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Posts posted by mojo413

  1. Oh no! Businesses fail? Public and private partnerships fail? Oh no!


    Pardon my lack of outrage. You know that entire species fail ... and that more species of life have gone extinct than currently exist by a long shot. We're all going to die.


    So 70 percent of the airports are financial failures ... I bet if you included all the airports that ever were it would be even higher (I assume the point is that 70 percent of the commercial airports in operation today are subsidized because they are not generating enough money to make it independently.) But did you know that every free public road and street - which also happens to be transportation infrastructure - is by that measure a financial failure! OMG! We're surrounded by financial failure by our basic infrastructure.


    And this whole meme that things have to pay for themselves is also why 70 percent of the roads and bridges in the USA are also in need of repair.


    Then you mention health and environmental issues surrounding airports. Those same health and environmental issues surround every gasoline fueling station in the land and every manufacturing industry. While those on the right want to talk about labor costs as the reason for the multinational conglomerates moving factories and jobs to china and other places, being able to duck environmental rules in place here is the deciding factor. Seems our good old boy politicians - you know the ones that have history with the place and are not some ideological robot (like Gov. Duke Power or the idiot in W. Va who gives their special industries a pass on polluting entire rivers in one fell swoop - are not as easily bribed as the tin-pot dictators and 'leaders' of these foreign lands. That is why you just about cut the air with a knife in Beijing while you and I get nailed for having a car with a failed 02 sensor. (Of course the good old boys in Europe are even bigger sticklers for breathable air ... certainly more than the tea party right here.)


    You do have a couple of points worth considering. Personally, I'm all for establishing a value of the properties at purchase plus the cost of improvements made before 2005 as the value of those properties in regard to just compensation. And I think the Airport authority, particularly if they move that direction, ought to without discrimination based on complaints, use that or some other reasonable formula to reach just compensation.


    I mean if we can cover the roads that should have been resurfaced by builders who bailed on their bonds, we can do this (although the current litigation regarding the IBA and its ability to borrow and lend money to the AA may confound or even prohibit that).


    And finally, if you want your taxable value of your property and home to not be used to back any transportation infrastructure improvement of any kind Mojo, you can buy a yacht and find a nation - Greece used to do this in the day of Aristotle Onassis - that doesn't tax the value of the ships registered to that country. Of course then you'd either have to pay mooring fees, which Roberts' court would liken to a transportation infrastructure tax designed to support the dock, or just set sail on the ocean to avoid all sorts of fees.


    Just hope when you're caught in a hurricane, that land lubbers will keep paying for the Coast Guard they don't use because you're against funding, having or taking part in any part of the transportation infrastructure supported by tax dollars.




    PS: The thing is this mojo, we live in a very complex society with a tremendous amount of diversity which is accommodated in aggregate by the collective will of all members of the society to create all sort of opportunities. All of us benefit from this collective approach even though some of us never benefit or take advantage of every opportunity. It boggles the mind but it is what it is. If you eliminate all the 'airports' that aren't sustained by the market, then the ones that are would begin failing.


    The really, really sad part about all this is the notion that you can have a society comprised only of winners. That is more 'impossible' than jumping into a car and driving at five times the speed of light.




    And the sad part is... Our hurting neighbors can take my post, your post and $3.75 into Starbucks and they might be able to get a cup of coffee. More help than anyone else here in Paulding County is offering as of today.


    I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and Thursday.

  2. Initially I was only opposed to the lies told about my good friend Todd Pownall. I could have cared less about Commercial Air Service because I live in East Paulding. I attended the first Community Meeting in support of my friend Todd.


    I was shocked when I attended that first meeting. I witnessed...

    • The number of personal friends who unknown to me are impacted by Commercial Air Service and have received NO assurances of protection from the county. Not even a courtesy contact.

    • The evidence of health and environmental issues documented around other airports.

    • The evidence of financial failure of 70% of airports.

    • The evidence of failures of a majority of Public / Private partnerships.

    • The lack of transparency with the operations and financing of OUR airport.

    • The evidence of my taxable value of my home, autos & trailer securing the bonds.


    Being one that is skeptical, I made notes and went home and did research on my own.


    I am now FIRMLY opposed to Commercial Air Service at OUR airport.


    To those FIRMLY in favor or straddling the fence about Commerial Air Service at OUR airport... I encourage you to attend, listen, make notes, collect handouts, then research what you have found out and be better aware of the facts... Pro or Con.


