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Posts posted by christinas19

  1. I don't live in PC--I live in Cobb--but I thought domestic pets could have one or two litters per year without a license requirement?


    I don't advocate even the one or two litters a year, so please don't misunderstand me. But I thought the license thing came into play when people were allowing their pets to have multiple litters?


    That is what I thought too. I don't understand why we would get in trouble / citied if accidents happen.


  2. I would call the police about that. Is there maybe something they could do? Like look up the number to track the person's address & then check it out to see if the dog is there. It may not be illegal to keep a runaway dog, but I would think they could do something about them demanding a certain amount of money for it.


    We tried to look up the number but it just told us the wirless carrier, we caaled animal control and they said if we new the address they would come with us and go to the house to get him. but hopefully we will find him.

  3. I can't believe they were not together! Is the other one more leary around people that he doesn't know? That seems strange. I wonder if he was hiding out. Thank goodness the older one made it. Maybe Junior is not far from there.


    No they are both very friendly. We believe that someone has the younger one b/c he is bigger and is more active. The dad never the leaves the two pups behind.... We actually got a strange call that said they wanted 300 for the dog.. But hopefully someone will see him and give him back to us...


  4. If anyone has these poor babies please take them back home to their Mom and Dad.


    I have an update......


    This girl that lives off of Bethel Church Rd. found the older dog (Patches) last night about 1 a.m. They said he was outside playing behind their house. They let him in and he got in the bed with the little girl. Whoever had him took care of him because he has been bathed. They called about 6:45 this morning and I went over and got him. But the younger one is still out there. Please help us find him.....

  5. If anyone has these poor babies please take them back home to their Mom and Dad.



    We have checked Douglas County animal shelter and they don't have them. We got a strange call yesterday asking how much the reward was. To my husband it was a little suspicious. But we have gotten a few other calls that have seen them but didn't see the signs till later. Our other 2 dogs (the mom and daughter) are so worried, they haven't been eating like they usually do and they cry a lot. I hope that someone will call us to let us know they have them and they are safe for us to come pick them up. I will keep y'all posted with updates as I know things.

  6. Any news yet.


    Well we have put up flyers everywhere on ridge rd and the surrounding areas. While were putting them up a person drove up to us and told us they seen them yesterday around lunch time. We continued asking neighbors around them and a couple others said they saw them yesterday too but not today. So I think they are staying around our area (Bethel Church Rd and Williams Lake Dr.) But if you see them please please give us a call. Thank you.

  7. They are beautiful, I pass by there 3 or 4 times a day. I will keep an eye out. Will they come if I call them? If so what are there names?


    On that note, do they have chips, just so you know if you don't, PC Humane Society will chip them for much cheaper then the vet. $20 and it goes to a good cause.


    Hopefully they are found soon, tonight is suppose to be cold. :blink:


    Their names are Patches and Junior. And I am sure they will come if you call them. I have been to the P.C. Animal shelter both yesterday and today, i have also filed a missing dog report for both and they have the poster on file. We have put up posters all down bethel church and we printed more tonight to put up in the morning over all the surrounding neighborhoods. We are sure someone has them we just hope that they will give them back to us. We have raised both of them since they were born and it is miserable without them. Please if anyone has seen them or knows who has them please convince them to call us to return them, we would definitely appreciate it. We are offering a reward......


    Thank you to all of you who are looking.

  8. Our 2 beloved pitbulls got out yesterday around 11:00 and we still haven't seen them. They were lost around the P.B. Ritch elementary school area (Bethel Church Rd.), There ages are 3 and 1. They are about the same size both males. They weigh about 60-80 lbs each and are identical. they have brown bodies and white heads with (2) large brown patches on the face over each eye. They are also very friendly. If you have found them please return them. They are our children and we miss them very much. We are also offering a reward. Please call us with any information. 404-456-2921, 770-367-6643.


    Thank you,

    Christina & Randall



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