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Posts posted by zjkasmom

  1. We use Discount School Supply and Lakeside. Dollar Tree also has teacher related supplies - if you hit them on the right day, you can find some pretty decent stuff.

  2. I went thru a certain drivethru the other day. When I got my bag of Mcfood, I checked it. The person in the window asked what I was doing and I told him. Well, I moved on before I finished checking it as I was holding up the line. Guess what!? The order was wrong! Drove around the building and cut in (someone was paying and someone was picking up) and got to the pickup window. Told the guy that my order was wrong and handed everything back to him. He gave me my correct order plus my wrong order plus two apple pies! He was very polite and very sorry. I always check my bag before I leave any fast food place.





    Hmmm.... I've been screwed at a certain McDrive thru too - more than once. Wonder if it's the same one....


  3. If the dog already has fleas Frontline will not get rid of them. It repels fleas. My vet gave me a Capstar pill to give my dog which kills all fleas within a matter of hours. After a bit you give them a bath and then apply the Frontline the next day. I haven't seen a flea yet.


    I've used Capstar on my cats a few times. It's good stuff.


  4. If the dog already has fleas Frontline will not get rid of them. It repels fleas. My vet gave me a Capstar pill to give my dog which kills all fleas within a matter of hours. After a bit you give them a bath and then apply the Frontline the next day. I haven't seen a flea yet.


    I've used Capstar on my cats a few times. It's good stuff.


  5. She probably weighs 50 or 60 lbs. Yes, I have an Expedition, I don't want here sliding around the back and getting scared. I'm in Yorkville, where are you??? She won't stay back long enough for me to get a good pic, she comes right to me if I go out there...........here is all I could get.





    We are in Hiram. PM me if you need help!

  6. Is he neutered? Alot of times if dogs aren't fixed it is a natural instinct to "hike" or "mark their territory"??



    Yes, he is neutered. We also have a spayed female who is about 6 years old and she is doing fine. We don't scold him or give him any negative attention when he goes, mostly because we don't realize he has peed until after the fact.


    hope this helps!


    do you answer yes to any of these questions??

    1) Does your male dog continually lift his leg on your furniture or whatever corner smells good to him?


    2) Does he keep going to the same spot on your carpet no matter how thoroughly you have cleaned it?


    3) Is he incontinent?


    4) Is your boy dog just unable to hold it through the night?


    5) Do you need a potty training aid?


    If you answered yes to any one of these questions, then your boy needs a BELLY BAND!

    The Belly Band for male dogs has been tried and tested at Northcentral Maltese Rescue with very satisfactory results. Now you can have complete confidence in your dog when he is out of your sight. You can feel comfortable while riding in the car or visiting family and friends knowing that by lifting his leg he cannot do any damage in their homes. Belly Bands help put a stop to additional "doggie odor" and make your dog feel more secure knowing he will not be yelled at or punished.




    Oh I can just see him in one of these :lol:


    Do they work? Where can you get one?





  7. I would need to get a crate for her to travel to the vet. Does the Humane Society have the ability to check?? She spent the night on the deck, got up and was totally mesmerized by the horses next door. She couldn't figure out why they wouldn't play with her!!


    How big is she?? We have 2 large dogs that we crate while we are at school. Since we're on Spring Break they'd be available if you wanted to borrow one. Do you have a way to transport her?

  8. Shadow is about a year old, a shelter baby. We love him with all of our heart. I don't know if it's something he just needs to outgrow, but he is still peeing in the house. He'll just lift his leg and go on whatever is convenient :( We've tried putting up his water after 6 pm, doggie deterents, making sure everything is picked up off the floor before we go to bed. He also has a great fenced in back yard and spends plenty of timeoutside. But he still is doing it. Is this a normal male dog thing?? I fear my dh has had about enough, he sprayed his laptop (which was sitting on top of the brick at the bottom of our fireplace) last night. We are also afraid that if he hasn't already, he may start on the furniture. We are going to try crating him at night, but other than that we're not sure what to do, espcially if it continues.


    I'd appreciate any ideas/suggestion.

  9. We always stay at The Holiday Inn Resort (not owned by THE Holiday Inn, however) It's right in the center of the action at Pier 14. They have an indoor pool, a great kiddie pool, lazy river, and a couple outdoor pools. Very kid friendly and the rooms all have full kitchens so you can save some $$ by eating in, if you choose.

  10. Are there any local stores that sell Scarlett's products? I know the bookstore downtown did, but since they've closed, I have not bought anymore. Does she have a website? Only thing is, I use cash only (dh has us on Dave Ramsey's plan :rolleyes: ) so I don't have a credit card to use. I'd love to try someof these soaps that I read everyone raving about!

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