    Hopefully you will be like me and make new friends on both sides of the issue.

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  3. <br /><br /><br />


    " refuse to allow citizens to question the scheme in the PCAA meeting "


    They have told your group REPEATADLY that the PCAA monthly Board Meetings are just that...WORKING sessions for the Board to meet and make the decisions they are supposed to be making. These meeting are NOT designed or set up (in spite of ya'll telling every media outlet that will listen) to be Q & A sessions for public input! How hard is that to understand!


    You know there is one way to stop the citizens wishing to speak. I am sure there are others like myself who really would like to see a business plan or data that shows the expansion to provide Commercial Air Service has merit. I hope you can help direct me to the business plan or data. I am available to pick this information up anytime or any place that fits your schedule. Once this data comes in and is verified I am sure I will be happy. Please understand I wish to see positive data because since early October all I can find is date that says 70% of airports are unprofitable and that it takes $2 billion to build a successful commercial airport. I need help in finding positive data. Your help is greatly appreciated.

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  4. Mojo - no offense, because I understand where your heart is in this. But, if Todd Pownall would not have posted this personally, I'm not sure that you should have. You could have simply responded that he was missing because of a family commitment that he had to attend or was away to take care of a family member's medical needs. This is just an awfully personal statement to make by a third party on a public message board.


    Just my two cents - again, I don't mean to offend.


    No offense taken. I asked Todd what I could post before I did it.

  5. Looks like somebody stepped in it big time... character counts.






    The sad part is I wonder if they realize they stepped in it?

    It appears to me attacking Todd is more important than honoring a man for caring for his family.

    It will be interesting to see if they take the attack down. I'm afraid or expect this is just the first attack of this election season.


    Amazingly (or not) the calls I got last night offering help to Todd were predictable. Family and caring knows no party lines to those with a heart.

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  6. Good Lord - do some of you live your lives based on conspiracy theories? I believe the reason so many people have jumped on the Pro Airport expansion train is because they have simply taken the time to research and get their questions and concerns addressed.


    I can tell you from personal experience that I have invited numerous people to the Support Silver Comet Airport Facebook page and they have let me know they will need to take the time to research the issue first. A few days later I will get a notification that they have "liked" the page so they must be getting satisfactory answers.


    I thought you would respond.


    It's an option. I am always looking for a way to generate revenue, anywhere.

  7. I came to my "qualified conclusion" at the part where YOU said , it doesn't matter who is paying the attorney's fees. I don't want Delta running our county and dictating what we should or should not do and I would hope that anybody in their right mind would have a problem with this.


    Again, we elected our BOC to do a job. The airport is here and they are simply trying to utilize it to its fullest potential. They are not doing this for them or their friends. They are doing this for the overall good of our community and it's citizens.


    Maybe if some of you would open your minds and realize that everything in the world doesn't revolve around a conspiracy theory, we could actually get some worthwhile things accomplished.


    Here's what I said in an earlier post "To me who is paying is a non-issue. I have been very impressed with how Mr. McKnight handles himself in the courtroom. I am sure the 6 plaintiffs are enduring great personal expense just missing work. To me it's their business who represents them..."


    Yes we elected them and they appointed the members of the PCAA & IBA. We expect them to make responsible decisions and represent us well. We heard testamony this week when asked why they started the work before securing funding the answer was "we never had a problem before". I read that as "we always start work before securing financing". That will get you fired in the real world. Plus they signed an agreement where we pay for the improvements and get 2-1/2% of the gross plus $700 a month for 5 years. You got a copy of the lease? If not, I will bring you a copy. Have you read 70% of airports are not profitable? Have you read the number of airport jobs are declining? Have you followed Mid America Airport? Give me something positive to read... Please.


    I'm open to hear a business plan. A business plan and protection of the neighbors most likely would sway me. You got any current data to share with me?

  8. We elected our Commissioners to do a job. That is what they are doing. Just because you don't agree with what they are doing doesn't mean that most other citizens do not.




    We elected our Commissioners to do a job. That is what they are doing. Just because you don't agree with what they are doing doesn't mean that most other citizens do not.


    Where did you get that I implied in anyway how many citizens feel one way or the other. But since you bring it up, we've not had a referendum in recent years, so no one knows how many people are for or against. I'm one, I've got my opinion, and my opinion is we have a mess and I think somewhere there is someone who can come up with a plan that is acceptable to the majority. Maybe that plan is a referendum.


