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Posts posted by bluegrass

  1. Folks, Donald Trump is the wrong guy to do these changes. He's an idiot. You can tell that by his choice to begin his campaign by restarting the Birther conspiracy.


    You do know that shows he's a nut job from the get go. The only people who don't recognize that are ... deplorable ...



    And now anyone who doesn't agree with your view gets shamed with a label. And that's all Hillary has too. She truly hasn't defined her potential presidency. Unlike her opponent. At this point she's reduced to name calling. Sad.
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  2. No, it is disgraceful that he is running and it is deplorable that you voted for him.


    If you had any sense, you would understand it is you who needs to get your thinking straight.




    But he's not a businessman; he is a con man who happened to have inherited enough money to put on some very elaborate cons.



    There's that Leftist spin. Just pulled out of thin air. Just another lie. Did you ever notice that your number one supporter is The Postman? That's who shares your views. Did you ever really think about that?
  3. If you believe Trump is qualified or interested in tackling the issues you're concerned about, you are sadly mistaken. Just so you know, I'm not enthusiastic about Hillary, but I think she's far more qualified than Trump. No presidential candidate has run with as little experience as Trump is. Reagan was governor of California, GWB was governor of Texas, Bill Clinton was a Governor and attorney general. Trump can't even claim he was a successful businessman. Trump is an elitist snob, playing the working class for fools. I understand your frustration, but Trump isn't the answer.

    I've seen the results of these experienced politicians. I'll pass. I'll go with the business man. People love to point out his lack of success and that's ludicrous. He's been ridiculously successful. You're just buying into Leftist spin.
  4. false equvalency: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/donald-trump-university-memory-224712




    It is disgraceful that this guy is on t he ballot for president this November.



    Well he is. And he was chosen by the silent majority that's sick and tired of getting screwed. Tired of globalist agenda. Tired of obscene trade deals. Tired of apologist agenda. Tired of watching manufacturing going abroad. Tired of watching tax dollars being taken out of their checks and given to those who won't work. Tired of snotty, elitist Hollywood types who are out of touch with blue collar reality. Tired of the lies and the spin. America can be great again, but it means changing our current course. That means defeating Hillary at any cost. #trump2016


    And for the record nobody cares about silly false memos or ridiculous charts created by Leftist propagandists. But I'm sure you'll post some more anyway.

    • Like 3
  5. Narcissism and the sociopathic need to get even.



    Trump Would Fund Super-PACs Aimed at Taking Down Cruz, Kasich

    July 22, 2016 [/size]

    Donald Trump plans to create and fund super-PACs specifically aimed at ending the political careers of Ted Cruz and John Kasich should either run for office again, after both snubbed the Republican nominee during his party's convention this week, a person familiar with Trump’s thinking told Bloomberg Politics on Friday.[/size]



    **A person familiar with Trump's thinking**? WTF does that even mean? That's not journalism. That's tabloid level trash. The more anti Trump propaganda I see in the media, the more I know he's got their handlers running scared. November can't get here fast enough. #trumptrain
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  6. Actually for most of my life including now, foreign policy has be a bi-partisan thing so your leftist bs is just that, bs.


    I'm not putting words in your mouth. I am not responsible that you don't get the if-then logic that has virtually every conservative national security expert (from the Republican side) has said that Trump is unqualified.


    Here is the letter:






    From wapo:


    Bottom line, loyal Republicans who work in the foreign policy field think the guy's thoughts on foreign policy are counter to the interests of the country. You can look up the coverage of this letter on google or read the Washington Post article.


    Accepting, hell lapping up ignorant BS frankly is what sheeple do... and I'm sure these GOP foreign policy and national security experts are not sheeple. Frankly, I thank them for their patriotism and standing up for principal.


    Foreign policy is and always has been bipartisan. You, some of the folks around here, Rush, Roger Ailes and others that practice 24/7 electioneering/propaganda are the only ones who disagree ... and that is one of the things that is wrong about their approach.



    You should listen more, and talk less. You didn't even comprehend what I said. You were too busy formulating your (lengthy) response to do more than scan my concise reply.


    *The worst student is the man who knows everything. He can't be taught anything.*

    • Like 1
  7. Let's see, you say first that you are not naive or easily duped and then say Putin puts his country first. Pardon me while I chuckle.


    I think most folks would like a positive relationship with Russia but re-acquiring countries makes that kind of difficult. What most of the more astute folks in international relations see happening in Ukraine is something more akin to Hitler and his interest in Austria.


    That would make Trump sound more like a willing, rather than somber, Chamberlain.




    We know the cold war is over. You really have drank the kool aid if you think Obama is trying to revive it. What are you saying. Should Russia be able to take back and control countries that were once the soviet block? Are you wanting to build back the Berlin Wall.


