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Posts posted by felixfamilylights

  1. We have 3 bikes we would like to sell.


    One is a boys 18" bumble bee transformers bike. Asking $25

    Two girls 12" bikes. They are pink and purple exactly the same (we have twins). Asking $20 each


    We also have 2 girls scooters for sale also pink and purple. $10 each.


    Bikes and scooters are in pretty good condition and are ready to ride.


    PM me

  2. I wish the upcoming 7th and 8th graders the best with their new program. I hated to see the athletics taken from the schools as I coached many years at EPMS. I just hope for the kids this whole thing gets underway for them. I know most of the booster clubs seem to be ready to take on these programs but it really has taken hold witht eh kids yet. It has taken it's toll on some of them. If there was still MS sports the kids would have had spring practice, been learning their system, and be preparing for summer.


    I hope it all works out best for the kids.

  3. I wanted to shout out to our EPMS Raider sports program. We are now heading into soccer and have enjoyed great success again this year. Our 8th grade football team won the Championship again, our girls softball team made the playoffs, both our 8th grade basketball teams won the championship again this year, and both our 7th grade teams made the playoffs with our girls team losing the the championship game. Now both our soccer teams are off to a 2-0 start. Great job Raiders and good luck on the rest of the season.

  4. Thank you!!! Our family loves your display!!! *But where did Santa over the garage go? We missed him on Christmas night. He was our favorite thing you did!!*


    We usually shut down Santa on Christmas day since he has already delivered the toys. We weren't sure i we should keep him up since Christmas was over, thought it may confuse some of the kiddies. Of course my two 4 year olds wanted him back so we put him on the last 2 nights.


    As for what time will we run till tomorrow. Not sure, but it will be late, after all it's New Years Eve.


    Vickie Val, you should try and make it out, I promise it is worth it.

  5. So you think they will be on the EARLY news that comes on before the Today show? I want to set my DVR also. We thoroughly enjoyed the lights and appreciate all your hard work. Looking forward to them next year!


    The camera man told me they most likely will be.


    I am trying to finish up one last song for tomorrow night.

  6. 11 Alive contacted me last week about coming out. Well they finally made it, better late then never. I think we are closing out the Holiday Lights contest.

    They did an interview and it is going to air tomorrw, most liely am news. So I am setting the DVR.


    Also to let everyone know tomorrow (New Years Eve) is the last night of the 2008 display. We will start tear down most likely New Years Day. We would like to thank everyone for coming out and look forward to seeing you all next years bigger and better display. (we hope) I will post this weekend how we did with donations.


    Happy New Year!

  7. You'd think they would have gotten your approval/permission first?????

    We sent in a photo early in December for their Light up the Holidays in hopes they would choose to come light up our house. But we never heard anything.

  8. OUr neighbor sent my wife a message on her facebook and said that a friend of theirs saw our house on Good Morning America this past week. We believe on DEc. 24th. We did not get to see all of GMA that morning and was wondering if anyone on here saw our display on the show? Or maybe can provide us with a link. I tried google with no luck.


    If they did show the house I sure wish they would have let us know so we could enjoy our 15 seconds of national fame.

  9. Do they continue this after Christmas?


    We went on Christmas Eve and the wait was was not bad and WELL worth it. I really expected it to be much longer on Christmas Eve. The DGD's loved it as well as us old folks!


    We plan to run till New Years Eve, with NYE being the last night. 11 Alive has recently contacted us about doing a broadcast from the house as well, so they will be up and running.

  10. I know we do have some people that will sit there forever even with a line of cars. I have not figured out yet what to do. Last year at times we coned off the cul de sac so all you could do was circle and not really sit and watch very long. But this year truthfully the traffic has not seemed as bad as last year. There are certain times there is a line, but it is more to people trying to watch every song.


    I was hoping that people would be respectful enough of each other that they would watch a song or two and come back later if there were a lot of cars. But I have come to realize not everyone is so gracious. We had to put signs int he yard and put in a voiceover due to peopple coming into the yard, littering, and touching the display. I am more concerned for people's safety o getting a nice little shock than the lights.


    If it gets really hectic I will probably cone off a circle so people are forced to watch a short while then come back. On the bright siide we will runt the lights till New Years Eve and typically DEc 26th traffic gets light again. So please come on out even after Christmas.

  11. If you head down to Dallas come on by and check out our display. I think your kids will enjoy it. We are off Dallas-Acworth Hwy (Rt 381)in Oliver Place. If you use the link in our signature it will bring you to our website with some basic directions.

  12. We came out a few weeks ago and it was awesome!! Our inlaws are coming into town in a few days and we will definitely be bringing them by!!


    P.S. I saw you in the paper today! Your little boy looks just like you!

    You have no idea how often I hear that.

  13. I have never tried this before, but here is one of the songs in our display. Video is not the best but it gives you an idea of what our display is like. Hope it works.



    <object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=2560598&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=2560598&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><br /><a href="http://vimeo.com/2560598">Miracle on 34th Street Overture</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user936351">Felix Family Lights</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.


    I can never get these things to embed. Here is a link: http://vimeo.com/2560598

  14. My daughter and I went last night, twice. She loved it and was in awe of Santa. Mr. Felix, I would love to know your secret on him.



    Very simple actually. You see we know Santa personally, so a few cookies and some milk and he comes by each night and stays in our play room. Actually, parchment paper, a projector and a dvd, instant rear projection.


    The posted video is of last year. I am in the process of posting some video on youtube and vimeo in the next day or so.


    Where are the Felix Family lights?




    We are located in New Hope. We are 3 miles south of the Kroger at the Crossroads (Hwy 92, Cedarcrest, and Dallas-Acworth Hwy). If you are coming from Downtown Dallas we are located on Dallas-Acworth Hwy (Hwy 381) 1.5 miles North of the Publix at Paradise Shops. The subdivision is Oliver Place. Once you are in the neighborhood take the 1st left. You'll see them in the distance.


  16. A student teacher at my school told me of ehr neighborhood. Barrington Farms. It is off Hriam Sudie. I believe you turn right onto Hiram Way (before the 4 way if traveling towards 61) and you can see it from the road.


    I too want to take the kids to look at lights other than our own. I wish one of the papers would put together a Christmas Light Tour List or something.

  17. We have a light display that goes with Christmas music. Lights come on after dusk and stays on for about 2 hours. Roll down the window and enjoy! Austin Meadows Subdivision off of Ridge Rd. and Austin Bridge Rd.



    What software do you use? I would love to come by and check it all out.

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