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Posts posted by redneckinchevy07

  1. I talked to Gary Gulledge in an email today and he has asked that if you have a small yard sign of his that you take it up and put it up until October 02 ( his birthday) and put it back out as a Happy Birthday present to him... If you happen to see any Gary signs on the right of way please grab them and PM me and I will gladly come and get them. I picked up around 16 austin signs and about 10 Gary signs today on my way in from class so I have done my part.


    Thanks Ya'll



  2. Okay if the "Thursday" thing is a mistake, alright.


    But then again, can it really be a mistake--this is the biggest day of her hubby's life.


    So with that being said---SHAME ON KATHY SHEARIN!!! As my old preacher would say---take a second and follow me, now..... I am sure there are people that will get the letter, and will honestly think that the primary is Thursday. Or maybe people will get it and amidst the trails and demands of their lives will accidently put in their minds that Thursday is the primary. Now if they do that because of Mrs. Shearin's letter, has she not hindered the election process. Isn't this rather unethical. I know all you Shearinites will scream that this is a far stretch. But is it?? How many times, have you accidently got in your head the wornd day of the week tagged on to a different day of the month. I know I can't be the only one who has done it. (And yes, I gave K. Shearin this benefit of doubt , already). But again, being such an important day for her hubby you'd think she could get it right..)


    Anyway, back on track---and please, still try to follow me---- Amidst the allegations of corruption, shouldn't Mrs. Shearin be walkin a fine line. In light of the issue involving the Administration's attempt to dissuade or hide the public notice of tax increase from the public---should Shearin or rather his wife be pulling shading stunts to confuse the voters?? If this was a political shunt, was it not a stunt to hinder the votes for Mr. Austin. Isn't this a stunt that hinders the electoral process. Is this something you would expect a honest, upstanding, ethical person would pull. Or rather that of someone that is willing to do anything to benefit themselves. The electoral process in this counrty is precious, and one never to be abused or obstructed. How can a God loving, God fearing, American loving, County loving, Freedom loving, person pull stunts that hinder one of our greatest freedoms in the country. How much blood has been shed to protect this process freedom, this precious right we have as Americans.




    Until we demand more from our election officials, we absolutely will not get it. Shouldn't we demand that our elected officials be honest, upstanding and ethical. Shouldn't our elected officials fight to keep corruption out of our public offices?


    Less we forget that only one week ago, our nation celebrated our Independence Day. A day celebrated in honor of the courage and bravery, of those who originally defended our Nation from tyranny, and the oppression of a corrupt political system. Can we as Americans continue to let what our forefighter fought so hard against, again take over our way of lives.


    Please people, overcome apathy, naiveity, and unfortunately, ignorance. Ask the tought questions, demand transparency, and demand that honor and servitude be returned to ALL ELECTED offices.


    End this now. No longer except lies, corruption, manipulation, and abuse. To do so, you shame all that has been fought and died under our flag and in the name of our country.


    And one more punch---for those of you that say, Jerry had nothing to do with this, then all I can say is if he allows dishonest behavior from his wife, then how the hello can he keep his administration in line and honest. And yes, I am saying this as a woman!!!



    I agree 110% couldn't have said it any better myself.. We need to end this NOW

  3. I've supported Gary from the day i found out he was running and not just because he is family but because I know he has the qualifications needed, The Personality to go out and make victims feel more comfortable, And there is just so much more I could say about him. I agree about him not forgetting you. I hadn't seen him in probably over a year and he remembered me and talked to me for a while when i saw him at his campaign kickoff.


    Gary has my vote!!!!

  4. I've liked Austin From the first time I met him.. I mean when I would go to the car shows he would walk up and speak to me and was really polite and I never saw Jerry sherin there... Everytime I saw him at any event he would walk right past me and never address me and that just turned me off right There.


    I wish David Austin the best of luck and I hope we can all put an end to " King Jerry"'s reign..

  5. Begging for them? I want to buy a few! I have had his flyer on my desk for a week now and have not had the time to find a contact. Anyone know how I can send some money to David Austin's campaign?


    I also have a GREAT place to put one of his signs. That didn't sound right so see the edit below:


    Edited to add:


    I have a pasture on a heavily traveled road. I will buy the sign and put it up and will not expect anything in return. I just want to see Shearin DEFEATED!



    I have 2 small David Austin signs if you want them pm me and I will gladly get them to you but as far as a large sign just check out electaustin.com and there should be the information you need to get ahold of him. There is also a link to make contributions to his campaign

  6. I've noticed the same thing..The candidate who seems to be the worse about doing this is Jerry Shearin. I know he purchased a sign bond but I mean dang.. relax on the signs. They are everywhere and it actually looks pathetic. I can understand the candidates putting their signs up on the right of way back off the road a little bit but Shearin's signs seem to be attached to everything.


    Its crazy

  7. I am definitely voting for Gary. I believe that we need someone that has been with the Paulding county sheriff's office and knows it inside and out as sheriff and not bashing some of the other highly qualified candidates but I just don't velieve one year experience as a security guard is enough of a qualification to me.

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