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Posts posted by rhwbmw

  1. My 18 yr old daughter took her brother and sister to see it and they all loved it. My son has read all the books and loved the series. He read them all in a week. They have the series at the library at Moses. He read them last year unless something else has come out he doesn't know about.

  2. Please pm me regarding a commerce membership and advertising for my business. It is Prime Auto and Muffler. I tried to email you but do not have outlook and can't get your email address. Thank you

  3. I always buy on sale and never need to buy anything else during the year. I have 60 packs of notebook paper in the supply closet. Walmart matches prices so you only have to go to one store if you have the sales pap per from the others. I got paper for .09 last week but I already had some left from last year and I have 3 kids in High School

  4. I purchase supplies (enough for 3 children) every year for under $20.00 for everything except book bags and always have enough to send in extras and have a closet full of supplies for them that they can go to during the school year when they need something else. So I don't see why any parent could not supply their own child.

  5. All three of mine went to Moses and we loved it I'm sad that we will be leaving after being there for six years straight. My son will be a freshman this year. The teachers are great, but the office staff are the best.

  6. My girls called their little brother Boo Boo because they were 2 and 3 when he was born and couldn't say baby brother. He is 14 and over 6 feet tall and they still call him that even though he is way bigger than they are. It is to funny. My nephews even call him that and they are 12 and 15

  7. My Mom has been trying for 3 years now. She is blind, kidney's are at 25%, diabetic and a heart patient. We have been through everything now my dad lost his job (construction) but they still can't get any help. She has over $1500 in meds every month. It's rediculous

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