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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Crossroads, just so there is no misunderstanding, please understand, I am done with this issue. I have explained myself and now I am done. I will not be meeting with you because I have the feeling that just more drama will be created. There is nothing I can do to make this any better so I think I'll just bow out. Please feel free to govern yourself accordingly.
  2. Well, since you insist on bringing this to the open board, here is my response: You and I had a confrontational exchange on the board before that day. Sorry if I wasn't Suzy Sunshine that day, I was not feeling well and that was impacted by the heat of that day and being surrounded by mustiness didn't help. When you told me your name and I realized who you were, my "crazy drama queen" alarm went off and rather than be a phony, I kept my distance. I was not there to socialize, I was there to help Melissa. Period. Since that day you have made various posts about me and what a phony I
  3. I can certainly honor that. For the most part anyway.
  4. Just make sue you wear that hat in your picture with your thong. I'll bring my "big" camera!
  5. Hey....just had an idea! Let's have a p.com get together! Been a while. It would be neat huh?
  6. Hun, come on give the gals a break. LOL
  7. To clarify, want to make sure there is no miscommunication, the Longhorns in hiram right? There will not be a cat fight. Sorry to disappoint.
  8. You tell me when and where you want to met and, of course, I'll make it my business to be there. Any time, any weekday.
  9. Maybe, that's what makes us care.....
  10. Hun, seriously, you need a time out. You now have legal issues for what you post to people. I have never knowingly responded to you in any kind of aggressive manner. Ever. I sincerely don't know what you problem is with me. I am asking you now to get out every and any problem you have with me. I met you once, under very difficult circumstances and I didn't feel well either. If you think that you are coming after me for that, think again. My actions with that family speak much, much, much louder than you on any kind of level. You didn't even know them before that day did you? Y
  11. What in the world are you talking about? If I'm included in any way in this post. Don't hide, just say what you mean to say. I will say this much, LPPT has been the very, very best friend to Melissa. I mean this with sentiment that comes from the heart. If you know anything, you'll know this much. Don't even try to bring their friendship into your drama. It's way above that.
  12. Folks.....rather than get caught up in the nonsense. Please just take a minute to think about this. ^^^
  13. Ok, enough fun and games. I like this site, I like the members here. I'm hanging. I'm good.
  14. I was wondering when you were gonna see that.
  15. Get what? Seriously, get what? Right and wrong? I know that real well. Really, really well.
  16. In other words folks.......what you're seeing is a URL issue. LOL
  17. LOL. Your attacks mean nothing to me. They are not based on anything I have done. Just like most of the attacks made on me, they mean nothing. I think what really gets you'se goats is the fact that you have tried to run me off and I don't cave. Your opinion of me matters not.
  18. I sincerely liked Johnny J, he was nothing but very nice to me. I agree that he was a great asset this site. Don't think it will ever be the same without him. I disagree with the ownership of a website that is pretty much contained within one county, in one state, as a leadership role. I personally would not depend on ANY owner of a website for a informed decision. Maybe that's just me. Perhaps it was his running for public office that throws Pubby into the "leadership" role but as an independent owner of a community website, nah......not as far as I'm concerned anyway.
  19. Let me assure you I have very much a clue. But please continue.
  20. Whether it's an Internet forum or a Fortune 500 Company, it's no different. LOL. Yeah, it is.
  21. He is the owner of a community based web site for Gods sake but in order to own this site, he has to be a "leader." Get ahold of yourself! LOL This is not a "leadership" role. This is a "businessman" role. You seem to think is a "power" role as well. Are you kidding me? ETA Stradial leaving made me tear my hair out. I like to think we are still buddies. I agree that Pubby should not be name calling just like I don't think you should make out that you are some kind of "authority" poster. Pubby has his faults, just like you do, just like we all do.
  22. Growing up we didn't have a backyard, but I really like the idea of giving loved ones plants. Just seems fitting for Easter. Almost forgot....we had shrimp tacos.....no kids makes for a different Easter.
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