part of the enlightenment as the American experiment in self-government was literally heresy just 241 years ago.




    PS: One of the lessons of the enlightenment is that morality can't be quantified in money.

  14. This is sad news.


    Pauline was a great lady whom I met in the early 1990s when she had her antique shop on Main Street. I remember the day that the folks from Channel 5 came to interview her on her ebay selling. In those days the Internet was new and I helped her get on and showed her 'ebay' ... She took it from there, learning not just how to get online and email and all that stuff, but digital photography as she photographed things from salt shakers to hand made quilts, which was more than remarkable for a woman in her sixties at the time (1995). She showed her youthful attitude that marked her bright, sunny personality. If Dallas was Mayberry, Pauline was Aunt Bea in the best sense.




    Who do you think populist nationalism is directed at?


    - Jamie


    Strangely, the statement that Brett Kavanaugh made to the Senate judiciary committee last Thursday - you know the one that has well over 2000 Law School Professors and a retired SCOTUS Justice say those statements alone disqualifies him - had as its primary target the entire embodiment of Populist Nationalism: Donald J. Trump.


    That a presumably pragmatic political party would contort itself to the whims of a spoiled brat still begs credulity.





    is not qualified -

  16. Possibly, but I'd wait on the IRS to investigate before coming to any conclusions. The NY Times is in deep financial straights and they have taken to being the cheerleader for Trump bashing to try and boost their circulation.


    And I'm a little skeptical that the IRS would have missed such illegal activity as is being claimed.


    My guess is that this will turn out to be more fake news.


    You apparently haven't been awake for the last 30 years and missed when the GOP house and Senate started slashing budgets of the federal government. One of the favorite places to cut was the IRS and that agency took hit after hit after hit as the GOP figured the best way to defeat the tax man was to eliminate the IRS ... I remember when republicans used to chant about eliminating the IRS with the same glee of sheep bleeping "lock her up" or baa, baa, black sheep.


    The point is that enormous budget cuts at the IRS hit those who do audits and evasion investigations. Trump is also famous for using his celebrity to con folks in both parties to give him some political cover. Wasn't his obvious ability to manipulate and game the system one of things that make you love him and follow him?


    Anyway, I'm not at all surprised that he evaded detection by the IRS which earned its reputation as a tough nut in an earlier period.


    Did you see any income from Russians? Nope.... the lefties failed again


    The issue is his enormous inheritance - over $400 million in current dollars - was largely funded by a dubious if not fraudulent tax evasion as the estate escaped paying a half-billion dollar inheritance tax. Bottom line his fantasy story that he turned a million dollar loan into a fortune with his genius is a lie.


    Trump has not released his tax returns and the NYTimes story only delves into how he benefited from a crime quite similar to the one that Paul Manafort plead to as well. Investigations take time and Mueller has been quite busy.


    I'm still amazed that you guys don't see the con being run. I mean what I see being done is a system based even more on privilege than things are now. At its core is an attitude that endorses lying, cheating and bullying. I can think of a lot better things to build.


    But no, you are busy creating the stupidest, meanest, least spiritually justifiable jungle society based on lies, deceit and money, money, money.


    The issue is, was, and always be good government. What is coming happening is the exact opposite. The really sad part is that it is all happening at all.


    In a sane world any SCOTUS nominee who presented, in a Senate Confirmation hearing a conspiracy-theory rant accusing the body he sat before would be immediately disqualified on principle.




    PS: The truth is 'might makes misery;' not 'might makes right.'

  17. GD:


    Wrong reading. I'm curious if you are ever going to get woke to challenge of this time ...See, you seem content to wallow in your easy chair, your favorite piece of steel nestled in your hand as you take a few sips and relish the revenge you and others expect to exact on infidels and other heathens.


    So keep throwing out disparaging remarks at everyone who is concerned with the direction of the country. You'll say, as you always do, that you're right, they're wrong and, after all, they're not special like you so they really don't even count.


    Heap on some more of your BS; flip through your bank book and never give the thoughts and concerns of others another another moment. Hell, your posting history tells us you think we don't count anyway.



  18. The tariffs are risky and they go against the conventional thinking. Time will tell whether or not they work.


    But I'm with you, it's way overdue that we stand up to our trading partners and stop letting them give us a raw deal.


    Trump is coming across like Bob Hope's brother, No Hope. Even you admit there is significant risk in pursuing this not only unconventional but arguably ill-advised policies.


    Heck, even if it works for three or four industries, there is nothing that guarantees these policies won't be disastrous for other industries.


    For example, you do know that the bulk of the world's antibiotics are manufactured in China- something like 95 percent of the world supply of penicillin - not US supply - but world supply is sourced from China. The administration says that folks in the medical industry will just source the drug from Germany or another country ... which would buy it from China and then add their profit on top of the price, pocket that profit and still sell below the tariff-increased price.


    Of course the other thing about tariffs is they are taxes and guess who gets to pay these taxes? Really, GD, answer that question. Who pays tariffs we impose on imported goods?


    BTW: Cohen, Trump's economic advisor before he left the administration, said Trump is stupid because he doesn't realize that the US, as the country whose currency is the medium of trade = the world's reserve currency - gives us the advantage because the trade deficits we incur are actually 'big piles' of greenbacks in foreign treasuries. That means we're trading pieces of paper for South Korean cars not made in the US (KIA builds here) ... same for Mercedes-Benz, Toyotas, Nissans, BMW's etc. - at least the one's made there, not here.


    The thing that bothers me most, though is the distortions in the market caused by tariff's. Sure we have plenty of dirty coal but oth er t han keeping old, obsolete coal plants running to generate electricity, what Trump's tariff's have done to the solar PV market is rather remarkably, just slowing the dramatic growth in PV solar generation. (The life-system cost solar are currently still lower per KWh for PV than the long term cost at present values for coal, gas or nuclear and while nuclear doesn't have the externalized costs of coal or natural gas, the energy costs associated with those fuel sources don't include the additional costs of climate change.)


    Of course you would like a world where the only source of power for electricity come from carbon emitting coal, oil, gas because, well, you want to TRUCK up the environment so much it ends up killing a few billion people.


    Bottom line, all I'm seeing is an effort to maximize chaos and disruption whether in markets through tariffs or in international relations through the trashing of established agreements and treaties.


    Humpty Dumpty, sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall and all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again.


    What trump is doing to the institutions of the United States is creating chaos and disruption and anyone with a conservative core would suspect if he breaks it, he has no possible way to put it back together again ... and being the dick he is, he's trying his best to break it. He has said so.




    I've got news... the GOP ground game is now 4 times larger than it was during the 2016 general election.




    I have noticed that many people running around in brown shirts saying weird things like blood and soil and jews won't take my place. Still, brown shirts are T.U.R.D. colored shirts ... so maybe mrshoward and GD are both confused about what they see.




    PS: Unacceptance - really????

  20. it's extremely clear who the partisans are here, those of you who are filled with hate toward Trump.


    Trump's Secy of State who called him a trucking moron; Trump's national security chief who called him a trucking idiot; Trump's Secy of Defense who compared him to bratty fourth or fifth grader and his current Chief of Staff said Trumps ignorance of government and process created what he called 'crazytown' ... They are Republican partisans so I'm guessing that makes me a "Partisan American" since I share disgust over this autocratic SOB.



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