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Posts posted by **Bren**

  1. They certainly can have multiple growth spurts. Our son, who was eventually 6'5", would have a few months of growing rapidly, and then slow down. You could also tell one was coming by a huge appetite increase, maybe a little weight gain, then bam, a few inches would add in a couple of months. He grew almost a foot in one year (really mostly over one summer!)


    During the growing spurts, he was always complaining a lot about knees and elbows hurting, and sometimes stomach and back pains. The Dr. said it was all a normal part of growing up! Our daughter didn't have near the problems, but did have issues with knees and feet on occasion.

    How old was your son during his growth spurts?

  2. Our pediatrician told me years ago that what we think of as "growing pains" are really symptoms of a calcium deficiency. He said it was nothing to worry about and all kids have it at one point or another and for some it's more painful than for others. He told us to give our son Tums every evening and that would help. It worked for him.

    Interesting, I did call the Ped. they just said to use Motrin. I may get her to try tums, they couldn't hurt her.

  3. You better pray it want be McBush in office, more of the same of crap. If you want another eight years of the insanity of the past eight years go right ahead and put McBush in office. McCain is borderline Alzheimer patient and yall want him running this country? Unbelievable. We all know Obama want be President but it want be because he cant do the job.

    How long has Obama been in the Senate? He was elected to the Senate in November 2004.

    During that time how long has he been running for President? 18 Months???


    He has tons, I mean months of experiance ;)

  4. This was an Awesome game!!!!!


    The Hornets came from behind to score.


    The players did a great job as did the cheerleaders and our own Band of Gold sounded Super.


    I will have to admit that I was disappointed that they only got to play one song before having to leave the field for the last 4+ min of half time for a presentation that took all of a minute or so.


    GREAT Game and Performance Everyone.


    Go Hornets!!!!!!!!! :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping:

    Give the band some time to work on it, they are still learning, I know for a fact they are working very hard :)

  5. Congrats to the Freshman & JV teams for their victories over S. Cobb tonight. The Freshman team had an awesome game, final score was 42-0. The JV team won 20-6, this was their 15th consecutive win!




    Way to go RAIDERS, you guys are the =@

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