    Now let me be clear. If down the road if the FAA approves Commercial Air Service and once all the court cases are over if we have Commercial Air Service I will totally support it. If there is ever a plan to protect the neighbors and move the financial risk from the taxpayers to an operator I might be swayed. Until then I totally support Industrial MRO development and I oppose Commercial Air Service. That's my vote.

  9. I feel really, really, really, sad for you to take the bait that the board of commissioners threw out about Delta.... First the BoC and the PCAA made a stupid, silly uncalculated decision to compete with the City of Atlanta and Hartsfield Jackson Airport for about a million of their yearly customers.


    Do you really think that Paulding County with revenues of about $50 million can compete with these two entities for those estimated one million passengers they are attempting to take from them? BB that is big bucks that the City and HJ are fighting for.

    Delta has a win, win either way...I cannot see where it would be one iota of difference if Delta flew out of SCF or HJ, you can rest assured that Delta will compete with anyone that flys out of Silver Comet Field. of course Pubby David and some others would have you believe that Delta is the culprit.


    It really makes no difference who is paying the attorneys fees. the bottom line when all of this is said and done can we compete with the City of Atlanta, Hartsfield Jackson, and all the other airlines flying out of Atlanta.


    I maintain it was a silly stupid decision to think we could, It would take at least another $100 million of investing to even come close.

    Since you are pro airport I am sure that your group are privy to the business plan that the PCAAA and Silver Comet Partners LLC has laid out? Will you share that with the readers??


    You know there has been NO PR on this partnership.

    I wonder if there had been citizen input early on.

    I wonder if a business plan had been presented.

    I wonder if big pictures of the terminal & Industrial MRO buildings had been publicized.

    If that plan showed environmental studies that assured the neighbors had no concerns.

    If that plan assured the neighbors of no risk due to possible property value losses.

    And if that plan had showed a solid money flow.


    I don't think we would be where we find ourselves at now.


    Back in October I forecast "Trust us, we will tell you what we want you to know, when we want you to know it".

    Today we only know what we have heard during court proceedings.

    This week we heard some of the testamony we heard in earlier proceedings is not what actually happened.


    We've got ourselves a royal mess.

    • Like 1
  10. I can't speak for them but I can speak for me personally. I too believe that Delta is behind the lawsuits - come on, your friends won't "man up" and even answer the simple question of who is paying their attorney fees. Surely you see a problem with that.


    I applaud our Board of Commissioners, Airport Authority,etc for standing up for our county! If you don't see a problem with Delta coming in and trying to tell us how our county should be run (for the benefit of their own interests) then I feel really, really sad for you.


    If you approve of Delta's behavior with regard to our airport, then you are simply being hypocritical and approving of something that you yourself constantly accuse our Commissioners of doing. You cannot ethically have it both ways Whitey............


    To me who is paying is a non-issue. I have been very impressed with how Mr. McKnight handles himself in the courtroom. I am sure the 6 plaintiffs are enduring great personal expense just missing work. To me it's their business who represents them. While back when I said I heard Mr. McKnights services were being donated, Pubby almost threw up expecting that I was being lied too. So far it appears to me the court and "The Firm" respects Mr. McKnight. I have not seen any disrespect or Mr. McKnight being treated like an outsider who does not belong here.


    In fact the visiting Judge from Cobb County honored both sides for being so professional.


    This week testamony really showed just how much our appointed and elected officials blew it by not having their ducks in a row before breaking ground. I know from personal experiance just how fast Paulding County can shut you down for starting to move dirt because one i is not dotted. We need to run our county jobs with the same standards we hold our citizens to.

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  11. Honestly but if I thought the airport expansion was TRULY going to hurt the overall good of our citizens, I would join you; however I think the airport expansion is going to do great things for our county.


    I will continue to support the PRO airport group as I can sincerely say they have the best interests of our county and it's citizens at heart. While I always appreciate others "working for their cause", I would hope they understand the group supporting the airport expansion is simply doing the same thing.


    I too share with you excitement for the progress Industrial MRO business's will bring us. It's the Commercial Air Service I can not find any justification for.

    In my opinion Surepip's plan for Class A Industrial buildings then incorporated at the Airport seems to me to have the possibility of providing us with the highest number of good paying jobs and opportunity to contribute to the tax base. I really believe the IBA could shine given this opportunity. Ride around Kennesaw, I'm guessing 50,000 +/- jobs in Class A Industrial buildings within 2 mlles of their airport. I was disappointed, maybe better said upset to see and listen to the 5 year plan for our airport. There was no mention of any Industrial MRO use at the airport in the next 5 years. I did question this later one on one and was told "that's the hangers". I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Hangers do not have loading docks.