    Backing off NATO is saying just that. Our relations with the EU are really strong ... or were until Putin's puppet said he wanted the US to back out of NATO.


    What you have said confirms that you are naive and easily duped.



    Classic lefty defensive posture. Outlandish extrapolations, putting words in my mouth. Followed by applying derogatory labels. That crap actually works on the weak and the ignorant. Sheep who will go along to get along. Shaming them into compliance. It doesn't work on me. And it won't work on Trump supporters in November.
  8. smokediver:


    You are either naive or easily duped. What is obvious is there is a set of exceedingly rich kleptocrats in Russia and they are seeking to regain the economic base in eastern Europe that once kept the 'communist leadership' living very comfortably in the former Soviet Union.


    When you have that much money - especially when it is basically stolen money - you spend it in ways to let you steal more.


    Right now, the US government's foreign policy is to support NATO to keep Moscow and Putin from recapturing these states under Russia. It also is resisting Ukraine's bid for independence from Russia as the time - which was just a couple of years ago when TRUMPS campaign manager Manafort was representing PUTIN's man in Kiev who stole tremendous amounts of money.


    We know that Trump is saying things that are like music to Putin's ear from personal accolades to the substantive and important choice to telegraph a change in US policy by removing promises of US support for Ukraine from the GOP party platform - that being the only change requested (demanded) by the Trump campaign.


    So, you would have me and everyone he is not telegraphing a flip in America's policy in regard Europe from pro NATO and western Europe to siding with Russia and its plans for expansion in Europe? HE IS:


    By definition that means he is doing the bidding of the enormously wealthy klepocrats whom we don't know what kind of 'deals' he made with going back to the period 2012 and before (when he most surely was already running for president.)


    Trump campaign manager’s Ukrainian clients have Panama Papers connections ... read it, inform yourself. understand that when Bob Barr, speaking to Paulding's leaders back when he was a congressman, said the way to see if a politician was lying was to look at the lips ... if they are moving ...



    I'm neither naive nor easily duped. I've admired Putin as a leader. He puts his country first. I've also thought that cultivating a relationship with Russia would be a brilliant move in today's world. Makes a lot more sense than Russia + China against USA. And relations with China will sour when we start bringing back manufacturing. Lately they've been milking us like a cow.
  9. Pubby said: Could it be that Trump is taking us toward a one-world government that puts the kleptocracy in the drivers seat?




    So the Nationalist guy who's running against the globalist regime that's bringing this nation to it's knees.. will lead us to a one world government? Does the left have no shame at all when it comes to speaking outright lies? That's the exact opposite of the truth. And for too long people stuck their heads in the sand and believed the lies. That time has come and gone.

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    I think we all wondered if the reason that Trump refused to release his taxes was because he paid no taxes. What if the reason is that in 2011 or so he got a big personal loan from a handful of Russian keptocrats and he needs desperately to keep that fact under wraps.


    Be SMART smokediver ... Donald Trump is not who you think he is. Something is not right.




    What kind of paranoid, alarmist, made up horse chit is that? I mean what if Hillary is a brain sucking alien? Is that in the lefty play book? To make up pretty much whatever and publish it? Wait. Don't answer that. I already know the answer.


    Gawd I hate quoting you because it takes about an hour to delete the parts I'm not addressing. Just because you're typing a lot of words doesn't mean you're saying anything. Look up Concise. A useful concept in communication.

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  11. Starting to think when Trump said he could murder someone and people would still support him he was talking about people like you.

    I'm just not drinking the kool aid that's served up by the media these days. They're afraid of him too. He's a major threat to the la la land we live in these days. It's not up to me. I just get one vote. But there are many out there just like me. And November is coming :)
    • Like 1
  12. America First:


    Look into its history ABR.


    Look also at this article about Peter Thiel's vision and ask what he was doing speaking immediately before Trump's daughter.


    You folks are falling for platitudes from a guy who claims to be a billionaire vigilante. I don't get it. This is nuts.



    This country has been duped. And a very vocal minority has been leading the way. Unfortunately it's down a path of destruction. The silent majority has stood quietly by and watched the tail wagging the dog for long enough. People want a strong economy. And people want a common sense approach to national security. If you can't wrap your head around that, you've had your head stuck in the sand for tooooo long.
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  13. More and more people see through the smoke screen that has blinded this nation for nearly a decade. Hidden beneath a layer of feel good social issues, globalism has stolen wealth and power, and sent it abroad. Even the most devout Dems realize we're headed in the wrong direction when they can't find a job.


    He got his prediction right though. The pendulum is swinging the other way now. And it's moving fast.

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