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Everything posted by DeborahS

  1. What's really sad here is that one person/poster can create this much 'crap' (for lack of a better word). I am fairly new to Pcom and I can tell you that I have seen this community come together time and time again...whether it be to help a family that has lost everything due to fire, helping over and over again those that were in need after the flood, offering comforting words and YES, PRAYER when a mom has a sick child, being there to lean on when someone on here has lost a family member or dear friend, to even the smallest thing such as just helping someone new to the area find the ri
  2. IN SPORTS: January 15, 1967 Packers face Chiefs in first Super Bowl On this day in 1967, at the Los Angeles Coliseum, the Green Bay Packers beat the Kansas City Chiefs in the first-ever world championship game of American football. In the mid-1960s, the intense competition for players and fans between the National Football League (NFL) and the upstart American Football League (AFL) led to talks of a possible merger. It was decided that the winners of each league's championship would meet each year in a single game to determine the "world champion of football." In that historic fi
  3. it's so sad when a topic like this gets so little notice...come on peeps, let's try it again today....do something out of the ordinary for someone and 'pay it forward'
  4. ditto I couldn't have said it any better myself...
  5. she's just under the weather...she told me she was at the ER all afternoon...got a spot of pneumonia....bless her heart, she's been loaded up with IV's and meds all day....
  6. ...the best part of this topic thus far is the way the pcommers on here are taking the time to say thank you, or "I appreciate you" or just "I care" to other pcommers on here everyone that I have met has been wonderful!!!
  7. exactly...but because the world is as it is you may have to sometimes just do it anonymously
  8. Hi, prayers for SportsSource, she's not feeling well...
  9. I know....but at least there are a few out there... I would like to say thank you to people like you....
  10. thank you, I enjoyed meeting you as well
  11. Words to start a day The world has turned one more time for you to face the sun When you step out into your day blink as you may but appreciate the force of a universe that spins this world in such a way that its perfect grace blows the kiss of wind on your face And when this day is done your only sorrow is to know that tomorrow this world will not turn for some October/97
  12. MillCreek, you have a pay it forward... Thanks for all you do! You are a great person and we all love the tips and tidbits you post on here! Now, pay it forward please....
  13. I know that through my own experience I did this...at night I would use the pull ups and reinforce to my little one that we will eventually do big boy/big girl at night, but for now we do this. Then I would set my alarm for about 1:00 am, get my baby up to potty...usually it took a few minutes, but eventually it happened, but if it didn't, that was OK. This ended up being the 'schedule' so-to-speak. As Children's Palace said, I made sure I had a mattress cover. The most important thing is to make sure you don't make them feel bad if they potty in the bed. Just tell them accidents hap
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