  12. "The study hopes to answer the environmental impact questions regarding the pollution coming from the estimated 150 jets that pass over head from JWA each day....THAT'S 150 JETS PER DAY!!!


    Silver Comet Field is at the MOST going to have MAYBE 10 flights daily!!!

    So yet again you post erroneous information designed to do nothing more than inflame others!!!


    Brett Smith says 1,000,000 passengers a year.

    That's some mighty big airplanes.


    Think about it. Propeller has a new CEO. Propeller is an investment firm. Do you really think the investors are going to be happy with the return a little airport will bring them? My guess is the heat is already on Brett Smith from the new CEO to start turning a profit. Wonder why Brett Smith is not kicking the $ in to keep the runway expansion on schedule? He said he would. The runway portion is not shutdown due to the FAA settlement. Seems simple to me, Brett writes a check and the runway contractor is back working. If it's going to be such a money maker why is Brett Smith so silent?

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  13. Your 25 to 30 votes out of one Post will in no way effect the overall vote totals for the election, especially since the majority of you live in Todd's Post anyway and would have already voted for him!!!


    Here's where the rubber hits the road. The ones who know Todd know he is an honorable man.

    Lengthy but I will tell you how he cared for me and another family.

    My Mom moved here from SC in 1996.

    My Mom died July 20, 2007.

    My daughter cleaned house for Todd & his wife. My daughter recommended I list my mothers house with Todd.

    Me being greedy I listed the house with a broker in New Hope who suggested a really high selling price.

    The house sat till the summer of 2008 (after the market collapsed).

    In the fall I listed the house with Todd.

    At Christmas we heard a story from the stage at church of a father who had went to jail, while in jail his wife lost custody of the 2 kids, when the father got out the mother died. The father got his life together and got the kids back. He was living in a rented trailer. A group of guys at church adopted this family the Christmas before. A year later this father had joined the group and was helping to support another family. They ended the talk on stage mentioning the plan was to get the family out of the trailer park that year.

    Todd came to me at church and suggested I rent Mom's house to this family. I did not want to be a landlord but Todd kept working on me. We ended up doing a lease purchase for 3-1/2 years then sold the house to the family. Todd waived his commissions so the single father could afford the home.

    When we sold the house to the single father I realized more than the original price when I added the rental profit to the sale price. I tried to pay Todd the commission but he refused it. He had promised this contribution to help the father and felt getting it back was wrong.

    During the lease purchase our daughter died suddenly. Todd was one of the first people at our door step to care for us.

    Todd loves this county and the people he serves.

    I'm wondering if you plan to run? If so, run on your own merits. People like me are turned off by mud slinggers.

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  14. On the Support Silver Comet Field Facebook page there is a picture of Todd and an attack for not being at the State of the County Address today.

    So I texted Todd and asked him where he was at?

    Already knowing this situation, I expected Todd's response.

    Here is what I posted on the Facebook page...

    "Todd's not one to share his personal problems in a public forum. So I will.

    Todd's brother was in a serious work accident in Gainsville several Sundays ago. Vance has had 3 surgeries on his legs, feet and ankles. Other surgeries are expected. Currently it is forecast Vance will be laid up for 6 to 8 months. Currently Vance cannot put any weight on 1 leg and foot. Vance is home now and requires someone be with him continually to assist with moving from the bed to the wheel chair to the toilet. Todd & his father have been sharing daytime duties to allow Vance's wife to work. Both Vance & his wife are self employed so she needs to work when work is available. Today Todd's dad had to care for another family member and Todd chose to stay with his brother.

    I am sure Todd will appreciate calls of support. If you do not have Todd's contact info feel free to contact me.

    John Hyden



    We have a lot of neighbors hurting. Now is the time to call them with words of support. Attacks in public forums tear down entire families.

    Todd and I ended the conversation with a discussion about how we both would like to see the airport mess handled differently.

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  15. <br /><br /><br />


    You sir are TRULY a SAD SAD individual who has such a horrible outlook on life in Paulding County. You have complete disregard for seemingly EVERY elected official here now and who has ever been in office here. There is obviously NOTHING anyone can do to appease you and until your lawsuit is resolved you are obviously going to BEAT that drum until you wear it out! I have an IDEA...WHY don't YOU run for office and let's see if you can do any better...then see how you like folks coming on here bashing hell out of you and your family!


