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Posts posted by redneckinchevy07

  1. Welcome Big Lee! The villagers are friendly, so jump on in! :lol:

    Thanks for the morning chuckle...I can always use one of those!

    Look forward to seeing you posting more here in p.com land! ^_^


    Scarlet and Bruce


    Thank You Very much!!


    Welcome! I requested the P.Com community to send me questions to ask you. After collecting so many here are the important ones that people want to know about you:


    Big Lee, are you related to General or Bruce? No I am Not..Sadly


    Two part question here: How big are you, exactly? And, are you measured in inches according to the U.S. measuring standard or would we need to measure you, then convert that measurement into the metric system? Are you asking How big a boy am I? I'll tell ya I'm Corn Bread Fed if that helps :D


    How big are your parents? Are either of them medium sized? Have you ever had a "little person" in your family tree? If so, were any of them in the Wizard of Oz? My dad is about 6' 2, (well he's shrunk with age) My mom is on the short side, so I came out to be around what I consider the perfect height (5'8) No we have nobody in the wizard of Oz..


    Another two part question here:Big Lee, how much milk did you drink to become so big? Do you have a milk mustache? Honestly I ain't a big Milk Fan, I think they put miracle grow in my sweet tea when I was a baby..lol


    How many calories have you eaten to grow so big, Big Lee? LOL...I don't keep track of calories, We're in the South Here



    I bet you're a Burnt Hickory Lee, aren't you??????


    No Ma'm



    Hmmm. Do I know you?


    Haha Yes Oscar you saw Me today B)


    Thank all of Ya'll again for such a Great Welcome!!!

  2. I went to see the Hangover tonight and I am here to tell you it is worth the money.. I laughed until my sides hurt even though there were some Bad (as in you don't want to see again) parts.. It is rated R for a reason but otherwise its a Great Movie.. Its kinda like superbad meets road trip but I'd recommend it!!!



    Ok Thats all I have to say.. Have a Great Night and Congrats to all the 2009 Graduates

  3. LOL...no biggie, just goes to show how important they are :lol:


    They are a cheap set but they have served me and a few strangers as well as a few friends very well..


    I would also recommend that you go bid on the car wash gift certificate auction in community chest that goes to benefit Taylor's P.A.L.S. --If its still open that is


    Car Wash, Oil Change, Gas Card, Detailing Kit anything like that will be perfect..Go down to Wal-Mart and check out what they have up for grabs in the automotive section

  4. Maybe you could do a personalized license plate if she don't have one already..or something to hang from the rear view mirror. I know this is gonna sound stupid but they have been helpful for me: Jumper Cables


    Sorry I didn't see your Post ^ P.C. Shopper

  5. The only thing is now if you just have a h.s. diploma not many places are going to hire you and if they do you usually start out at the bottom of the ladder and have to work your way up. Which I'm sure thats what a lot of these people have done but they done so before a college education was almost essential (if that makes any sense)

  6. Thank Ya'll so Much!!! I look forward to getting to know everyone and making lots of friends. I haven't felt this welcome since I walked into Bass Pro Shops :D :D


    :wub: :yahoo: Glad to see u around!!!! U better be good! :p


    I promise I'll be Good, You know me well enough to know that :wub: !!!! :yahoo:

  7. Thank you very Much I don't plan on wearing my feelings on my shoulders..I'm pretty much laid back and just enjoy all the varied opinions


    Funy joke


    Good to see you post!!!!



    Thank You Very Much!!

  8. Hey Everyone, I've been on the site for awhile but I'm just now starting to post again.. I've been doing some reading on the site and I gotta say It keeps me up to date!!!


    Anyway I know this is pointless but I wanted to throw out a big Hello to everyone..Hopefully you'll be seeing more of me on the site soon.



    Just wanted to leave ya'll with a little laugh before I go off to do some of this massive pile of work I have for school:



    Aging Mildred was a 93 year-old woman who was particularly despondent over the recent death of her husband Earl.


    She decided that she would just kill herself and join him in death.


    Thinking that it would be best to get it over with quickly, she took out Earl's old Army pistol and made the decision to shoot herself in the heart since it was so badly broken in the first place.


    Not wanting to miss the vital organ and become a vegetable and burden to someone, she called her doctor to inquire as to just exactly where the heart would be.


    "On a woman," the doctor said, "your heart would be just below your left breast."


    Later that night, Mildred was admitted to the hospital with a gunshot wound to her knee.


  9. I had to drive my fathers Jeep (handicaped tag) for a few weeks in December. You could always find it in the back of a parking lot. ;)



    Same here. If I'm in it by myself I park either farther away than normal or right in the middle of everyone else

  10. I love that.... when I was living in NY, I was friends with a guy who during winter drove a plow truck. He would 'accidentally' hit cars in handicapped spots.


    I hope they were the ones that wasn't supposed to be there :o


    My mom has a handicapped tag on her jeep (she has a bad leg and back from a wreck and then a fall a few months later ) and if I ever take it anywhere I hate parking in the handicapped spots (even when she is with me) I just feel like I'm getting stared at or that I'm abusing the privilege even though some days it is necessary.The only time I feel alright about it is when I have my grandma with me, and she is in a wheelchair so its obvious its needed.

  11. I love the people at my Wachovia. They all call me by name when they see me, give me first-rate service and the teller at the window has the greatest customer service skills ever!



    I couldn't agree more about the service!! I had a problem with them not crediting an incentive for opening a new account to my account and I went up there and talked to one of the managers (eddie was his name) and the money was in my account within 2 days

  12. I have an account with them but never use it. Does anyone know what their procedures are for bringing in change?


    I do all my banking with USAA, but wanted a local bank just in case.



    When you take in change they require that you have a phone number written on all the rolls of coins (I usually put the house number)..


    I have never had a problem with Regions before, My problem was with Suntrust, I loved them when they were Community Trust but after the Merger..Not so Much. I took out most of everything I had there and moved it to Regions... Wachovia is a Really Great bank to use, but I've only used them for checking.

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