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Everything posted by jzajc

  1. 197 asked if rescue was staged and dispatched responded negative. 197 will advise if rescue will be needed.
  2. 120 and 122 responding to 911 hangups. Possible 10-37 caller was breathing heavy. 121 I believe is closer and will respond
  3. Fight at Buffalo Wild Wings several males standing around black pick up caller believes fight is about to start. 710 and 715 en route.
  4. Person trapped on porch by rotwieler with history of biting. Animal Control has been notified and will handle however, homeowner is thinking of shooting the dog. SO en route.
  5. 366 Joel Court Road another unit responding to it did not catch number of unit.
  6. 197 extended on call for a mental case possible 10-44 and other threats
  7. Clarks transporting patient to Kennesaw with one Med 1 in service
  8. Rescue 1 Silver Ridge Drive 71 year male chest pains. Patient is conscious and breathing has taken three nitros and still no relief.
  9. Patient refusal obtained by Rescue 8 cancelling Med 2. Both units back in service.
  10. First units on scene did not see anything canceling all other units to include fire and rescue.
  11. Med call one male hurt Station 3 Clark Med 1 Injuries Picketts Ridge from fight (Picketts Plantation subdivision) 197 and two other units responding did not catch unit numbers.
  12. 184 reports that all units responding can cancel situation under control.
  13. Station 8 and Med 2 316 Hunts Creek Drive 47 year old male sugar dropped from 190 to 110 in the last 15 minutes has used his insulin.
  14. 714 and 710 Hiram Station no further information caller disconnected. 184 is on scene at Hiram Station.
  15. Dark red car leaving the Columns Apartments off of Cleburne Parkway occupied two times.
  16. 710 responding to other accident in front of the animal hospital. Highway 92 is back open.
  17. Med 2 enroute to Paulding non-emergency Rescue 2 in service.
  18. Another accident on Highway 92 in front of Hiram Animal Hospital. No injuries reported at this accident
  19. That is what they said. Most likely the bridge over the railroad tracks.
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