    Have you thought about visiting with Surepip and seeing for yourself just how he was damaged?

    How would you like for someone to be building across the street from you and they just come take some of your property because they wanted it to enhance their build able space?


    I suggest for once you stand in his shoes before you bash him.

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  16. <br /><br /><br />


    THANKS! I appreciate the offer... AS far as the water I did some research on the "fuel spill" that was referenced at the AA meeting and found out that the ENTIRE runway and ALL the hanger area is SEALED! The "spill" would have simply puddled up and been quickly removed and the area dried. There would be NO WAY for the fuel to seep into ANY ground water or to contaminate anyone in the areas well. NOW if her well is already a bad water source that of course is a different story and everyone on a well needs to do periodic testing.


    That sounds reasonable but as I've said in previous topics I personally feel a plan inçluding baseline assessments of current environmental and noise conditions where baselines are established at the 100 close neighboring properties and a plan to buy out neighbors if it's found their quality of life and or property values are found to be deminished in the future, would go a long way to calm the neighbors fears.


    It's really a shame we find ourselves in this mess. We heard testamony earlier this week where our appointed and elected officials marched forward without approvals and financing because "we never had a problem before".


    I am of the personal opinion there are PR damage groups and environmental company's that could be brought in for fees less than the legal fees we will be encountering.


    In order for our airport to be successful we need to get this mess in order. We need to require the same process's be in order just like if you and I were break ground for a home or business. If you and I broke ground on a new building without permits and financing in place, you and I would be fools and we would be shut down immediately.

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  17. <br /><br /><br />


    PAULDING COUNTY TRAFFIC ALERT!!! ---> AVOID the 1200 Block of Jimmy Campbell Pkwy in West Paulding on Saturday Morning February 8th from 9:30 to 10:30 AM as so many volunteers are expected for the STOP PROGRESS IN PAULDING RALLY that both EAST and WEST bound traffic gridlock is expected. Parking will be an issue and be watchful of the tractor trailer traffic as Coffee and Donuts are being delivered to support the crowds.




    Actually I like your sense of humor. You would fit right in with our group. If you need a ride, I'll be happy to pick you up and if you want to head out early we can go to Martin's for breakfast, my treat. And all jokes aside, If I offer you a bottled water it won't be well water.

  18. - the particular choice isn't important, but the fact that a person puts future Earth residents' needs for space and regard for the environment ahead of his own temporary desire for traditional conformity is valuable because it is considerate.



    Let me spin this topic off in a totally different direction.


    I'm reading in between the lines and let me guess, you pride yourself in being "Green". Let me say it a different way I'll bet you have a real problem with the vast number who do not "Save the Earth".


    I managed major projects and buildings for 40 years before my retirement. I experienced first hand many with good intentions who were "Green" and wanted to "Save the Earth". It seemed they always found me to give me a list of things I should do like retrofitting the buildings with solar panels. My experiance was this was the group that did not know how to shut the door when it was 20 or 90 outside. Could not remember to cut the lights off when leaving a room. And just didn't have time to take paper to the re-cycling bin. Never did I find one who was interested in our tracking data showing our tremendous savings due to our innovative energy management process's already in place.


    Basically over many years I came up with a term. "Being 'Green' means... I've got a list of rules everyone else should follow... But I ain't got time myself".

  19. Sirius, until the laws change on perpetual care locations, and you change the Ga Code as veritas so nicely looked up, I really do not see much changing. I have seen an increase in cremation, and most you will find chose this to save money, even though they would like to use the traditional funeral. What I meant is that if you feel this strongly then you may lobby in Atlanta to change both laws, where cremation is the only way for a family to use. You say you don't have anybody dead, I did not until about 3 weeks ago and the lots were purchased in 1942, and have been just fine for my lifetime. If you believe in cremation, that's great, if you believe in passing a funeral procession, then you may go around, and risk being stopped and ticketed. What I mean in the end that I am proud of my familys heritage, and glad that we have these beliefs. Have a great weekend.....


    Well said...

    It all comes down to we all have a choice if we will plan our final resting place and method.

    Some of us choose to respect the passing of other people by pausing a few moments and some don't.

    Some if us choose traditional burial and some don't.

    Some of us plan for our passing years ahead and some don't.


