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Posts posted by **Bren**

  1. All a celebrity knows how to do is to speak someone else's words. It's made them to where they can't think for themselves.


    When I talk to someone about voting and find they don't have the normal intelligence that God gave a human I make sure they remember to avoid conflicts in the voting lines by adhering to the new voting guidelines.

    Republicans will be voting on Tuesday, Democrats will be voting on Wednesday. That way there'll be no fights in the lines.


    "I'm really glad you told me about that. I would have spent all day on Tuesday trying to vote for Obama. Now I know to vote on Wednesday. Thanks!""Glad I could help."

    :lol: :rofl: :rofl:

  2. Holy crap, this kinda stuff freaks me out. I had 2 people in a blue van pull in my driveway, they backed out & went down to the culdesac drove around it twice, weird, and slowly drove out.



    eta- also Bobo RD

  3. The Bible teaches that Satan was cast out of Heaven because he thought of himself higher than God. Satan doesn't really want people to worship him, he is too involved with worshipping himself. That is the gist of Satanist. Not really worship of Satan, but worship of ones self. Which by the way is the ultimate rebellion against God.....Trust and worship in self rather than God.


  4. (as concise as I can - complicated topic!)


    Satanist (in general) do not believe in any deity. They are more a form of humanistic atheism. They tend to be very much into having good health, stripping away as much BS from their life as possible, tend to be very into making themselves a better/stronger person, they tend to be brutally honest. They are not usually self destructive, nor into being "bad" or "evil". That doesn't play a part at all into their beliefs/practices. [There is a sub-branch of Satanism, who like Devil Worshippers, do believe in deity -- but they too do NOT believe in harming others, or the destructive behaviors discussed below.)

    If they don't "worship satan" or believe satan is a deity, why do they call themselves satanist?

    Why are they not just atheist?

    What are their practices?




  5. UPDATE!


    Chris went to the orthopaedic doctor this morning and he has a cervical strain. This is commonly known as a "stinger". With a few weeks of physical therapy he "should" be back on the field in approx. 3 weeks. Thank GOD


    Thanks to everyone who contacted us and prayed for my boy. It means a lot.



    Great news!!! God is good ^_^

  6. I voted for Morgan Freeman since he plays such an awesome GOD and we all know that GOD is a republican!

    Thanks Tow for clearing that up :p :lol:


    Sorry Bwitchy, I'm hijakcing your thread for a moment.


    :angry: TOW: QUIT CALLING ME A HOOCHIE! It is perfectly okay for you to sit around and talk about how Hawt Palin is and how you wish that she would pose in playboy, yadda yadda yadda.....I FREAKING SAID YUM. That was all. I didn't elaborate. If you have such a problem with what I say....there is an ignore feature. USE IT. You do at home :)

    Mrs. Tow, you are da =@

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