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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. I have not made up my mind yet. I have some errands to run but I hate getting in and out of the car on days like this. The car is a bazzilion and fifty degrees when you get back in it! blah Then you are soaking wet by the time the air cools the car
  2. I don't blame you! she is a cutey
  3. Don't tell anyone,,,but they didn't all fall out Drink plenty of water and try to stay cool! Is the tractor covered? As long as yall bring the beer and snacks you are all welcome :yahoo:
  4. Yep hauling water hose around has begun
  5. I stayed in the pool so long this weekend It took hours for the wrinkles to fall out
  6. So what are you going to do to beat the heat?
  7. I agree with many of the posters that are concerned with children's safety. I will tell you though that sponsorship by many local businesses is down just as the purchasing of items is down due to the economy. These things were kind of taken for granted in a good economy, it is just part of the change that we are all dealing with. Please folks stop griping and pushing against one another, we are a community, we may go back to to stick ball in the vacant lot before it is all over but parents, kids and neighbors will be together.
  8. Yep what about feeling entitled to get all the money you paid in in taxes back, or take a little vacation from working when on unemployment. Or too good to take a lower paying job and get off unemployment. Those that have never paid taxes still get to drive on the roads and use the parks.
  9. Pc native I understand we all get angry over people gaming the system. The system is gamed at all levels up to and including middle class people and corporate America. For some reason the poor have been put under the microscope, how poor is poor enough to get help. We look to see if they are living above a personal ideal of what poor and deserving are. Somebody said earlier most programs are geared to alleviate the suffering of children that have no choice in the bad decisions their parents make.
  10. How needy are you supposed to be? Are you not supposed to have some form of communication so that someone can call you for a job, or Internet to send out resumes. If your circumstances were better 3 months ago are supposed to throw out your $100 pair of tennis shoes and buy dollar store ones so nobody will judge you. The same goes for cars and homes, many have no choice but to hold on to these things as long as they can. They can not sell them immediately. Peoples circumstances change rapidly, unemployment, and even sudden illness. Like I said food programs save families mone
  11. LPPT

    Book Signing

    The interview with Tammy hall is in the Paulding.com news segment I just posted. It is a long segment with the candidate meet in greet if you wish to only view that segment use the slider bar under the video window.
  12. _____________________________ Click for RECENT TOPICS click for RECENT TOPICS click for RECENT TOPICS
  13. I want to say that for people living on the edge programs like this can help them stretch what little money and resources they have a little farther. Feeding 2 or 3 children and especially older children can be draining. Do we really want children to eat ramen noodles all day? This allows many families to use available cash to pay rent and electricity. Nothing is free, the idea is we all give a little, if the gov. takes more than a little and waste it on excesses it is not the fault of those truly in need during these hard times. I choose not to focus on the individuals that take
  14. I would love to meet you. Maybe next time!
  15. Oh lawd, I was soooooo haungreee!! Now I am sooo fulllll!
  16. Me too, I have to drop something off, so we will probably get there about the same time.
  17. Me too ! I am starving and it is 5 minutes away
  18. David Barnett had stopped by the business meeting at lunch yesterday to let everyone know that he had to go to Alabama and did not expect to be back in time. He ask us to let anyone that ask to tell them that something had come up suddenly and it could not be avoided.
  19. Your always doin good Gleempy baby! We are gonna have to peep soon. Got a new place and it has a great pole for Oscar!
  20. Who is sneaking? ain't no one here but us chickens
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