    The fact is...

    For everyone of us, most likely our final resting place and method will be carried out by someone else.

    I have handled 3 family members final arrangments. 2 were unexpected. 1 was expected for 10 days. I did the best I could. When getting the call again, I will do the best I can to honor the deceased wishes. Where the wishes were not known, I made the plans the best I could.


    To those who oppose my traditional burial position...

    I'm sorry I'm really not into the saving space mode or that I really trust vaults intererity.

    But see when I'm called to make final arrangments, you don't get a vote. And when you are called to make final arrangments, I don't get a vote.

    And if I see a funeral today, I will access the traffic and if I can pull over safely, I will.

  20. Thanks for the response. Do you see the eventual need for mankind to develop alternatives to the laid-out-longways burial sites? How do you reconcile the eventual environmental damage, as well as the waste of valuable land resources, given the exploding population, worldwide? Or do you choose to not consider these things? Visualize all of the other graves in the cemetery, most of them no longer visited by anyone. In a generation or two, this will be the situation at your gravesite and it will be the situation of everyone's gravesite. Yet, there you are for a couple of hundred years or possibly more after no one has visited the gravesite. Is there

    no acceptable alternative for you, except the "traditional"? For you to celebrate memories of your parents, why must a burial location be involved? That was not their life, was it? The grave markers serve as a visual reminder, but no commemorative headstone can do justice to any life, in my opinion. What happens to the body and the land seems to me to be a disservice to both.


    Spreading ashes, conversion to a gemstone, or incorporation into something useful (other than "SoylentGreen") -- the particular choice isn't important, but the fact that a person puts future Earth residents' needs for space and regard for the environment ahead of his own temporary desire for traditional conformity is valuable because it is considerate.



    Here's the bottom line. I'll continue to bury my dead and you will continue to cremate your dead.

    I respect your choice. Maybe my children or grandchildren will choose to cremate after I'm gone.

    Actually swaying my opinion will come down to an economic choice. When the EPA decides to align with your opinions and regulate burial to the point it's no longer affordable to me, then I will be forced to face your choice.


    Until then burial plots, vaults, headstones, and traditional burial are my choice.

  21. What do you mean by "I ...... cannot imagine how much fun will be had tomorrow." What does enjoyment of holidays have to do with a forward-thinking view of funeral processions? Are you implying that unless someone shares your outlook, they can't possibly experience enjoyment? I also don't understand "you will be a good lobbyist". What do those previously discussed views have to do with lobbying?


    One more thing -- I'm so "positive"? What does endorsing cremation have to do with negativity? I'm proposing a BETTER way to do things so that people in the city/suburbs aren't inconvenienced by inconsiderate people who didn't think beyond themselves when making their end-of-life arrangements. Under what set of circumstances is a "dead people taking up LIVING SPACE paradigm" desirable? It's unnatural, inconsiderate to all concerned, and environmentally toxic. Cremation is simply a better way to address the challenge of what to do with the no longer living. I don't own a cremation business or have any investments in cremation. It's just time for society to accept a new process for a variety of reasons, not the least of which are the current problems with funerals and funeral processsions. Working on existing problems for the purpose of making things better is a good thing! The first step is recognizing the problems so that they don't become unmanageable.


    Thank you for "proposing a BETTER way to do things so that people in the city/suburbs aren't inconvenienced by inconsiderate people who didn't think beyond themselves when making their end-of-life arrangements".


    My Dad bought plots and had a marker installed in the neighborhood church cemetery back in SC in 1961. When he died in 1982 I arranged with a local funeral home to bury my Dad there. In 2007 my friend Sam Clark took Mom back and buried her beside Dad. We still have 2) plots available after Mom gave 2) to her best friend to bury her husband then, and her when that time comes. In 2009 Sam again served our family by burying our daughter in a plot we purchased here. We still have 5) plots here in GA.


    To answer your question "Under what set of circumstances is a "dead people taking up LIVING SPACE paradigm" desirable? This past weekend I stood at my Mom & Dad's graves and celebrated many good memories. I gave honor to my Dad for having much wisdom in 1961 to prepare a place for us to celebrate our memories in 2013. This place and my daughters grave are very important to our grieving process.


    I'm guessing you and maybe your family are fine with keeping a loved ones ashes in an urn or spreading the ashes somewhere special, and for you this is important. For me, I will continue to choose traditional burial when given the responsibility to make final arrangements.

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