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Status Updates posted by StrawberryPie

  1. Prayer works!

    Good Luck On the interview-just

    be yourself! Your a great person and great things are coming for you:)

  2. Hey girl! How ya doing? Im ok .Worn out.I miss talking to ya.Iwish we could talk more-I could use a friend too right now:)

  3. Hey girl! How's it going? Well, ok here-exhausted been trying to help Sam out but its kicking my but.Her surgery is soon and I have to have my stitches checked their still their! Its driving me nuts lol I wanna pull them out! I hope your well! Miss talking.


  4. hey girl! Hope your having a great day!Im in prayer mode lol- I have some possible good news coming so please pray dfor me and I will do the same for you! Love ya!!!

  5. Hey girl! How have ya been? Im good ! Been in a music mood today listening to bluegrass/christian music lol. I love music! I hope you have a great week!!! Call me sometime if I dont answer for some reason leave a message I have a tendancy not to answer unless I remember the number.***HUGS*****:)

  6. They took me off the antibiotics said I didnt need them anymore which is good.I havent hurt enough to continue the percocets.I only take one if I feel horrible-I have been ok though.I cant wait till the rest of the stitches are out and Im completely healed.Hope your week was great too! Hope all is well:) See ya later Buddy Love ya:)

  7. Hey baby! SO proud of you and your newest gig.This is going to put you over the top! I love you!

  8. Hey girl! Im back:) IN a lot of pain but moving around.I get my stitches and splints out tomorrow morning!!! Im so glad-hope it dosent hurt anymore than now.Either that or Im taking extra pain pills in the morning lol I hope your doing alright.Ill call as soon as I can talk. Hopefully in a day or 2.Love ya miss ya Later:)

  9. Yeah I feel ya! Just got back from church.We had dinner,fellowship and a movie.It was fun. I made squash casserole for the first time and it was good! I have my sugery monday at 6 am.Please pray for me.Miss and love ya too! :) Hope your ok call me soon or leave a number so I can call tomorrow before surgery-I will probably be out of commision for a while

  10. Were good.Just working on some projects and chillin at the house today.We have our homecoming at church tomorrow! Im excited:) Hope all is well.If you have time please give me a call tonight! I have been worried about you and wanted to talk:) Later

  11. Bumped your stars:)

  12. Hey you gotta lot of stars! I think you took one of mine lol I bump yours too!

    :) Laters XOXO

  13. Hey baby! Good luck tomorrow! XOXO Bumping stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Popping in to boost stars and say Hi of course:)

  15. Just wondering who was kissing on my girl lol

  16. thank you Im sure she will love that :)

  17. Thanks glad to see someone loves me lol :)

  18. Hey mark! Star bumping :)

  19. Happy b-day!!!! I love ya man!!!

  20. Hey there! Bumped your stars and saying hi! Things are good! I will have to call you with the newest updates on what is going on.Love ya later:)

  21. God help us! Sam is addicted to P.com lol its like fighting but on the computer.I cant pull her away lol and she is asking me a zillion how do you do this questions.lol Cant wait to see you :) love ya

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